- 1949 mil. alliance
- Defense group founded in 1949
- Defense org. formed in 1949
- EU counterpart
- Org. created in 1949
- Type of forces
- Exhort
- Formed in 1949
- Warsaw Pact rival
- Intl. defense group
- Gp. based in Brussels
- Defense gp. founded in 1949
- Its alphabet has Romeo and Juliett
- Western alliance
- Defense grp. since 1949
- 28-state alliance
- Alliance whose flag is a compass on a blue background
- Belgium-based grp.
- Cold War alliance: Abbr.
- Defense acronym
- Defense grp.
- Grp. with forces
- Its official languages are English and French
- No-fly zone enforcing grp.
- Org. that monitors no-fly zones
- Their motto is "Animus in consulendo liber": Abbr.
- Anti-terrorism agcy.
- Major alliance
- Alliance acronym
- Milosevic's foe
- Def. org. since 1949
- International pact
- Gp. sitting in Brussels
- Gp. with forces
- Peacekeeping gp.
- Org. since 1949
- 1949-born org.
- Acronymic alliance
- Brussels-based org.
- European alliance
- Mil. alliance
- Partnership for Peace org.
- Brussels-based alliance
- Western defence org.
- Canadian peacekeepers' group
- Security org. formed in 1949
- Alliance formed in 1949
- Cold war defense grp.
- Cold-war formation
- Its mems. are known as Allies
- Defense grp. formed in 1949
- Mil. alliance since 1949
- Org. headquartered in Brussels
- It carried out Operation Deliberate Force against Bosnia
- _____ summit
- Alliance since '49
- Defense org.
- Kosovo peacekeeping gp.
- Nineteen-nation gp.
- Its Article V was invoked on Sep. 12, 2001
- Its alphabet is made up of words
- Its alphabet was introduced in the 1950s
- Org. with its own alphabet
- Bosnian peacekeeping gp.
- Warsaw Pact opponent (abbr.)
- Western defense gp.
- Alliance with a Brussels H.Q.
- Its HQ is in Brussels
- Partnership for Peace gp.
- Bosnia peacekeeping gp.
- Brussels-based alliance (abbr.)
- Defense gp. formed in 1949
- Defense org. since 1949
- Kosovo defense gp.
- Operation Allied Force gp.
- Org. behind Operation Allied Force in 1999
- Brussels-based gp.
- DDE's 1950 command
- Alliance headquartered in Brussels
- Cold War force
- Gp. recently joined by Poland
- Western defense org.
- 19-country gp.
- Defense gp. since 1949
- Forces in Kosovo
- DDE's command, once
- Gp. formed in 1949
- Gp. headed by Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
- Alliance since 1949 (abbr.)
- Gp. headquartered in Brussels
- Intl. alliance since 1949
- Kosovo peacekeepers
- Taliban-fighting force (abbr.)
- Org. expanding into Eastern Europe
- Post WWII alliance
- Brussels-based body
- Cold War faction
- Cold war defense gp.
- Lord Ismay was its first Sec. Gen.
- Peacekeeping alliance
- Peacekeeping org. since 1949
- Albania and Croatia are the last to have joined it (abbr.)
- Alliance formed during HST's administration
- Berlin Plus agreement party (abbr.)
- Defense gp. based in Brussels
- Gp. that held a summit in Chicago in May of 2012
- Group with forces
- Org. that added Albania and Croatia in 2009
- Western alliance since 1949
- Brussels-based body, briefly
- Brussels-based defense gp.
- Gp. that held the 2010 Lisbon summit
- Group pledged to protect Eur.
- Partnership for Peace pact (abbr.)
- Turkey club, for short?
- Turkey club?
- 2011 Libya intervention gp.
- Western alliance, briefly
- Defense grp. based in Brussels
- Its Article 5 has been invoked just once, on 9/12/01
- Group that now includes Est., Lith. and Lat.
