% replaces any number of letters (la% - lake, lamp)_ replaces one letter (ca_ - car, cat)

Other crossword clues for answer "ORE"

Catan resource
Cinnabar or cassiterite, for example
It's W. of Idaho
It's often smelt, like roe
Resource in Catan
Contents of some pockets
Forty-niner's quest
Galena, e.g.
Groundbreaklng discovery
Hematite, e.g.
It gets picked out
Metal source
Metalliferous rock
Mine find
Mineral quest
Piece of mine
Smeltery input
Vein contents
Vein glory?
Wash. neighbor
Bauxite, for one
Bed contents
Copper container
Forty-niner's paydirt
Hopper's filler
Iron or gold
Mine output
Pay dirt
Rock group?
Sourdough's find
Tram load
Azurite or malechite
Bauxite or galena
Bauxite or pitchblende
Borax or galena
Hopper load
It's found in streaks
Lode contents
Mine material
Natural resource
Northwestern st.
Vein pursuit
Borax or Bauxite
Eugene's st.
Groundbreaking discovery
Virginia City output
Graphite, e.g.
Homophone of 21-Across (and anagram of 46-Across)
Kimberlite, for one
Material whose name sounds like a conjunction
Three-fifths of a city, in Catan
He who smelt it dealt it?
Heavy-metal band, perhaps?
Mine find that's later refined
Resource in Settlers of Catan
Prospectors might find it
Rock with metal
Rock-solid asset?
Settlers of Catan resource
World of Warcraft resource
Rock worth mining
Inedible source of iron
Sedimentary rock
Smeltery stuff
Valuable metal
Valuable rock
It courses through veins
Mined metal
Mined-over matter?
Silver container
Unwrought iron
Hard rock that might be the source of heavy metal
It may contain gold, if you're a lucky miner
Mine extraction
Rock that's picked
Source of mining profits
Rock with valuable stuff inside
Jewel source
Raw mineral
Assayer's specimen
Vein yield
Ferriferous rock
Foundry need
Vein filler
-ite rock
Assay subject
Bank deposit
Bauxite or stibnite
Commercial rock?
Copper, e.g.
Crude object
Galena, for one
Hard rock component
It's crude
Krona division
Mine removal
Miner's matter
Miner's quarry
Molybdenite, e.g.
Picked out stuff?
Rock formation?
Rock in a shaft
Rock often found in crosswords
Rock solid?
Rock that some people dig
Source of metal
Stamp mill stuff
Stuff of mine?
Underground rock?
Valuable picks?
Wolframite, e.g.
Bauxite, e.g.
Valuable mine stuff
It hasn't been smelt yet
Lucky strike
Malachite, e.g.
Miner issue
Raw metal
Underground metal?
Mine production
Miner's quest
Rocky deposit
Valuable seam deposit
Discovery in underground rock
It's mined, all mined
Stuff you get when you have your pick
Underground metal band
Iron ___
Refined material
Something a mine sweeper might stumble upon?
Contents of vein
Mineral yielder
Scandinavian currency
Hematite or Magnetite
Smeltery charge
Iron source
Hundredth of a krone
Mined stuff
Miner's load
Mining find
Raw rock
Get a lode of this
Hundredth of a krona
Galena, for lead
It's out of its mine
Pitchblende, e.g.
Contents of a seam
Comstock load
Mined material
Miner's find
You can dig it
Tramcar contents
It's all in vein
...this is found
Mined matter
Lode load
11-Across makeup
Underground target
Mined find
St. abutting 8-Down
Rock you might dig
What you may mine
Discovery in a seam
Source of iron
Metal-bearing mineral
Noranda Mines find
Galena or bauxite
Comstock output
Mineral vein
Vein to mine
Bucket conveyor's load
It's taken from the ground up?
Load from a lode
Commodity that's assigned a grade
It's found in veins
Magnetite or hematite
Supplemented iron?
Assayed material
Stuff found in veins
Find that's mined
Graded material
Rock band?
Pyrometallurgists treat it
Bonanza find
Seam material
Haulageway load
Rock bands, possibly?
Material in seams and pockets
Shipment to a smeltery
Smelter fodder
It often requires refinement
Gold or silver source
Rock to be refined
Find underground
Future school?
What may be carried out in a car
Coke may be used in its treatment
It's often hand-picked
One with much hidden value?
Possible source of slag
Sch. that won the first NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament
Former coin named after an Ancient Roman coin made of gold
It's picked out and thrown in the car
Its official tree is the Douglas fir: Abbr.
Raw material for some Allentown operations
St. where the U.S. track-and-field Olympic trials take place
What mine eyes have seen?
