- PBS supporter
- Supporter of the arts: Abbr.
- Teachers' org.
- 3 R's gr.
- Cultural events funder: Abbr.
- Teacher's group
- Teachers' gr.
- Teacher's union org.
- Common Core agcy.
- Great Public Schools for Every Student gp.
- Largest labor union in the United States, briefly
- Org. currently headed by former middle school teacher Becky Pringle
- Org. that presented 3-Down with a medal in 1996
- PBS funder
- Unionized teacher's org.
- Union with 2.7 mil. members
- Prof's org.
- Kids Not Cuts govt. agcy.
- Read Across America org.
- Bully Free, It Starts with Me org.
- Common Core grp.
- Common Core org.
- Govt. agcy. with The Big Read initiative
- Govt. org. with a Shakespeare in American Communities initiative
- Grp. against school vouchers
- Grp. with a Dropout Prevention section
- Longtime supporter of PBS
- No Child Left Behind Act org.
- Org. behind the No Child Left Behind Act
- Org. concerned with college affordability
- Org. using the scare tactic that "Congress will rewrite No Child Left Behind next year" to get out the vote this year
- Org. with an annual Jazz Masters Award
- Org. with the Tomorrow's Teachers magazine
- Teachers' grp.
- Union with a Dropout Prevention center
- Every Student Succeeds Act grp.
- Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge org.
- Higher Education Advocate publisher: Abbr.
- Org. against homeschooling
- Student Success Grants org.
- Teaching org.
- Teachers' union (abbr.)
- Grant org.
- Org. for teachers
- Supporter of PBS
- College Affordability grp.
- Grant-funding org.
- Jazz-funding org.
- Funder of PBS
- Grant-making agcy.
- Org. that Rod Paige famously insulted in 2004
- Grp. that organized Operation Homecoming
- Org. that rejected a 1998 merger with the AFT
- Public-school teachers' grp.
- AFT rival
- Frequent PBS benefactor
- Largest U.S. labor union
- Org. that opposes vouchers
- Org. opposed to school vouchers
- Org. concerned with cultural funding
- Org. with a "Degrees Not Debt" campaign
- PBS benefactor
- Org. concerned with the achievement gap
- Gallery-sponsoring gp.
- Gp. which gives grants to galleries
- Anti-voucher org.
- Org. seeking to curtail dropping out
- U.S. government org. giving grants to creative types
- Grant-providing gp.
- Org. concerned with pedagogy
- Pedagogic org.
- Source of funding for some galleries (abbr.)
- Teachers' gp.
- Fed. org. funding some exhibitions
- Grp. concerned with the achievement gap
- The Big Read org.
- Org. with a College Affordability and Debt Services section on its website
- Anti-school voucher gp.
- Jill Biden is a member of it
- U.S. org. giving many cultural subsidies
- Fed. cultural funding gp.
- Possible grant source, for short
- Three R's org.
- Museum-funding org.
- School administration org.
- Cultural underwriting org.
- Org. for profs
- Federal cultural funding gp.
- Largest US union
- Largest union in the U.S.
- PBS helper
- Largest union in the USA
- Granting gp.
- Read Across America gp.
- Public sch. backer
- Org. interested in the No Child Left Behind law
- Class-conscious org.?
- Grant-giving gp.
- Grant-giving org.
- Public ed. backer
- The USA's largest labor union
- D.C.-based lobby for public schools
- Cultural org.
- Org. that has funded many PBS programs
- Public sch. advocate
- Cultural grant giver (abbr.)
- Jazz Masters org.
- Org. that funds many PBS shows
- Cultural funding gp.
- Great Public Schools Fund org.
- Org. awarding cultural grants
- Org. opposed to private school vouchers
- Org. that promotes "a great public school for every student"
- Org. with pi in its logo
- Promoter of public schools (abbr.)
- Teachers' lobbying org.
- Gov't org. that won a Tony Award in 1995
- Gp. giving grants
- Gp. making sure our children is learning
- Labor union chaired by Jane Chu: Abbr.
- Union that rivals the AFT
- DC artistic support
- Educators' org.
- Theater gp.
- Theater support gp.
- Read Across America sponsor: Abbr.
- Theater funding gp.
- Cultural prog. funder
- Largest professional employee org. in the U.S.
- Shakespeare in Amer. Communities co-sponsor
- Writing America publisher: Abbr.
- Educ. group
- Jazz Masters Fellowship awarder: Abbr.
- Publisher of the survey "Reading at Risk": Abbr.
- Cultural gp.
- Culture-supporting org.
- 3.2 million-member U.S. union
- Cultural patron: Abbr.
- Org. chaired by Jane Alexander in the '90s
- USA's largest labor union
- A funder of PBS's "American Masters"
- Museum funder: Abbr.
