- Quietly
- Quiet way to walk
- Eager
- Creeping, say
- A bit taller, in a way
- With heels off the ground
- Walking quietly
- Moving sneakily
- How ballerinas dance
- How ballerinas often dance
- Sneaking, maybe
- Poised to reach higher, say
- Cautiously
- Stealthily
- One way to move about.
- Alert.
- How a burglar operates
- So as not to be heard
- Stealthily, maybe
- Moving stealthily
- Walking very quietly, say
- So as not to wake anyone, say
- Like a burglar or a ballerina, maybe
- Proceeding very, very quietly
- Trying to be quiet, in a way
- How a parent serving as the tooth fairy might walk
- Walking stealthily
- One way to walk
- Furtively, in a way
- Reaching for an upper shelf, perhaps