- __ bodkins!
- G.I.'s dress
- Is too liberal with the horse?
- Needs a Narcan injection, perhaps
- Binges (on), briefly
- Takes too much, briefly
- ___ bodkins! (mild oath)
- Indulges too much, briefly
- ___ bodkins!
- Goes overboard at a party, briefly
- Goes overboard with the X
- Has a little too much molly
- Has one too many
- Some E.R. cases
- Takes too much junk, briefly
- ER cases
- Takes all the pills, say
- Doesn't know when to stop, briefly
- Gets too high, briefly
- Goes overboard with the horse
- Some Narcan cases, briefly
- Takes too much
- Doesn't know when to say when
- GI's uniforms
- Uniforms for BIs
- Bodkins preceder
- Some garb for GIs
- Excessive amts.
- Excessive indulgences
- Takes to much of, in a way
- Is in need of pumping, maybe
- Gluts, informally
- Binge-watches, say, in slang
- Gluts (on)
- Watches a whole series, say, informally
- Gets one's fill and keeps going
- Binges, slangily
- Is more than sated, in slang
- Watches and watches and watches...
- Goes overboard, slangily
- Has too much of, in a way
- Has too much of, with "on"
- Bodkins opening?
- Takes too much, for short
- Binges, briefly
- Has too much
- Abuses an Rx
- Has too much of a bad thing
- Exceeds the limit?
- Goes too far on a trip?
- Excessive intakes, briefly
- Takes in too much
- Exceeds one's Rx
- Goes too far, briefly
- Takes way too much, briefly
- Does too much
- Pharmacological mishaps, briefly
- Takes too much 59-Acrosses
- Takes too much LSD
- GI attire
- G.I. issue
- Pigs out (on)
- Eats too much of, with "on"
- Shows no restraint, briefly
- Pigs out (on), briefly
- Binges, for short
- Doesn't know when to stop
- More than stuffs oneself, briefly
- Has much too much, briefly
- Some ER admissions
- Eats more of than is wise, with "on"
- Has too much, briefly
- Has way too much, briefly
- Gorges oneself (on)
- Has too much, for short
- More than feasts (on)
- Pigs out (on), for short
- Puts away too much, briefly
- __ bodkins!: old oath
- Goes overboard (on)
- Takes in too much, for short
- Consumes to excess, briefly
- GI uniforms
- Bodkins lead-in
- GI wear
- Military uniforms: Abbr.
- GI duds
- GI garb
- Former GI uniforms
- Has too much, informally
- Private property
- Takes too much LSD, e.g.
- Causes of some DOAs
- Takes too much of a drug
- Takes too much X, e.g.
- ___-bobs (mild oath)
- Hypnotic forces.
- Hypothetical forces.
- Alleged forces.
- Army clothes.
- Officers of the day: Abbr.
- Uniforms of olive drab.
- Army togs.
- Army uniforms: Abbr.
- Army attire: Colloq.
- Army uniforms: Colloq.
- Certain military officers: Abbr.
- Army togs: Colloq.
- Uniforms of a sort.
- Army togs, for short.
- Certain uniforms, for short.
- Army uniforms, for short.
- G.I.'s uniform.
- Uniforms, for short.
- Officers: Abbr.
- Former fatigue clothes.
- Certain uniforms.
- Certain uniforms: Abbr.
- Uniforms, akin to 5 Down.
- Army uniform.
- Army garb
- Clothes of a kind.
- G.I.'s garb
- Military wear: Abbr.
- ___ bodikins
- ___ bodlkins, old oath
- Coal scuttles
- Temporary commanders
- G.I.'s togs
- Eye docs
- Some G.I. togs
- _____ bodkins
- Indulges to the extreme, informally
- Takes too much, in a way
- Emergency room cases, for short
- Some E.M.T. cases
- Some hosp. cases
- Takes too many tranqs, say
- Serious drug cases, for short
- Some E.M.S. cases
- Takes too much, quickly
- Some emergency cases, for short
- Has one's fill and more, briefly
- Shows no moderation, briefly
- Cases for E.M.T.'s
- Gets too high, for short?
- Exceeds the speed limit?
- Has more than enough, briefly
- Some serious hosp. cases
- Binges too much, for short
- Dangers for drug addicts, for short
- Has too much, in brief
- Consumes too much, informally
- Has way more than enough, for short
- Really binges, in brief
- Some tragic ends, for short
- Really binges (on)
- Takes too much, in brief
- Some drug cases, for short
- Toxicological E.R. cases
- Some poison control center cases, in brief
- Drops too much, perhaps
- Takes too many hits
- Has too much fun, in a way
- Ingests too much, briefly
- Isn't temperate
- Some emergency-room cases, for short
- Takes too many pills
- Eye exam providers: Abbr.
- Vision experts' degs.
- Overdoses on the street
- Mil. wear
- ER drug disasters
- Takes too much (Abbr.)
- Rx abusers, perhaps
- Many ER cases
- Mil. guard chiefs
- - bodkins!
- Some cases for 120 Down
- Optometrists' degrees
- ____ bodkins!
- Brief binges?
- Has to go to the ER
- Goes over a mushroom cap?
- Has way too much, in brief
- Needs Narcan, for short
- Takes too much of something, for short
- ___ bodkins! (old oath)
- Vision-checking pros: Abbr.