Word from which I had to extract (nudge nudge) a unique clue, for the 6,000th time, for this grid
Car cargo
It's taken underground
Lead follower
Stock-in-trade for many Bethlehem operations
What may be picked out of a bed
Luxurious spread
Word partially from the Old English for "bronze"
Word that sounds like a conjunction
Raw material for alchemists
Setting for the town of Boring, whose sister cities are Dull, Scotland and Bland, Australia: Abbr.
Stuff in a shaft
Tailings are the waste from it
Where to get the gold
Blast furnace input
Cinnabar, for example
Forty-niner's find
Ground crew's discovery?
Seamy stuff?
Sought-after rock
Gem's "hiding place"
Material plentiful near some old boomtowns
Earthly material that I keep saying I don't ever want to put in a crossword again, but yet here we are
It could be gold
Material seen on Nevada's state seal
One with gold or silver, but not bronze
What the Seven Dwarfs worked to find
Assay office concern
Cinnabar or pitchblende
Heavy-metal rock?
Mining material
Raw material
Source of many metals
Tram contents
Unrefined metal
Contents of some trams
It's unrefined
Metal container
Miners dig it
Prospector's find
Strike yield
Cal. neighbor
It requires refining
Metallurgist's sample
Miner's strike
Naturally occurring mineral
Raw resource
Rocky asset
Smeltery supply
Tram filler
Dig this
Refinable rock
Smelter input
Assayer's sample
Band of gold?
Bonanza stuff
Cuprite, e.g.
Hematite or bauxite
It's mined and refined
Neighbor of Ida.
Rich rock
Rock deposit
Rock discovery from down under?
Combination of minerals
Find in a mine
Matter of miner concern
Mine product
Miner concern
Miner's score
Smelter material
Miner matter
Tramcar load
Argentite, e.g.
Forty-niner's score
Hematite or galena
Hopper lode
It may be picked out of a pocket
Metallic rock
Metallurgy specimen
Prospector's quest
Tramcar lode
Unrefined material
Vein extraction
Assaying sample
Cinnabar, for one
Mt. Hood's state
Something to assay
Valuable vein
Assayer's raw material
Gold digger's strike
Prospecting yield
Prospector's prize
Some search for it in vein
Mineral supplement found in 20-, 33-, 43-, and 60-Across
Bauxite or hematite
Beryl, e.g.
Calif. neighbor
Klondike lure
Lode deposit
Mesabi shipment
Substance in a seam
Valuable rocks
A lode off one's mine?
Gold Rush quest
It's found in a lode
Material found at diggings
Valuable deposit
Azurite or galena
Cinnabar or wulfenite
Fruit of a miner's labor
Fruit of a miner's labors
It's discovered in veins
It's found in a vein
It's of miner concern
Quarry find
Sample for an assayer
Something found in veins
Stuff that may hold gold
Substance in a vein
The Douglas fir is its state tree (abbr.)
Tram's haul
Assayer's material
Buried treasure?
Coffinite, e.g.
Deposit in a lode-bearing wall?
Deposit worth digging up
Foundry material
Garnierite or bauxite
It's found underground
Magnetite or beryl
Metallurgy sample
Miner's bonanza
Mineral deposit
Seam contents
Source for raw metal
Underground riches
Vein deposit
Great Lakes cargo
It needs refinement
See 52-Down
Smelting material
Mineral source
Object of extraction
Pitchblende or bauxite
Pitchblende, for one
Seam deposit
Seamy material?
Vein hope
Crude metal
Ida's partner?
Klondike enticement
Klondike find
Metal from a mine
Mined mineral
Pitchblende or wulfenite
Smelted stuff
Unrefined find
Wulfenite or galena
Can you dig it?
Foundry delivery
Refinery input
Strike discovery
Taconite or pitchblende
Valuable mineral
___-Ida (frozen potato brand)
Stuff to smelt
Minecart contents
Miner's prize
Motherlode contents
Jeweler's starting point
Drilled stuff
Uncut rocks
Portlandia setting: Abbr.
Smelting input
Portland st.
Portlandia st.
Ida.'s neighbor
With 29-Across, brand that owns Bagel Bites
See 60-Across
Rock for processing
Copenhagen coin
Mine yield
Mispickel, e.g.
Mt. Hood' state
Nev. neighbor
Cuprite or bauxite
N. of Nevada
Some get a lode of it
Mesabi output
Beaver St.
Evergreen St. neighbor
Galena or magnetite
Galena or sulfur
It's all in the mine?
Lead or copper, e.g.
Metal-bearing rock
Mine line
Native metal
Panner's pickings
Assayer's find
Feldspar, e.g.
Quarry product
Rock with potential
Vein quest
Lode find
Miner's discovery
Notable 1849 find
Profitable rock
Shaft deposit
Shaft find
It may be high-grade
Lode output
Lucky shrine
Mine deposit
Quite a lode
Seam sample
Shaft discovery
Vein find
Dig it!
