- Puzzles, say
- Recreation
- Solving crosswords, e.g.
- Diversion
- Baseball is our national one
- Solving puzzles, say
- For which Izaak Walton fished.
- Painting as a ___—Churchill.
- Amusement.
- Solitaire or Scrabble.
- Opposite of work.
- Crosswords, for one.
- Hobby's relative
- Bowling, e.g.
- Philately, e.g.
- Fun and games
- Solving puzzles, e.g.
- Crossword solving, for one
- Bridge, e.g.
- Quilting or crossword solving, e.g.
- Baseball, in America
- Pleasing recreation
- Crossword solving, e.g.
- Puzzle solving, e.g.
- Recreational activity
- Solitaire or golf, say