- Bump on a log
- Connector
- Protuberance
- Terminal on a network
- Connecting point
- Swelling
- Bump
- Computer network site
- Graph point
- Focal point
- Lymph ___
- Lymphatic mass
- Branch bump
- Intersection point
- Crossing point
- Computer connected to a network
- Nonvibrating point in a standing wave
- Tree-diagram element
- Stem joint
- Body mass
- Branching-out point
- Either end of a guitar string, to a physicist
- End of a guitar string, to a physicist
- Intersection
- Leaf's starting point
- Vertex
- Junction point
- Point
- Network terminal
- Lymph lump
- Joint point
- Tissue mass
- Anatomical bump
- Part of a wave
- Knob
- Mass of tissue
- Meeting point
- Lymphatic lump
- Knot or knob
- Vertex, e.g.
- Connection point on a network
- Network part
- Dilemma
- Lump
- Protruberance
- Knot
- Plant stem joint
- Anatomical knot
- Central point
- Knotlike tissue mass
- Lymph __
- Point of no vibration, in physics
- Botanical joint
- Botanical intersection
- Centering point
- Where leaf meets stem
- Plant stem junction
- Botanical branch point
- Botanical junction
- Branching point
- Network meeting point
- Botanical knot
- Bump on a branch
- Connection point
- Joint
- Networking connection point
- Point of connection
- Transfer point
- Vertex, in graph theory
- Lymphocyte site
- Network connection
- Tree-graft site
- Network point
- Computer network endpoint
- Leaf juncture
- Predicament
- Network device
- Point of origin
- Meeting place
- Network junction
- Network junction point
- Flowchart connector
- Point of convergence
- Electrical junction
- Point where lines meet, in math
- Orbital point
- Branch point
- Anatomical bulge
- Lymph ___ (immune system part)
- Part of a tree diagram
- Knotlike mass of tissue
- Joint of a stem.
- Knobby protuberance.
- Dramatic complication.
- Joint in a stem.
- Complication in a drama.
- A joint in a stem.
- Knotty problem in a drama.
- Joint of a stem: Bot.
- Point in planet's orbit.
- Complication
- Plant joint
- Joint familiar to a botanist
- Predicament or knot
- Predicament or protuberance
- Knob on a tree trunk
- Entanglement
- Lymph knot
- Dilemma in a drama
- Knob or knot
- Junction
- Plot entanglement
- Anagram for done
- Lymph _____
- Lymphatic part
- Lymph bump
- Point of intersection
- Abnormal enlargement
- Knotty swelling
- Origination point
- Convergent point
- Either end of an edge, in graph theory
- Hub
- Anatomical mass
- Terminal in a computer network
- Point where lines meet
- Bump on a log, literally
- Point on a flowchart
- Part of a network
- Point in a network
- Juncture
- Lymphatic point
- Lymph --
- Any device in a network
- Point in graph-theoretic structures
- Lymph holder
- Point of a graph-theory lecture?
- Component in a social-network diagram
- Connecting point in a network
- Lymph body
- Lymph, for one
- Where a leaf joins a stem
- Knob on a branch
- Vocal affliction
- Lymph source
- Bump on a trunk
- Part of the lymphatic system
- Critical point on a graph
- Lymph follower
- Bump on a log, e.g.
- Lymph gland
- Leaf attachment point
- Word often with "lymph"
- Knotty, lumpy swelling
- Network connection point
- Where things come together
- Plant part
- One PC in a network
- Leaf-to-stem joint
- Bump on a log, say
- Network site
- Part of a stem
- Protuberant mass
- Lymphatic system mass
- Lymph ____
- Lymphatic system body
- Lymphatic system feature
- Graph vertex
- Knot, of sorts
- User's network point
- Lymph ___ (immune system organ)
- LAN feature
- LAN device
- Bulge
- Network feature
- Point where a geometric curve crosses itself
- Mass
- Stem spot from which a leaf sprouts
- Lymphatic system component
- Lymphatic system structure
- Point where two lines intersect
- Lymphatic system swelling