It can be picked out
Portland's st.
Prospector's goal
Seam discovery
Bonanza in a mine
Salem's st.
Useful mineral
Bend site: Abbr.
It's extracted
Seam find
Tin container, maybe
Underground asset
Eugene's state: Abbr.
It may be picked out
Refinery metal
Promising rock
Salem's state: Abbr.
Buried treasure found in 17-, 27-, 44- and 59-Across
50-Down member's find
It's picked out of a mine
Tramcar filler
Face extraction
It may be found in a deposit
Mining matter
Rock that's mined
A prospector might get a lode of it
Bauxite, to aluminum
Bend's st.
Bonanza rock
Bonanza, essentially
Cinnabar, vis-à-vis mercury
Miner's objective
It usually ends in "ite"
Lode material
State that's home to Nike H.Q.
Galena or hematite
Neighbor of Nev.
Neighbor of Wash.
Nickel source
Pacific st.
Rock in a seam
Rush find
Salem is its cap.
Stuff in a seam
Stuff to be smelted
The Columbia R. forms much of its northern border
Cinnabar or magnetite
Its processing produces slag
Mineral in a wall, perhaps
Mineral in the raw
Precious metal source
Rush discovery
Underground treasure
Comstock Lode find
Find at the mine
Mesabi Range output
Mineral resource
Rock with promise
Argentite, vis-à-vis silver
Mt. Hood locale
No ordinary rock
Pickax picking
Rush participant's prize
See 63-Across
Trail terminus: Abbr.
Bend's state: Abbr.
Celestite, e.g.
Load off one's mine?
Miner's reward
Rock to refine
Rock worth unearthing
Smelter raw material
State south of Wash.
Valuable extraction
32-Down contents
Homonym of 2-Down
Ironworks input
Miner's target
Ducks' home: Abbr.
It's found in lodes
Mining target
Prospector's target
St. plagued by wildfires in 2017
Underground find
Vein output
Bonanza contents
Cinnabar or hematite
Valuable underground find
Vein discovery
Willamette Valley state: Abbr.
Claim discovery, perhaps
Mt. Hood's home
__-Ida Tater Tots
Hematite, for one
Historic trail terminus: Abbr.
Iron __
Iron mine output
Kate Brown is its gov.
Minecraft material
Resource in The Settlers of Catan board game
W. state whose largest city is named for a New England city
Bank deposit, perhaps
Cal.'s northern neighbor
I-5 state
Lead source
Mined resource
Mother lode stuff
Pacific Coast st.
Resource in the board game Catan
Rock in a vein
Where to find Bend and Bandon: Abbr.
It's found in banks
Mine lode
Minecraft resource
Pacific Northwest st.
Resource in Catan and Minecraft
Salem's lot?: Abbr.
Smelter's input
Smelter's supply
Some Minecraft blocks
Some underground rock bands?
One of five principal resources in the game Catan
Redstone in Minecraft, e.g.
Substance that lacks refinement?
Cinnabar, e.g.
Deposit for processing
Extracted resource
Find to be mined
Ida. neighbor
NorCal neighbor
Raw mineral in a mine
Rocks that need refinement
Silver deposit
Underground resource
Assay specimen
Assayer's concern
Bauxite, for example
Galena or pitchblende
Hidden gold
Norwegian coin
PAC-10 sch.
Smeltery need
Tram cargo
Subject of an assay test
Danish coin
Mine matter
Pitchblende is one
Smelter stock
Aluminum source
Mesabi product
Mesabi resource
Seam stuff
Unrefined rock
Bedrock deposit
Comstock find
Metal deposit
Metal, pre-smelting
Substance for smelting
Pocket contents
Silver source
It's north of Cal.
Source of silver
Tram haul
Unprocessed rock
Iron in the rough
Digger's find
Mine contents
Mine rock
Stuff in seams
Copper source
It's refined
Magnesium source
Assay candidate
It lacks refinement
It needs refining
Panner's quest
Refinement candidate
Tin source
What some seams are made of
Furnace input
Gold source
PST st.
Rock that is mined
Source of nickel
State s. of Washington
Vein material
Where Mt. Hood is
Lode stuff
Prospector's yield
Smeltery's raw material
Source of scandium
Stuff to refine
-ite compound, often
Mine discovery
Mined rock
Smeltery delivery
Assay sample
Miner's haul
Mt. Bachelor's home
Rock-band discovery
Stuff found in a 119 Down
Bismuthite, e.g.
Bounty for prospectors
Elementary stuff
Essence of some rock bands
Lode strike
Silicon Forest loc.
