- Why do I get so much spam! I think it's ___. Yes, I just said that, I get it all the time.
- Join, as through a link
- Get on board
- Check a box, say
- Say you'll do it
- Do this and you may get yourself on a list
- Choose to participate
- Decide to take part
- Decide to participate
- Agree to participate
- Agree to join
- Choose to join
- Say yes
- Agree to take part
- Sign up for newsletters, perhaps
- Choose to take part
- Elect to join
- Join up
- Join a group
- Decide to join
- Sign up for an offering
- Sign up to receive email alerts, say
- Consciously join
- Join voluntarily
- Join
- Accept cookies, say
- Hit the subscribe button, say
- Check the box to receive marketing e-mails
- Sign up for an offering, e.g.
- Join an email list, say
- Agree to be spammed, say
- Elect to participate
- Pay to play, say
- Decide to join, e.g.
- Agree to accept email ads, e.g.
- Agree to receive marketing email, say
- Sign up for advertising emails, say
- Accept cookies, e.g.
- Agree to get marketing emails, say
- Agree to store cookies?