- Classy org.?
- Cultural org. since 1965
- Gp. for teachers
- Grant gp.
- Org. concerned with the No Child Left Behind Act
- Grant-providing org.
- Gp. concerned with dropout prevention
- Met supporter: Abbr.
- PBS underwriter
- Poetry Out Loud contest co-creator: Abbr.
- Poetry Out Loud org.
- Grant-granting gp.
- Org. supporting exhibitions
- Org. that funds cultural exhibitions
- Org. assisting museums
- Org. with a "Raise Your Hand" campaign
- 1995 Tony honoree for Excellence in the Theatre: Abbr.
- Cultural funding org.
- __ Today: magazine for teachers
- Org. awarded a Special Tony in 2016
- Org. supporting museums
- Org. with a "Parents" link on its main page
- Org. with annual Jazz Master Awards
- Cultural org. with annual Jazz Master Fellowships
- Org. that issues Challenge America grants
- PBS-funding org.
- Cultural support org.
- Large US union
- PBS benefactor org.
- Purveyor of the Lily's Blackboard blog
- Exhibition funding agcy. since 1965
- Jane Alexander's org.
- Cultural funding grp.
- Arts-supporting grp.
- U.S.' largest union
- American Masters funder
- PBS patron
- Tchrs.' union
- World's largest professional org.
- Sculptor's funding org.
- Culture-grant org.
- Literature fellowship grp.
- Artists' funding source
- Gallery-funding org.
- Labor union founded in 1857
- Cultural affairs agcy.
- Federal cultural org.
- Democracy Day cosponsor
- GI Bill of Rights advocate
- Major PBS supporter
- Read Across America sponsor
- Cultural grant org.
- Org. with a Lesson Plans web page
- Great Public Schools for Every Student sloganeer
- Read Across America Day sponsor
- GI Bill advocate
- Culture grant awarder
- Online lesson plan resource org.
- Arts.gov proprietor
- Presenter of Horace Mann Awards
- Teachers' association: Abbr.
- Teachers' group: Abbr.
- Grant-awarding gp.
- Learning gp.
- Org. concerned with schooling
- School gp.
- Schoolteacher's org.
- D.C.-based culture sponsor
- Org. that annually publishes Tomorrow's Teachers
- Shakespeare in American Communities sponsor: Abbr.
- It funded Robert Mapplethorpe: Abbr.
- Org. once chaired by actress Jane Alexander
- PBS funding source
- School lobby, briefly
- Principal gp.
- Great public schools for every child org.
- It lobbied for MLK Day to become a federal holiday
- ___ Today (magazine for teachers)
- An educational group: Abbr.
- Country-wide teachers' organization.
- Educational association: Abbr.
- Educational group.
- Educational group: Abbr.
- Educators' group: Abbr.
- Teachers' organization.
- Pedagogical organization.
- Educators' group.
- Schoolmarm's group.
- Group of educators: Abbr.
- More than 600,000 teachers.
- 633,000 educators.
- Education group.
- Group in education.
- Education org.
- Schoolmen's group.
- Ed. Assn.
- Educational organization.
- Educ. assn.
- Teachers' outfit.
- School group: Abbr.
- School org.
- Teachers' assn.
- Syndicate monogram
- Scholastic org.
- Educ. organization
- Educational org.
- Org. based in Washington, D.C.
- Rival of the A.F.T.
- Govt. aid to opera, etc.
- Govt. aid to opera, drama, etc.
- Inits. of a teaching group
- Tchrs.' group
- Agcy. aiding opera, etc.
- Org. supporting opera, etc.
- N.T.A., today
- Pegagogue's org.
- Educator's assn.
- Arts' or teachers' org.
- D.C. group for art's sake
- Govt. sponsor of opera, etc.
- Org. fostering opera, etc.
- ___ Filippias, Greek town
- Tchrs.' org.
- Pedagogue's org.
- ___ Pàtos, Cypriot town
- Teachers' assoc.
- D.C. cultural agcy.
- Govt. org. sponsoring opera, etc.
- Kind of grant
- King Features competitor
- Teachers' org. since 1857
- Cult. events funder
- Embattled funding org.
- Org. in the Mapplethorpe flap
- Teachers' advocate, for short
- Sometime theater funder: Abbr.
- Cultural grant giver, for short
- Grant giver, for short
- Org. in the Mapplethorpe brouhaha
- Org. that sponsors exhibitions
- Proscholastic org.
- Student-focused org.
- 2.4-mil. member union
- Granting grp.
- P.T.A.-aligned org.
- Teachers' advocate: Abbr.
- Fed. funder
- Grant source: Abbr.
- Union with 2 1/2 mil. members
- Big lobby in D.C.
- Grant-giving grp.
