- Holds forth at length
- Emulates Demosthenes
- Offers an address
- Speechifies
- Holds forth
- Speaks from the podium
- Emulates Cicero
- Addresses the mob
- Bloviates
- Delivers an address
- Gives a speech
- Spouts off
- Engages in bloviations
- Delivers from a dais
- Gives an address
- Speaks in the House of Commons
- Speaks from a soapbox
- Emulates Edward Everett
- Speaks with pomposity
- Makes a projection?
- Spouts platitudes, say
- Magniloquizes
- Mounts the soapbox
- Speaks pompously
- Talks pompously
- Emulates Daniel Webster
- Gives a lecture
- Pontificates
- Takes the podium
- Mounts a soapbox
- Addresses the graduating class, say
- Gives a Ciceronian speech
- States one's address
- Says one's piece
- Talks at length
- Declaims
- Delivers verbally
- Speaks from a stump
- Speaks from the pulpit
- Speaks
- Addresses to kill?
- More than just talks
- Spouts
- Speaks formally
- Makes use of Speakers' Corner
- Makes a speech
- Discourses in public
- Addresses a crowd
- Speaks at length
- Takes the floor
- Works with a written address
- Makes an address
- Gets on a soapbox
- Spouts in a park, perhaps
- Addresses to impress
- Takes quite a while to deliver
- Gives a eulogy
- Addresses the crowd
- Uses a soapbox
- Emulates Aeschines
- Practices Ciceronianism
- Takes to the soapbox
- Makes speeches.
- Holds forth on the platform.
- Waxes eloquent.
- Makes a formal speech.
- Speaks from the "soapbox."
- Performs a July 4 duty.
- Takes the stump, in a way.
- Harangues.
- Speaks rhetorically.
- Sounds off
- Spouts forth
- Elocutes
- Emulates Isocrates
- Takes the stump
- Sounds off on a podium
- Pontificates on a platform
- Emulates Bryan
- Emulates Henry Clay
- Emulates Pericles
- Uses a podium
- Takes to the podium
- Emulates Crassus
- Emulates Cuomo
- Emulates W. J. Bryan
- Emulates Webster
- Spouts speeches
- Spiels
- Holds forth from the pulpit
- Emulates Hyperides
- Speaks like Robert Byrd
- Gives a keynote address
- Formally speaks
- Is a keynoter, e.g.
- Has an impressive address
- Is a spellbinder
- Supplies an address
- Appeals to the masses?
- Gives a stemwinder
- Gives a grand speech
- Keynotes, e.g.
- Provides an address
- Speaks grandly
- Stands on a soapbox, perhaps
- Pounds the podium
- Spouts rhetoric
- Speaks bombastically
- Delivers a keynote
- Gives a keynote, say
- Addresses a convention, for example
- Delivers a speech
- Delivers a valedictory
- Addresses the audience
- Delivers a valedictory, e.g.
- Spouts from the soapbox
- Is a keynote speaker
- Speaks to the masses
- Gives a big speech
- Emulates 16 Across
- Takes to the stump
- Delivers a stemwinder
- Makes a big speech
- Gives a eulogy, e.g.
- Speaks before a crowd
- Gives one's address
- Supplies addresses
- Holds the floor
- Addresses a rally, e.g.
- Gives a keynote, e.g.