- Antonym of Cooperish response
- Yeah rejoinder
- Yup rejoinder
- Yup opposite
- Apt rhyme for "pshaw"
- Folksy negative
- Me? Shucks, I don't know ...
- Ain't for me
- C'mon, you're kidding, right?
- I'll pass
- T'aint
- Unh-uh
- Sticks turndown
- Slangy turndown
- I'm gonna pass
- Slangy refusal
- Think again, pardner
- Down-home denial
- Hardly a serious denial
- I'm agin it
- Casual rejection
- Maybe next time
- That ain't the case
- Pass, my man
- Nope
- Turndown, down in the holler
- Hillbilly rejection
- Rural refusal
- Nix in the sticks
- Rube's refusal
- Rural denial
- Refusal from Li'l Abner
- I don't rightly reckon so
- Dogpatch denial
- I reckon not
- Bumpkin's refusal
- Pappy's turndown
- Slangy negative
- Bumpkin's negative
- Yup's opposite
- Backwoods denial
- Backwoods "uh-uh"
- Hick's turndown
- Don't reckon so
- I ain't doin' that!
- I'm thinkin' not
- Opposite of "yep"
- Rural turndown
- Rural regrets
- Casual denial
- I don't wanna
- Uh-uh
- Informal refusal
- Rural rejection
- I ain' gonna!
- I don't reckon so
- Nonstandard negative
- Sticks refusal
- Pass
- Backwoods refusal
- Aw __, it would be so wrong (2013 country song lyric)
- Rustic refusal
- Hillbilly's negative.
- Cowboy's refusal
- No sirree
- Hillbilly's rejection
- No, slangily
- Dogpatch demurral
- Yep negator
- Hick's nix
- Hillbilly negative
- Sticks nix
- Opposite of "Yer durn tootin'!"
- Rustic denial
- Fuhgeddaboudit!
- Backwoods turndown
- Thanks anyway, pardner
- Yer wrong
- Rural negative
- Rural 'uh-uh'
- Folksy denial
- Backwoods negative
- Ain't happenin'
- Aw, hell ___!
- Antonym of "yeah"
- 10-Across, informally
- Absolutely nope
- Opposite of "Yeah!"
- Nope kin
- Don't think so, cowpoke
- Absolutely not
- Forget it!
- Yeah antonym
- Denial, in dialect
- Ain't no way
- yeah opposite
- See 9 Down
- 54-Across's opposite
- Fuggedaboutit!
- Don't think so!
- Opposite of "yup"
- Huh-uh
- That ain't right
- Opposite of 23-Across
- Informal denial