- It's found in scores
- Quick message
- Short message
- Thank-you item
- Quickie correspondence
- Mark down
- Memo
- Pay attention
- Piece of music
- Whole or half, in music
- You can drop one or pass one
- D or do
- Pitch identifier
- Bass output
- A or E, but not I, O, or U
- One may be sharp or natural
- Do, e.g.
- Do, say
- Scale symbol
- Take into consideration
- Post-it message
- Staff character
- ___ to self ...
- See 30-Down
- See 38-Across
- Key tone
- Marginal marking
- Reminder for later
- Hemidemisemiquaver, e.g.
- Pay attention to
- 81-Down emission
- Do, re, or mi
- Pay heed to
- Little letter
- Score symbol
- Staff member?
- Reputation
- Take heed of
- Put down
- Consequence
- Piece of a piece?
- See 29-Across
- What some people say they'll make of it?
- Quarter or half
- A bad one is sour
- It's usually bad when it's too sharp
- Name That Tune clue
- Remember this
- High C, for one
- Spot on the staff?
- C or key follower
- E or G, e.g.
- Post-it, e.g.
- So, say
- B flat or C sharp
- C, in C and W?
- Hemidemisemiquaver, for one
- Brief message
- Do or so
- Part of a chord
- Piece of paper currency
- A natural, for one
- High C, e.g.
- Musical symbol
- Musical tone
- Informal letter
- Written reminder
- Chord component
- Fridge posting, perhaps
- Jotting during a lecture
- Symbol on a staff
- Perceive
- Scribbling
- Observe
- Jotted line
- Score unit
- Staff symbol
- Type of message that's "mixed" at the starts of 20-, 28-, 43-, and 52-Across
- Do, for example
- It could be half or whole on a scale
- Semiquaver, for one
- Short memorandum
- A, E, or IOU
- F or G, but not H
- It's passed in class
- Jotted words
- Renown
- Mention
- Word that can follow "sour" or "mash"
- Scale component
- Short letter
- Paper money
- Tone, turned around
- Birdcall
- Birdcall^NOT
- Bottled message
- Classmates pass it
- Do or sol, e.g.
- It can go flat
- Memorandum
- Fridge attachment?
- Observe carefully
- One on a staff
- Piano key
- Reminder
- I'll make a __ of it
- A through G, but not H
- Bank or love follower
- Importance
- Jotted item
- Part of a melody
- Staff entry
- Thing jotted down
- A, for one
- Something to pass in school
- A whole one has no stem
- Brief missive
- Jotted message
- Jotting
- One on a musical scale
- Piano key, e.g.
- A, B or C
- Brief bit of correspondence
- Do, for one
- Marginal jotting
- A flat one may evoke a wince
- Message passed in class
- Musical scale unit
- Bank robber's aid
- Quick reminder
- Something to take or play
- Thing to pass in class
- Bill
- Eminence
- Margin jotting
- Promissory __
- It may be sticky
- Sticky writing?
- Take heed
- You may get one from a doctor
- It can follow the starts of 17-, 32-, 41- and 59-Across
- Make a memo of
- Observe closely
- Message from the teacher
- Permission slip
- Pitch indicator
- What you might pass, but can't fail, in school
- F-sharp, for one
- It may be sharp
- Acknowledge
- Post-it jotting
- Reference book reference
- A or B, but not O
- A, B or C, but not X, Y or Z
- Make special mention of
- Musical scale part
- Take down
- Post-it __
- Issue at the ATM
- Post-it scribble
- Brief letter
- Make mention of
- Margin filler
- Middle C, for one
- Piece of correspondence
- Quaver or semiquaver
- Do or re
- Reminder of a sort
- Book starter
- Memory aid
- It may say "Pick up bread"
- Make an entry
- Middle C, e.g.
- Office memo
- Set down
- Musical mark
- Give a shout-out to
- Brief memo
- Brief communication
- Discern
- Short memo
- Symphonic piece?
- Memory jogger
- Quick jotting
- Quick letter
- Write down briefly
- Memory jogger, maybe
- Write down
- Quick memo
- Brief reminder
- Memo "to self"
- Brief record
- Point out
- What's so
- Explanatory comment
- Word atop fives and tens
- Call attention to
- Melodic sound
- Particular pitch
- Third of a triad
- Quickly written letter
- Write down quickly
- Brief jotting
- Jot down
- Short written message
- Of __ (significant)
- One minute?
- It might be mental
- Sound of music
- Give attention to
- Quaver, for example
- Word often said with grace and love
- Distinction.
- Wilson's favorite form of protest.
- Take ___, O world!—Othello.
- Diplomat's message.
- Diplomatic communication.
- Official missive.
- Official written diplomatic communication.
- A quaver or a semiquaver.
- Billet.
- Just a few lines.
- Negotiable paper.
- Billet doux.
- An aid to memory.
- Distinctive mark.
- Letter.
- Observation.
- Part of a song.
- Diplomat's communication.
- Explanatory observation.
- Remark.
- Sound.
- Bird's call.
- Hemidemisemiquaver.
