- Western org.
- Western treaty gr.
- Will Bill Donovan's org.
- Assn. born in 1948
- NATO relative
- Western Hemisphere gr.
- Hemispheric assn.
- Defense grp. since 1948
- Gp. from which Honduras was ejected for two years
- W. Hemisphere alliance
- Sherman ___, Los Angeles
- Alliance for Progress gp.
- Treaty grp. since 1948
- PAU successor
- Western treaty grp.
- Defense grp. formed in Bogotá
- Political grp. with 35 members
- Western alliance initials
- W. Hemisphere grp.
- Western Hemisphere league
- Alliance of 1948
- Hemispheric org.
- Pan-American org.
- W. treaty grp.
- Alliance since 1948
- Assn. including Panama and Paraguay
- Western Hemisphere gp.
- PAU's successor
- NATO cousin
- Western-hemisphere grp.
- Alliance that readmitted Cuba in 2009, for short
- Org. whose newest members, Belize and Guyana, joined in 1991
- Every independent Caribbean country is a member of it (except Cuba... sorta): Abbr.
- Venezuela formally declared in April 2017 its intention to leave it: Abbr.
- Hemisphere-wide alliance since 1948: Abbr.
- Gp. whose largest city is São Paulo and whose HQ is in D.C.
- Pact counting St. Lucia and Mex. among its members
- Org. that Fidel Castro vowed Cuba would never join
- New World org.
- 35-member economic/defense gp.
- Gp. that suspended Cuba in 1962
- Western treaty gp.
- Gp. formed in Bogotá in 1948
- Intl. group since 1948
- Org. formed in Bogotá in 1948
- Gp. to which both the U.S. and Cuba belong
- Western alliance since '48
- Gp. formed in 1948
- West. alliance
- West. alliance since 1948
- Economic gp. formed in 1948
- Pan-American Union successor (abbr.)
- Alliance that includes Uru. and Mex.
- Alliance formed 4/30/48 (abbr.)
- Alliance that includes Arg., Mex., and Uru.
- Alliance that includes Mex. and Peru
- Western defense gp.
- Post-WWII alliance formed in Bogotá
- Western defense gp. founded in 1948
- Intl. alliance formed in 1948
- Post-WWII alliance
- Western Hemisphere league of nations, for short
- Gp. estd. in 1948
- Gp. with the motto "Democracy for peace, security, and development"
- John Kerry spoke at its HQ last wk.
- Pact letters
- Western Hemisphere org.
- Allied gp. since 1948
- Org. that evolved from the Pan American Union
- Treaty gp. formed in Bogotá
- Hemispheric politcal gp.
- Alliance since '48
- Western allies gp.
- Defense gp. since 1948
- Treaty gp. since '48
- Treaty gp. since 1948
- W. Hemisphere defense gp.
- Defense gp. formed in Bogotá
- Western alliance: Abbr.
- 35-member gp.
- Bicontinental gp.
- 35-member treaty gp.
- W. Hemisphere gp. formed to defend against communism
- Defense gp. founded in Bogotá
- Gp. from which Cuba was suspended from 1962 to 2009
- Treaty gp. that admitted Belize in 1991
- Alliance formed under HST
- 35-state Western org.
- Luis Almagro's org.
- W. alliance since 1948
- D.C.-based association
- Alliance since 1948: Abbr.
- U.S. alliance
- DC-based organization
- Defense grp.
- W. alliance
- Amer. alliance
- Western treaty org.
- Western Hemisphere alliance
- Western union
- Alliance letters
- Cuba was voted back into it in 2009
- DC-based alliance
- Alliance based in DC
- Alliance headquartered in DC
- Western Hemisphere alliance: Abbr.
- Western alliance
- Canada didn't join it until 1990
- Grp. Cuba rejoined in 2009
- Hemispheric alliance: Abbr.
- Its headquarters are near Constitution Hall
- Alliance with a DC HQ
- Its HQ is near the World Bank's
- Multinational group headquartered in D.C.
- Its logo has 35 flags on it, including the Stars and Stripes: Abbr.
- Alliance chartered in 1948: Abbr.
- Items on account: Abbr.
- Luzon city.
- Group of countries: Abbr.
- Initials of Latin-American group.
- Western Hemisphere group.
- Initials in headlines.
- Western group: Abbr.
- Western hemisphere group: Abbr.
- Initials in the headlines.
- Latin-American group.
- Occidental group.
- Treaty group formed 1948.
- Western group.
