- Newspaper pages
- Newspaper pieces
- Page views?
- Commentators' columns
- Some presidential candidate writings, say
- Candidates sometimes write them
- Slanted writing columns
- Guest columns
- Some biased writing
- Subjective columns
- Pundits' pieces
- Point-of-view pieces
- Slanted pieces
- Articles with prominent bylines
- Columnists' articles, often
- Subjective newspaper pieces
- Newspaper pages with commentaries
- Some newspaper essays
- Certain newspaper pages
- Some opinion pieces
- Commentary pages
- Essays often near the "Readers' Letters" page
- Slanted writing
- Columns with notable slants
- Pundits' columns
- Some Anna Quindlen pieces
- They have their own page
- Opinion pieces
- Pieces by pundits
- Slanted columns
- They're sometimes written by guests
- Paper pieces
- Paper punditry
- Opinion columns
- Pages with views
- Pro-and-con newspaper pair, perhaps
- Essays appearing daily
- Newspaper essays
- Newspaper opinion pieces
- Pages for opinions
- Opinion pages
- Pages with viewpoints
- Pieces with views
- Columns that lean
- Newspaper pundit pieces
- Newspaper sections
- Commentators' pages
- Newspaper columns
- Columns with a slant
- Paper sections
- View sections
- Essay pages
- Places to sound off
- Pundit pieces
- Some newspaper pieces
- Slanted prose
- Newspaper essays, for short
- Paper's essays
- Certain guest columns
- Punditry in print
- Newspaper pundits' pieces
- Newspaper pages with essays
- Special newspaper pages
- Some newspaper pages
- Newspaper opinion pages
- Articles by nonstaffers
- Some essays
- Many Molly Ivins writings
- Paul Krugman pieces
- Subjective pieces
- Some columns
- Maureen Dowd pieces
- Printed points of view, for short
- Many David Brooks pieces
- New York Times pieces since 1970
- Pieces of punditry
- View pieces
- Pieces that can go left or right
- They're full of opinions
- Columns with angles
- Guest essays
- Opinion columns, in brief
- Takes in the paper?
- Think pieces
- Pages for think pieces
- They're not straight news (because they have a slant)
- Propaganda section of the paper, with "the"
- Part of a paper
- Paper section
- Pieces expressing views
- Columns that lean to one side?
- Lines of thought?
- Columns that may sway?
- Subjective columns in the paper
- Commentary pieces in the paper
- Newspaper commentaries
- Point-of-view columns
- Pages with lots of views?
- Columns with viewpoints
- Columns with notable slants, briefly
- Slanted newspaper pieces, briefly
- Some newspaper pieces (Abbr.)
- Commentary columns
- Jamelle Bouie columns
- Pieces by columnists
- Columns with points of view
- Columns with views
- Pundits' writings
- Essays with angles
- Solicited essays
- Sounding-off features
- Maureen Dowd pieces, e.g.
- Printed rebuttals
- Columnists' pieces
- Pieces with slants
- Pieces that take sides
- Paper columns
- WaPo pieces