Smelter delivery
With 47 Down, frozen-food giant
Cavity extraction
Delivery to a smeltery
Focus of some strikes
It may lie in a bed
Silver at its source
Underground deposit
What a seam may hold
Deposit in some banks
Extraction candidate
Grist for some mills
Pocket material
Source of gold
Valuable diggings
Heavy barge burden
Magnetite, e.g.
Material in some seams
Metallic material
What may hold gold
33rd st.
Crater Lake loc.
Elementary matter
Metal bearer
Mine resource
Rock for refining
See 37 Across
Subterranean resource
What an open car might hold
Aluminum container, initially
Collection in the Minecraft game
Deposit in underground banks
Dug-up commodity
Load for some barges
Many an oxide or silicate
Rock in a mine
Contents of a valuable vein
Gold holder
Many a sulfide
Miner's extraction
Mineral that's mined
Refinable resource
Rock in mines
Rock often ending in -ite
Withdrawal from a deposit
Bronze coin of Scandinavia.
Mesabi Range product.
Natural mineral.
Topic in metallurgy.
Beryllium bearer
Certain iron oxide
Lead __
Many an oxide in rocks
Metal from mines
Metal that's mined
Metal-laden rock
Mineral holder
Rock from a mine
Smelter's raw material
Source of iron or silver
What copper comes from
What fills some veins
What some rail cars carry
With 34 Across, train hobbyist's buy
Contents of some deep pockets
Extraction from a mine
It might hold gold
It sounds like it's done
Many an oxide
Metal-laden mineral
Metallic mineral
See 29 Down
Bismuthite, for instance
Certain stone with sulfides
Common Great Lakes cargo
Form of gold
Its grade depends on concentration
Metal-filled rock
Mine stuff
Mineral from a mine
Raw metal in rocks
Rock containing metal
Rock extracted from a mine
Rock removed from a mine
Rock removed from mines
Rock taken from a mine
Valuable stuff in seams
29 Down source
Many a silicate
Metallurgic matter
Pac-12 rival of Wash.
Rock bound for a refinery
Selenium source
Assayer's study
It's picked out
Krona part
The Beaver State: Abbr.
Coin of Norway
It might be found with a doodlebug
It might be picked off
Mt. Hood setting
Neighbor of Calif.
Part of a krone
Rough stuff
Stamp mill input
Vein stuff
Coin of Denmark
Coin of Sweden
It might be moved on a bucket conveyor
It might have a silver lining
It's found in a lode-bearing wall
Setting of Crater L.
Smelting raw material
Smithsonite or pentlandite, e.g.
Smithsonite, e.g.
Taconite, e.g.
The Columbia R. forms part of its border
What a gold digger is looking for
What assayers analyze
With 61-Down, brand of frozen potatoes
___-Ida (brand in the frozen food section)
Fraction of a krona
Gold container, maybe
Metal in rocks
Portland's state: Abbr.
Vein gloriousness?
What one of the hypocycloids in the Pittsburgh Steelers' logo represents
Dirty money source?
It may be measured in assay tons
Rock enjoyed by metal fans?
Setting of Pacific U.
Slag furnace input
The Snake R. forms part of its border
Unrefined stuff
Groundbreaking stuff?
Smeltery material
___-Ida (brand of frozen French fries)
Crater Lake's state: Abbr.
Basic source of priority metal.
Crude mineral.
Material containing metal.
Metalliferous substance.
Swedish coin.
Material found in a placer.
Native mineral.
Small Swedish coin.
Vital smelting material.
Metal: Poet.
.01 krone.
Where Salem is: Abbr.
Crude material.
Where Portland is: Abbr.
Product of a glory hole.
Salem is its capital: Abbr.
Yielder of mineral.
Bauxite, for instance.
Gov. McKay's state: Abbr.
Product of a mine.
Senator Cordon's state: Abbr.
West Coast state: Abbr.
Where Mount Hood is: Abbr.
Where Mt. Hood is: Abbr.
Gold as you find it.
Important Great Lakes shipments.
Senator Morse's state: Abbr.
Shipment to the assayers.
What pitchblende is.
Where Astoria is: Abbr.
Where Bonneville Dam is: Abbr.
Where Crater Lake is: Abbr.
Where Eugene is: Abbr.
Azurite, for instance.
Cinnabar or galena.
Cinnabar or pyrites.
Malachite, for instance.
Mine sample.
Sen. Morse's state: Abbr.
A state: Abbr.
Home of the Douglas fir: Abbr.
Refinery intake.
Beaver State: Abbr.
Bronze coin of Denmark.
Great Lakes shipment.
Sen. Neuberger's state: Abbr.
Metallurgy topic.
Mine shipment.
South of Wash.
State: Abbr.