- Org. that funds exhibits
- Org. with writing fellowships
- Instructors' org.
- Perennial subj. of federal funding debates
- Pro-school grp.
- Supportive org. since 1965
- United Feature Synd. partner
- Read Across America grp.
- 3.2 million-member org. with a pi in its logo
- Grant grp.
- Union with 3.2 mil. members
- ___ Today (teachers' monthly)
- Federally funded program since '65
- Org. interested in schools
- Org. that gives out Jazz Masters Awards
- Poetry Out Loud contest org.
- Class-based society?: Abbr.
- Grp. that discourages dropping out
- Largest U.S. labor union: Abbr.
- Org. funding many PBS programs
- Class-conscious grp.?
- Largest labor union in the U.S.
- Teachers' union, in brief
- Union with 3+ million members, in brief
- Cultural grp.
- Govt. grant giver
- Sesame Street supporter, in brief
- The Big Read sponsor, for short
- Org. making grants to museums
- Org. whose logo features the letter pi with an arrow through it
- School grp.
- Grp. seeking to improve No Child Left Behind
- Its website has lesson plans, briefly
- Grant source, for short
- Org. supporting Common Core
- Org. that opposes school vouchers
- Sponsor of some PBS programs
- U.S.'s largest labor union, in brief
- PBS backer
- PBS supporter, for short
- Govt. org. whose funding is perennially debated
- Grant-making grp.
- Grant-making org.
- Org. concerned with Common Core
- Org. with a campaign called "Degrees Not Debt"
- U.S.'s largest union, with 3.2 million members
- Exhibition-funding grp.
- Big funder of cultural orgs.
- Largest labor union in the U.S.: Abbr.
- Org. opposing school vouchers
- Org. that sponsored the design competition for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Org. whose vision is "a great public school for every student"
- Promoter of Teacher Appreciation Week: Abbr.
- Sponsor of the Poetry Out Loud program, for short
- Unionized teachers' grp.
- Grant-issuing cultural org.
- Org. that funds PBS
- D.C.-based teachers' union
- Org. that might give a grant to a sculptor
- Major PBS funder, for short
- Major lobby in D.C.
- Grp. concerned with digital learning
- Largest labor union in the U.S., in brief
- Gallery-funding gp.
- Pro-school gp.
- School lobby org.
- Gallery-sponsoring org.
- Pro-learning org.
- 3-R's org.
- School lobby gp.
- 3 R's gp.
- Pro-school org.
- Pro-learning union: Abbr.
- Student-focused gp.
- Three R's gp.
- Tchr.'s gp.
- U.S.'s largest labor union
- Bob Chase is its pres.
- Learning-focused org.
- Bill Ivey used to head it
- Org. with 2.7 million members
- Read Across America coordinators
- America's largest labor union, briefly
- Agcy. that helped finance the film "The Watermelon Woman"
- Professional org. for teachers and school administrators
- Subj. of the dance scholar Sarah Wilbur's book "Funding Bodies"
- U.S. teachers' union
- Kotter's org.?
- Orchestra's funding org.
- Orchestra-funding org.
- _____ Ionia (city north of Athens, Greece)
- Natl. education group
- Orchestra's funding org., perhaps
- Org. that funded Robert Mapplethorpe
- Org. for university employees
- Teachers' org. hidden in "fine arts"
- Cultural grant-giving org.
- Public school teachers' org.
- Org. that funds documentaries
- Org. funding creativity
- Gov't. funding group
- Org. that funds museums
- Union for schoolteachers
- Pedagogic PAC
- US educ. group
- Educ. union
- Theatre-funding grp.
- Org. that might help fund an exhibit
- Jazz Masters Tribute Concert org.
- Exhibit-funding org.
- Grant-awarding org.
- Org. giving grants to museums
- Teachers' union
- Educators' union
- 74 AFT rival
- Fed. funding body
- Gov. grantor
- Painters' funding org.
- Jazz Masters Fellowship org.
- Org. affected by No Child Left Behind
- Grp. sponsoring Read Across America
- Museum-funding grp.
- Org. that advocates for canceling student debt
- Teacher's union, briefly
- Grp. once led by Jane Alexander
- Org. headed by William Ivey
- Org. funding dance programs
- Orch. supporter since 1965
- Big Met supporter
- Largest labor union in the USA
- Org. awarded an honorary Oscar in 1985
- Big MoMA supporter
- Funder of some PBS shows
- Largest labor union in the country
- Org. with the arts.gov website
- Union with about three million members
- Great Public Schools for Every Student org.
- D.C.-based culture funder
- Principal's org.
- Prof's union
- Union for sch. workers
- Org. for professors
- Org. headed by Jane Alexander in the 1990s
- Org. that awards Jazz Masters Fellowships