- Chinese pooches, for short
- Lap dogs, for short
- Dogs with broad and flat muzzles
- Some pups, briefly
- Some pups
- Chinese toys, briefly
- Petite pooches
- Small dogs once reserved for Chinese royalty
- Chinese lapdogs
- Little Chinese dogs, for short
- Asian dogs, for short
- Some lap dogs, briefly
- Little Chinese dogs, briefly
- Chinese lap dogs, for short
- Short-legged dogs
- Chinese lap dogs, briefly
- Poms' dog show rivals
- Toys in laps, briefly
- Chinese toys, for short
- Short dogs, for short
- Some toys, briefly
- Certain lapdogs
- Small dogs
- Little dogs
- Chinese spaniels
- Small dogs, for short
- Lap dogs
- Certain lap dogs, for short
- Chinese dogs, briefly
- Diminutive dogs
- Longhaired toy dogs
- Pets from 14 Down
- Chinese toys
- Chinese canines, for short
- Chinese dogs, for short
- Aristocrats of the dog world: Colloq.
- Small canines.
- Entries at the dog show.
- Toy dogs.
- Pug-nosed dogs, for short.
- Lapdogs: Colloq.
- Small dogs: Colloq.
- Dogs, for short
- Some dogs, for short
- Small hairy dogs, familiarly
- Playmates for Poms
- Some small dogs, for short
- Poms' acquaintances
- Some toy dogs, for short
- Some lap dogs
- Furry toys
- Dogs from China, for short
- Small Chinese dogs, for short
- Longhaired lapdogs, informally
- Playmates for Poms, perhaps
- Short-legged dogs, for short
- Pint-size pooches
- Some toy dogs, briefly
- Flat-nosed dogs
- Longhaired lapdogs
- Snub-nosed pooches