Vermilion Range product.
Coins of Norway and Denmark.
Escanaba cargo.
Output of Mesabi Range.
Coin of Copenhagen.
Taconite, for one.
Western state: Abbr.
Food for the smeltery.
Hours: Ital.
Limonite or siderite.
Mining sample.
Ocher ingredient.
Unclose: Poet.
Cargo for Great Lakes ship.
Hours: It.
Source of 48 Across.
Sourdough's goal.
See 102 Across.
Scandinavian coin.
Sunset State: Abbr.
Source of speiss.
Scandinavian money
Krone part
Lode yield
Iron container
Norse coin
Steel-furnace input
Cuprite, for one
Earth yield
Erie cargo
Natural asset
Slag base
Mesabi matter
Minnesota shipment
Natural product
Neighbor of Cal.
Iron, e.g.
Jacutinga, e.g.
Lode ingredient
Rock salt, e.g.
Shaft lining
Shipment from Duluth
Smelter's stuff
Iron locale
Bauxite or prill
Pittsburgh intake
School of mines topic
Smeltery grist
Sourdough's quest
Bauxite or malachite
Blende or sphalerite
Mining product
Shipment to Bethlehem
Sphalerite is one
Vein's glory
Iron in the raw
Pulled apart
Shipment to Kokomo
Smelter food
The Beaver St.
Bergen coin
Ilmenite, for one
Intake at Bethlehem
Lithium source
Manganese, e.g.
Material for some mills
Mispickel is one
Object of stoping
Vein item
Blende, e.g.
Chalcopyrite, ___ of copper
Galena is one
Genesis of steel
Money in Malmö
Prospector's prospect
Stibnite, e.g.
Tinstone or bauxite
Tinstone, e.g.
Cassiterite or bauxite
Cassiterite, e.g.
Earth's valuable yield
Nothing could be finer to a miner
Paco, e.g.
Stockholm coin
Mispickel or bauxite
Mispickel or pyrite
One of Earth's treasures
Part of a krona
Coin for Olaf
Galena or pyrite
Miners dig this
Gary intake
Prill or stibnite
Pyrites, e.g.
Earthy offering
It's mined off one's lode
Norwegian wherewithal
Prill or pyrite
Soo Canal's cargo
Bismuth, e.g.
Bronze coin of Norway
Dane's small change
Metal holder
Miner's delight
Mispickel or cinnabar
Prill is one
Product of 51 Down
Pyrite or mispickel
Placer material
Small change in Denmark
Digger's prize
Kind of strike applauded by mine owners
Siderite or mispickel
Tram's cargo
Eugene's loc.
Metal carrier
It's north of Calif.
Mine-car load
Refinery shipment
Swedish cents
Dolomite, e.g.
Mill shipment
Mine metal
Return on a deposit?
It might need refining
It runs in veins
It's unsmelted
Metal to be refined
Tramful, maybe
Fissure filler
Hard rock, maybe
Nickel in a pocket, say?
Smeltery pile
Change from a krone
Iron man's quest?
It's found in the ground
Profitable extraction
Some can dig it
It may have a silver lining
It's pursued in vein
Mine diggings
Riches from ditches
Metal band?
Contents of 28-Across
It may be reached by tunnel
Metallurgist's subject
Objective for 25-Across
Parts of a krona
Seam content
Shipment to a mill
Bauxite or magnetite
It may be in a bed
It might be picked apart
It's fine for a refinery
Subject of testing
A load off one's mine?
Excavation find
It may be sought in a rush
It might be found in a rush
Mesabi range find
Rush attraction
See 11-Down
Find for 8-Across
Kind of deposit
Calif.'s northern neighbor
Iron or gold source
Metallurgist's material
Underground wealth
Assayer's stuff
It may be found in a pocket
It's picked
Lead ___
Prospector's interest
Seamy matter
Source of iron or lead
It may have a lead part
It's found in seams
Something to pick
Something to slag
Swedish coins
Blast furnace material
Nugget holder
Penny : pound :: ___ : krone
Prospecting find
Source of wealth
Bank deposit, of sorts
It may be picked
1/100 of a krone
100ths of a krona
Extraction target
It's major for miners
Lead from a mountain?
Metal on its way to a refinery
Mine treasure
Uranium source, e.g.
___-Ida (Tater Tots maker)
Garnierite, for nickel
It's lode-bearing
Metal in a mountain
Mountain treasure
See 46-Down
Stuff in a bank
What's mined to keep?
Extracted stuff
It's raw
Miner's pay dirt
Part of the underground economy?
Rush igniter
Sudbury Basin export
Bed rock?
Danish coins
Gold in them thar hills?
