- Lima residents
- Buckeyes
- Clevelandites
- People from Akron
- Youngstowners, e.g.
- Cincinnati citizens
- The Wright brothers.
- Taft and Bricker.
- Senators Taft and Bricker, for instance.
- Bricker and DiSalle.
- Dwellers in Sandusky.
- People of Lima.
- Reds, Browns and Indians.
- Canton residents
- Glenn and Metzenbaum
- The Wright brothers, e.g.
- Seven U.S. presidents, by birth
- Steph Curry and LeBron James, e.g.
- Lima natives
- Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, and Judith Resnik
- Many fans of the Browns
- Harding and Garfield, for two
- Grant, Garfield, Hayes and Harding