- Handheld gadgets of technological yore
- BlackBerries, e.g.
- App runners
- App runners, for short
- Some Droids
- You can plan on them
- Droids and the like: Abbr.
- They have small touchscreens
- Treo, iPhone, etc.
- Palmtops
- Pre and iPhone
- Smartphones, e.g.
- Smartphones, mostly
- iPhones, e.g.
- Droids, e.g.
- Palmtops, briefly
- Casio products
- Psion Organizers were the world's first ones
- Some meeting reminders, for short
- They may make you go, "Seriously, guys? Right here?"
- They often keep schedules
- Meeting holders?
- Some things parents do to embarrass the kids, for short
- Really, guys... here? causes, briefly
- Feelings out in the open, for short?
- Handhelds (abbr.)
- Blackberries and Palm Pilots, in brief
- Handheld CPUs
- Palms and such
- Smartphone ancestors (abbr.)
- BlackBerries, for short
- BlackBerry, PalmOne, etc., for short
- Palm Pilots, e.g., for short
- Palm devices, for short
- Palms and BlackBerries (abbr.)
- They're smaller than ultramobile PCs
- BlackBerry and Treo, for short
- BlackBerry devices and iPhones, briefly
- BlackBerries and Palm Pilots
- Devices for businesspeople on the go (abbr.)
- Hi-tech gadgets fit for your palm
- Hand-held organizers, for short
- Some are GPS-enabled
- Palm Treos, e.g. (abbr.)
- High-tech organizers (abbr.)
- They're apt to have appt. apps
- Outdated handhelds, for short
- Blackberries and such
- BlackBerry and Treo, for two, for short
- Hand-held organizers, briefly
- Hi-tech hand-held gadgets
- Hand-held hi-tech gadgets
- Palm Treo and Sharp Zaurus
- Palms, perhaps
- Some Palms
- Some have small touchscreens
- Some e-mail receivers
- Treos and iPhones, briefly
- Palmtop computers: Abbr.
- Pocket PCs, e.g.
- Palm Treos, e.g., briefly
- High-tech hand-held gadgets
- Some organizers
- High-tech hand-held gadgets, briefly
- Modern info holders
- Modern organizers, for short
- Apples, sometimes
- Palms in your hands
- Smartphone ancestors
- High-tech appt. books
- Palm gadgets, briefly
- Romantic kissing at the mall and such, briefly
- Smooching in a crowded park and such, briefly
- Smartphone ancestors, briefly
- Devices made largely obsolete by smartphones
- Kiss cam images, briefly
- Mall smooching, etc., initially
- PalmPilots, e.g.: Abbr.
- Smartphone precursors, for short
- Some handheld organizers, briefly
- 57 Down predecessors
- Appt. holders
- Handheld computers: Abbr.
- Palm Pilots and BlackBerrys
- BlackBerrys, e.g.
- Handheld devices: Abbr.
- Very small computers
- Electronic organizers: Abbr.
- Hand-held computers
- Hand-held organizers: Abbr.
- High-tech organizers
- BlackBerrys and iPhones
- Hand-held helpers, for short
- Droids and iPhones
- PalmPilots and Droids
- Most new phones, for short
- Smartphone predecessors: Abbr.
- '90s conveniences
- Android ancestors
- Outmoded organizers
- Smartphone preceders: Abbr.
- iPhone ancestors: Abbr.
- Smartphone predecessors
- '90s tech
- Mobile family
- iPhone ancestors
- Smartphone forerunners
- '90s hi-tech
- Once-popular organizers
- Outmoded appt. books
- Modern organizers: Abbr.
- Palmtop organizers: Abbr.
- BlackBerry devices, e.g.
- Modern electronic organizers, for short
- Some handhelds: Abbr.
- Modern organizers, briefly
- Some palmtops, for short
- BlackBerrys, e.g., for short
- Some hand-helds
- BlackBerry and others, for short
- Portable info-storing devices
- Droids, iPhones, etc.
- Droids, e.g., for short
- Droids, etc.
- Many hand-helds, for short
- BlackBerrys and Palms, for short
- P.R. agents' aids
- Palm Pilots and such, for short
- Keepers of appointments, for short
- Multipurpose hand-held devices, for short
- Palmtop organizers, for short
- Some info holders
- Devices rendered obsolescent by smartphones, in brief
- Palm products, for short
- Palms, e.g., for short
- Proto-smartphones, in brief
- Smartphone predecessors, for short
- Forerunners of smartphones, for short
- BlackBerrys, e.g., in brief
- Old PalmPilot products, in brief
- Smartphones replaced them, for short
- BlackBerrys and PalmPilots, for short
- Smartphone forerunners, in brief
- Smartphone ancestors, in brief
- Hi-tech organizers
- Hi-tech appt. books
- Smartphone precursors, briefly
- iPhone forerunners, for short
- Pre-smartphone organizers, for short
- PalmPilot, et al.
- Palms and BlackBerries, in brief
- Smartphone predecessors, briefly
- Devices before smartphones, for short
- Pocket PCs and the like
- Blackberry and iPhone
- Devices such as BlackBerrys
- iPAQs and the like
- Some have GPS
- Devices replaced by smartphones
- Devices largely displaced by smartphones, briefly
- Palms and the like
- Get a room! elicitors, for short
- You can plan on them: Abbr.
- Palm Pilots and Apple Newtons, for short
- Smartphone precursors
- iPhone forerunners
- Smartphone forerunners, for short
- Organizers of yore
- Get a room! elicitors, in brief