Mine layer
Refinery material
The gold in them thar hills, say
Valuable stuff in a pocket
2-Down, for one
A heavy metal band may have it
Certain extraction
Digger's strike
Magnetite or cinnabar
Millerite, e.g.
Resource in the game Settlers of Catan
Stibnite, for one
Stuff to dig up
Valuable stuff in a vein
What a picker may pick
What may be under a mountaintop
What to take the lead from
Bonanza yield
Good source of iron?
It may contain mercury
It's often an oxide
Lucky rockhound's find
Mined rocks
Rock with gold or silver, say
Rush target
See 9-Down
Some Scandinavian coins
Some freight cargo
Some freighter cargo
Some slurry stuff
Something in that vein?
Something that may be amalgamated
What is 1/100 of a Danish krone?
Heavy metal band?
It's targeted for extraction
Many a substance ending in "-ite"
Resource in the board game The Settlers of Catan
Stuff in many 57-Across
What might be grabbed in a rush
1/100 of a Norwegian krone
Bauxite, for aluminum
Great Lakes freighter load, perhaps
It might be found in a deposit
Material in the game Minecraft
Rocky subject?
Silver ___
Target of a strip search?
Dug stuff
Early metal?
Extractions are made from it
It may contain gold
It's searched for in a rush
Old Swedish coins
See 112-Down
See 38-Across
Some hard rock
Valuable mine rock
1/100 of a 43-Across
45-Across divisions
A miner concern?
Asset in the game The Settlers of Catan
Cent : U.S. :: ___ : Sweden
Contents of a vein
Extraction target, often
Fractions of a krona
Iron Range product
It can be hard to process
It's mined
Material collected in Minecraft
Material that is 25-Acrossed
Metal before refinement
Mine cartload
Resource in the Mesabi Range
Rock with valuable nuggets
Some metal bands?
Something found in a rush
Strike with a pickax?
Carnotite, for example
Cent : euro :: ___ : krona
Extractable resource
Gold waiting to be discovered
It could be carried in a cart
Mine cart filler
Molybdenite, for molybdenum
Rocks sent to a refinery
Underground band
Potential resource on an asteroid
Shipment to a refinery
Something picked at with a pickax
Stuff searched for in vein?
About which someone might say "Get the lead out!"
Certain deposit
Certain freight car cargo
Division of the Danish krone
Half of a frozen foods brand
Homophone of 44-Across
Divisions of a krone
Elementium or obsidium, in World of Warcraft
High-value deposit
Metal in a mine
Mineral-bearing rock
___-Ida, maker of Tater Tots
Blast furnace supply
Deposit of a sort
Dug-out material
Earth deposit
Gold in them thar hills, e.g.
It may come from the hills
It's stored in a vein
Malachite, for one
Nickel found in a pocket, say
Refinery rocks
Rock that's graded
Something of miner interest
Unit of the Swedish krona
Hopper car contents
Iron Range haul
Part of a rock band?
Rock hard
Smelted material
Uranium source
Valuable rock deposit
What might be found in a bed
You want to make something of it?
Potential product of asteroid mining
Prize that a prospector pries
Unrefined mined find
Valuable find in the ground
Chalcopyrite, e.g.
Mispickel or galena
Zinc or copper
Trams transport it
Mispickel or zinc
Mine rocks
See 75-Across
Smelter stuff
With 89-Across, brand of frozen potatoes
See 5-Down
With 33-Down, frozen potato brand
10-Down source, e.g.
Refined find
___ Hill, Badlees mining song?
Badlees "Hill"
Japanese group ___SkaBand
The Decemberists' home, for short
Nickel source, e.g.
Limonite, e.g.
Tantalite, e.g.
Ali "___-___-O" (repeated word)
Everclear's home state, for short
Kingsmen home state, for short
The Badlees "___ Hill"
Where Everclear is from, for short
Black 'N Blue home state, for short
Dandy Warhols home st.
Japanese femmes ___SkaBand
The Decemberists' home state, for short
Everclear home state, for short
If I mine it it's mine
Reason to dig deep?
Reward for those who dig deep?
Band with miner pieces?
I can dig it! (So can you)
What Donkey Kong may have had to remove from the mine carts before riding them
If I mine it, it's mine! (assuming I have the mineral rights)
Miner discovery?
Rock piece in a miner scale?
It's full of minerals
Sen. Smith's state
Land that borders the Pacific Ocean: abbr.
Rep. DeFazio's state
Land on the Pacific: abbr.
Siberian product
Swedish penny
Word on Gothenburg coins
Borax or stannite
Rhabdomantist's quest
Sounds like Bobby
Proustite, e.g.