- Org. founded in 1948 in Bogotá
- Hemisphere org.
- Initials in the news.
- American alliance.
- Inter-American group.
- Headline initials.
- Occidental group: Abbr.
- Org. of states.
- Western bloc.
- Hemispheric combine.
- Alliance: Abbr.
- Inter-American org.
- Hemisphere group
- Hemisphere group: Abbr.
- New World alliance
- American org.
- Group est. in Bogotá: 1948
- American PAct org.
- Treaty gp. formed in 1948
- Western pact gp.
- Group comprising U.S., Mex., etc.
- Alliance acronym
- Group established at Bogotá in 1948
- Int. group created in 1948
- Rio Treaty seq.
- W. Hemisphere group
- Int. group since 1948
- W. Hemisphere gp.
- Assn. begun in 1948
- Fr. rebels in the 1960's
- Fr. rebels in the 60's
- Gp. established at Bogotá: 1948
- Int. group established in 1948
- Pan-Am. org.
- Pan-Amer. union
- Western Hemisphere assoc.
- Western Hemisphere acronym
- Org. founded in Bogotá: 1948
- Western org. formed in Bogotá
- W. Hemisphere org.
- Org. founded in 1948
- West. entente
- Treaty org. since 1948
- ABC countries and more
- Western Hemisphere treaty grp.
- 1948 pact: Abbr.
- Intl. org. based in D.C.
- Alliance for Progress grp.
- Intl. assn. since 1948
- Rio Treaty implementer: Abbr.
- W. Hemisphere assn.
- Chile and Cuba are in it: Abbr.
- Grp. founded in Bogotá
- Peru is part of it: Abbr.
- Peace alliance since '48
- Assn. formed in Bogotá
- Grp. of which Cuba is a member
- The U.S. and Can. are in it
- Treaty inits.
- Alliance created in 1948: Abbr.
- New World grp.
- Treaty grp.
- Grp. formed in Bogotá
- Western defense grp.
- Intl. assn. created in 1948
- Mex. and Arg. are in it
- Mex. was one of its charter members
- Group west of the Atlantic: Abbr.
- Grp. formed in Bogotá in 1948
- Grp. that includes Canada and Colombia
- Intl. group with 35 members
- Charter of Punta del Este grp.
- International grp. since 1948
- Grp. that extends from Canada to Chile
- Peace grp. since 1948
- Alliance created in '48
- Mex. and Uru. are in it
- Western alliance, for short
- Grp. that suspended Honduras in 2009
- Alliance HQ'd near the White House
- D.C.-based intercontinental grp.
- Defense grp. founded in Bogotá
- Grp. that suspended Honduras from 2009 to '11
- Hemispheric grp.
- 35-nation alliance, briefly
- Intl. group headquartered in D.C.
- Assn. with 35 member nations
- Intl. alliance that includes Canada and Costa Rica
- Western Hemisphere grp. since 1948
- ___ in "Oscar"
- West. Hemisphere alliance
- Treaty gp. west of the Atlantic
- Western treaty inits.
- Can., Braz., etc.
- It excludes Cuba from its membership: abbr.
- It was formed in Colombia in 1948: abbr.
- Arg., Can., Guat., etc.
- Grp. founded in Bogota in 1948
- Rio Treaty implementer
- Gp. that didn't monitor election in 40-Across
- Western treaty GP since 1948
- Western Hemisphere alliance since 1948: Abbr.
- Org. formed in 1948 with 21 nations
- Org. of American states
- Western alliance since 1948
- Intl. alliance group since 1948
- Western Hemisphere assn.
- Successor to the Pan-American Union
- Assn. launched in Bogota
- Alliance org. founded in 1948
- 35-nation grp. founded in 1948
- Org. founded in 1948 in Bogota
- Grp. for Canada and Chile
- Intl. alliance since 1948
- Grp. with Mexico and Brazil
- Americas org.
- 1948 pact
- Int l group
- Western all. since 1948
- Peace org. of 1948
- U.S., Latin Amer., etc.
- Pan-Amer. Union outgrowth
- Grp. with Chile as a member
- Rio Treaty implementer, briefly
- Intl. agency
- Gp. formed in Bogota
- Grp. that ousted Cuba in 1962
- 35-nation gp.
- Its members include Mex. and Uru.
- Treaty assoc. since 1948
- Can. joined it in 1990
- Assn. that Belize and Guyana joined in 1991
- Grp. founded in Bogotá in 1948
- Guyana is the most recent nat. to join it