- Musical sound.
- Communication.
- Demisemiquaver.
- Message.
- Significance.
- Signify.
- A dollar is one
- Bit of marginalia
- Diplomatic communique.
- Indicate.
- Missive.
- Commercial paper.
- Kind of paper.
- Legal tender.
- Chit.
- Half or quarter, for instance
- Quaver or breve
- Bank paper
- Record
- Ten-spot or IOU
- Do or fa
- Fa or la
- See 2 Down
- Word with mash or key
- I.O.U., e.g.
- I.O.U., for one
- Foot or grace
- Foot or sour
- Scale unit
- Bird sound
- Grace or foot
- Grace or sour
- Sol or ela
- Bank item
- Dollar bill
- Character on the staff
- Musical unit
- Repute
- Fix in the mind
- Foot follower
- Mark well
- Thank-you ___
- Bank certificate
- Bank offering
- Catch sight of
- Greenback
- Promise to pay
- Quaver, for one
- Sheet-music marking
- Pay heed
- Score feature
- Sharp item, sometimes
- Do or la
- Govt. certificate
- Quaver, e.g.
- Stick-on item
- Promissory ___
- A or B, e.g.
- Form of a thank-you
- Semiquaver, e.g.
- Do, re or mi, e.g.
- It can fall flat
- See 42-Across
- T or C follower
- Post-It
- Any letter from A to G
- Fridge posting
- Certificate
- G, e.g.
- One with a staff position
- Sol, say
- Word before a colon
- Melody part
- Something passed in music class?
- A security
- A flat, e.g.
- One given a staff position?
- See 59-Across
- A or B, but not Y or Z
- B sharp or B flat
- Put down, in a way
- Half, quarter or eighth follower
- Score component
- Consider ...
- Small letter
- Musical production
- One on the staff?
- Chord part
- A sixteenth is a short one
- See here ...
- Word that can follow the ends of 20- and 54-Across and 4- and 26-Down
- C or D
- Reminder to oneself, perhaps
- A student may pass it
- It's not a lot to jot
- Word often followed by a colon
- C, for one
- Composer's mark
- Subtle flavor, to a wine taster
- See 56-Across
- Take ___
- Postcard message
- A bit of Beethoven
- A bit of Berlioz
- A bit of Bach
- Post-it item
- B flat, e.g.
- Sol, la or ti
- D sharp, e.g.
- E flat, e.g.
- Song's starting point
- Songwriter scribble
- Parents won't listen to a single one
- Don't want to miss one, in tribute band
- Musical mark on scale
- It may be jotted
- It can be made sharp
- Stickie, e.g.
- Step on a scale?
- B-flat or C-sharp, e.g.
- Thing that every instrumentalist can play
- It's passed in school
- Short missive
- Make mention
- Short entry
- A flat or C
- Word with grace or key
- Miniature missive
- Worthy predecessor?
- Addition to the staff?
- A,B,C or D
- Government certificate
- Lines left on the fridge
- Steno's reminder
- It can be flat
- Item passed in class
- It may be passed in school
- Sheet music mark
- Musician's jotting
- School jotting
- I'll make a ___ of it
- A, in music
- Do, musically
- Thing passed at school
- A or G, musically
- B flat, for one
- It may be passed in class
- Clue in "Name That Tune"
- Bit of a melody
- A, B, C, D, E, F or G
- Musical staff symbol
- F-sharp is one
- Handwritten surprise in a lunchbox
- One may be passed in class
- Reminder that might be addressed "to self"
- Thank-you message
- E, F or G, but not H
- Five or ten, but not fifteen
- Wine nuance
- Word after "foot" or "key"
- Word after "whole" or "sour"
- Make a mental ___
- Something passed after saying "Psst!"
- Scribbled message
- Something passed in a classroom
- What might be passed in class
- See 39 Across
- Heed
- Sol for one
- Be aware of
- Fame
- Logo of the St. Louis Blues
- Do on a scale
- Word with "bank" or "love"
- Word with "pad" or "worthy"
- A or G, e.g.
- Sticky around the office
- Do is one
- Sticky thing around the office
- What anyone can pass in school?
- Message on a Post-it
- Part of a bird call
- Part of a triad
- Cocktail napkin jotting
- Line on a card, perhaps
- Memo to oneself, perhaps
- Sticky item in an office
- Cocktail napkin scribbling
- Something passed in class
- Student's permission slip
- And that's why you always leave a ___
- One might be left on a fridge
- One might be passed in class
- Reminder on a sticky pad
- Word after "quarter" or "sticky"
- Do, perhaps
- A or B
- Pad scratch
- Blue or grace follower
- D or F
- Word following sour or mash
- Bit of a score
- Flat, sharp or natural thing in music
- Written or mental reminder
- Small fraction of a number
- Measure marking
- A in music class, e.g.
- Marker
- Bear in mind
- Highlight
- It may have many X's and O's
- Remember
- Bit of feedback
- Mi or ti
- La or ti, e.g.
- Quick communiqué
- Staff item
- Musical staff marking
- Staff figure
- Staff marking