Sourdough's strike
Minecraft find
Raw input for refineries
Rock with a grade
RuneScape resource
Asset collected in Minecraft
Material collected by miners
Material that can be smelted
Material that may be carried in a cart
Resource that sounds like a conjunction
___ and More (store with a rhyming name in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Bauxite, vis-à-vis aluminum
Material en route to a refinery, perhaps
Raw material in a mine
Raw mining material
Refiner's supply
Sought-after hunk?
Unrefined material from a 55-Across
Minecraft substance
Contents of a minecart
Material from which minerals are extracted
Metal-bearing material
Minecraft block used for crafting
Miner's material
Mountain resource in Catan
Neighbor of Idaho (Abbr.)
Resource from a mine
Resource in Minecraft or Catan
State next to Idaho (Abbr.)
Stuff in a minecart
Common find, circa 1849
Dig it and mine your business
Galena or cinnabar
Groundbreaking discovery needing refinement
Lorry lode
Mine piece
Miner's concern
Fraction of a krone
Heavy metal?
Lorry lode, perhaps
Vein content
Discovery at Sutter's Mill
Target of refinement
You may want to get a lode of this
Boxcar cargo
Miner's lode
Zincite or chromite
Assayer's subject
Klondike discovery
Nickel in a pocket, perhaps?
Rock hound's find
Specimen for an assayer
Bonanza find, perhaps
Refined resource
Gold digger's aim
It passes through adits
Mother lode material
Galena or cinnabar, e.g.
Klondike find, perhaps
Miner's discovery, perhaps
Rock hound's find, perhaps
Tram cargo, perhaps
Vein contents, perhaps
Boxcar cargo, perhaps
Cores core?
Metallurgy material
Mined item
Nickel in a pocket?
Something to be assayed
Zincite, e.g.
Gold digger's quest?
It's moved through adits
This really smelts!
A miner matter?
For miners it's major
Refinery fodder
Unrefined mineral
Willemite or wolframite
Homophone of 12-Down
Raw smelting material
What rock fans may dig?
Dig this, and mine your business
Miner's vein contents
Unrefined lode
Vein valuable
Zinc or copper, e.g.
A miner discovery?
It's all in your mine
It's taken in vein
Mispickel or cinnabar, e.g.
It may be deep in a mine
Metallic rock found in veins
Seam treasure
Seam valuable
Wolframite, for one
A metal-bearing mineral
Argentite is one
Fool's gold, e.g.
It's totally unrefined
Rock worth something
Stuff in a mine
Valuable stuff in a mine
Comstock's contents
Food for a smelter
Miner's goal
Rock that's worth something
Underground discovery
Valuable find
Valuable find in rock
Hidden gold, e.g.
It brings a smile to a miner's face
It might require refining
Miner's profit
Mineral that contains metal
Rock with value
Rock worth money
Stuff picked out in mines
Valuable rock find
Contents of a vein pocket
Good stuff to find in a mine
It's of miner interest?
Mine score
Mine stuff that's good to find
Miner's rock
Miner's valuable discovery
Miners pick it out
Part of a rocky deposit
Rock salt is one
Rock that's an asset
Smeltery rock
Supplemented 44-Down?
Underground stuff
Valuable mine find
Good rock to pick
Good rock?
Krone fraction
Metal rock?
Mineral rock
Nice rock to pick?
Really good rock
Rock to pick
Valuable thing down and dirty
Geological vein content
Gold may be extracted from it
Iron or lead source
It may contain iron
Settlers of Catan mineral
Smelter's material
Smelter's need
What can be mined in "South Korea"?
Assayed rock
Important resource for a crossword constructor?
It may contain tin
Raw mining product
Tram load at a mine
Unrefined find at a mine
Valuable stuff in a lode
Valuable vein contents
What's found in mines and many crossword grids
Minecraft block
Metallic resource
Rock in a tram
Rock that may contain silver
Stuff in a vein
Deep Rock Galactic resource
5-Across specimen
Home of Portland and Ashland: Abbr.
Iron in a vein?
Iron or iridium resource in "Stardew Valley"
Mined resource in Catan
Miner stuff
Resource to refine
Rock that sounds like a conjunction
Rock to assay
Smelting furnace input
Tin container?
Vein resource
Willamette Valley's state: Abbr.
A piece of one's mine?
Gray Catan resource
It's all mined
Minecraft discovery
Northern neighbor of Calif.
62-Down neighbor
Crater Lake's locale: Abbr.
Deposit in a vein
Gold or iron source, in Minecraft
Mineral such as bauxite
___-Ida (Tater Tots brand)
Mine extract
Mispickel for one
Rock of ages
Tram's load
Cassiterite or cinnabar
Gold before refinement
Mispickel or ocher
Edmund Fitzgerald cargo
Galena or feldspar
Miner's metal
Prill or bauxite
See 44 Across
49ers' quest
Valued rock
Product of 20 Across
Sunset St.
Barite or beryl
Hematite or pitchblende
Lode off the mine
<I>Edmund Fitzgerald<I>s cargo
Argentite, for one
Hopper car cargo
Mining goal
Webfoot st.
Corf contents: Brit.
Metallic substance
Sutter's Mill find
What miners get a lode of
Word hidden in 17, 28, 47 and 62 Across
Silver or gold
Silver or iron, e.g.
Slag source
Bauxite or azurite
Pyrite, e.g.
Rocky riches
Vein treasure
It may get panned
Matter you mine
Copper container, perhaps
Driller's discovery
Contents of a lode-bearing wall?
Galena or mispickel
It may pan out
Vein makeup
Load yield
Mineral find
People dig it
Vein product
Azurite or malechite, e.g.
It may need refinement
One might get a lode of it
Raw tramful
Wulfenite or cinnabar
It may be all in the mine?
Mining extract
Rock for miners
Train cargo, perhaps
Profitable rock extraction
Valuable mine material
Valuable unrefined rock
Cinnabar, to mercury
Cooperite, to platinum
Cuprite, to copper
Mesabi Range yield
Pitchblende, to uranium
Tinstone, to tin
Titanium dioxide, to titanium
Valuable bedrock deposit
-ite mineral, often
Chromite, to chromium
Delivery to a smelter
Extracted asset
Galena, to lead
Motherlode yield
Prospector's pursuit
Prospector's strike
Rock that may yield revenue
Smelter shipment
Source of slag
Sphalerite, to zinc
Taconite, to iron
1/100 krone, in Norway
Paydirt yield
See 65-Across
Smithsonite, to zinc
Strip mine yield
Magnetite or stannite
Pickax-wielder's resource
73-Across material
Material found by a 14-Across
Rocky resource in Catan
Source of lead
Source of lead or iron
State next to Ida.
Valuable underground material
4-Down's state (Abbr.)
Catan mountain resource
Catan resource found on a mountain hex
City-building Catan resource
Contents of a motherlode
It's mined in Minecraft
Mined substance
State between Wash. and Calif.
State home to Crater Lake (Abbr.)
State north of 37-Across (Abbr.)
State south of Washington (Abbr.)
State west of 46-Across, for short
Catan resource from a mountain hex
Metallic resource in some board games
Metallic resource in the board game A Feast for Odin
Metallic resource in the game Beyond the Sun
Raw mined material
Rock such as sphalerite
Type of Minecraft block
Type of block in Minecraft
___-Ida (frozen food brand named after two states)
S of Wash.
Seam filler
Sourdough find
Valuable strike
Profit source, of sorts
1/100 krona
Pay dirt, maybe
What assay offices examine
Some bucket conveyor material
One might take the lead from this
Carnallite, e.g.
Cobaltite, e.g.
Metallurgy stuff
Metamorphic deposit, at times
Resource needed to build cities in Catan
Resource that may be used to make jewelry
See 111 Across
Smelted resource
Source of titanium
Kind of Minecraft block
Catan resource obtained from mountains
Geology class rock
Iron Mountain finding
Hundredth of a Danish krone
Ironworks material
Mining discovery
One of about 300 for a baby, typically (compared to 206 for an adult)
Rock collection?
Sedimentary deposit
Source of 38 Across
Unrefined mine metal
Word derived from the Old English words for "unworked metal" and "copper"
Deposit, of sorts
It may be refined
There are 100 in a Swedish krona
Alcoa purchase
It gets refined
Deposit content
Vein fill
Rich deposit
Refinery stuff
Rich find
Manganite or magnetite
20-Across makeup
Cassiterite, for one
It's worth mining
Pay dirt contents
Smelter supply
Special rock
Stuff from veins
Stuff that's mined and refined
Seam makeup
Excavation yield
Extracted deposit
It requires extraction
It's drawn from a vein
Lode makeup
Metallurgist's specimen
Mining yield
Mother lode load
Excavated stuff
It might be picked out
Mine cart fill
Mine haul
See 12-Down
Underground bands
Vein of value
The Settlers of Catan resource
Bornite or bauxite
Deposit makeup
Mineral-packed rock
Stuff in deposits
Tin container, perhaps
49ers' goal
It's found in some beds
Minecraft matter
Smelting stuff
Catan stuff
Makeup of some seams
Minecraft building block
Miner's vein
Miner's yield
Picked stuff
Resource found in veins
Subterranean find
Digger's discovery
Earth extraction
Mined deposit
Resource in a Catan game
Rocks for smelting
Stannite, e.g.
Target of extraction
You might pick it
Excavation target
It might be refined
Prospector's quarry
Foundry supply
It's extracted from veins
Refiner's intake