- Mil. gp. HQ'd in Haren, Brussels
- Atl. alliance
- Org. founded in 1949
- Treaty org
- Org. formed in 1944
- Western alliance, for short
- Alliance est. 1949
- Int'l compact
- Org. in the news
- Peacekeeping org.
- 19-nation defense gp.
- Military alliance gp.
- Group recently joined by Poland
- It had its 50th anniv. in 1999
- Intl. defense alliance
- Security agcy. since 1949
- See 36-Down
- 26-member defense gp.
- Belgium-based gp.
- Intl. peacekeeping gp.
- Warsaw Pact counterpart
- 59-yr.-old alliance
- Belg.-based peacekeepers
- Alb. and Cro. joined it 4/1/2009
- Brussels-based intl. alliance
- Belg.-based peacekeeping gp.
- Intl. defense gp.
- 2011 Libyan arms embargo enforcement gp.
- Alliance formed under HST
- Peacekeeping gp. since 1949
- Defense gp.
- Int'l alliance
- Belg.-based alliance
- Peacekeeping acronym
- 2014 Wales summit host
- Gp. joined by Croatia in 2009
- Hastings Ismay was selected as its first leader in 1952
- Gp. joined by Montenegro in 2017
- Partnership for Peace international gp.
- 29-member org.
- Intl. alliance with a phonetic alphabet
- Org. led by Jens Stoltenberg
- N. Macedonia is its newest member
- Alliance headed by Jens Stoltenberg: Abbr.
- Org. with an alphabet
- __ alphabet
- Gp. whose alphabet includes Romeo and Juliett
- Gp. joined by Sweden in 2024
- Intl. alliance joined by Finland in 2023
- Intl. peacekeeping alliance
- Defense alliance
- US/European defense org.
- Alliance since 1949
- Defense alliance: Abbr.
- Western pact
- Global alliance
- Kosovo force
- Kosovo peacekeeping grp.
- Pact since 1949
- Post-WWII alliance: Abbr.
- A US alliance
- Alliance based in Brussels
- Brussels-based grp.
- European peacekeeping grp.
- Haig's '80s post
- Cold War creation
- Peacekeeping grp.
- Peacekeeping force source
- Post-WWII grp.
- Security org.
- Defense org. since '49
- Pact acronym
- US alliance
- Western alliance: Abbr.
- Defense-alliance acronym
- Brussels-based intl. group
- Croatia joined it in '09
- Intl. group since 1949
- Western defense grp.
- Its first leader was Lord Ismay, 1952-1957
- Western mil. alliance
- USA alliance
- American alliance
- Group first headed by Ike
- Croatia joined it in 2009
- A no-fly zone enforcer
- Western Hemisphere alliance: Abbr.
- Western defense alliance
- What Croatia joined in 2009
- A UK alliance
- Training Mission-Iraq medal awarder
- Western alliance acronym
- What Ike led after WWII
- Peacekeeping group
- US alliance with European nations
- Western union
- Pact since '49
- What might be called a "pactronym"
- Alliance for Italy
- Croatia is part of it
- Ike's command after WWII
- Gen. Norstad's interest.
- Modern "united we stand" group.
- Norstad's concern.
- Organization started in 1949.
- Subject of Paris conference.
- Treaty group.
- Western defense organization.
- Alliance that includes the U.S.
- Turkey is part of it
- Cold War side
- Gp. with 19 members
- Org. that admitted the Baltic States in March 2004
- Org. that's allied with Partnership for Peace
- Alliance that now includes Slovakia and Slovenia
- Gp. with 26 members
- Port. is part of it
- Org. based in Belgium
- Org. that started with 12 members
- The U.K. is a member of it
- Gp. with headquarters in Brussels
- Its flag has a compass rose on it
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is its secretary general
- Atlantic Pact organization.
- Eisenhower and Montgomery head this organization.
- Gen. Eisenhower heads this.
- North Atlantic organization.
- Organization raising a European army.
- A group of fourteen nations.
- Adm. McCormick leads this organization at sea.
- Atlantic Pact group.
- Conferees recently in Rome.
- Gen. Gruenther's bailiwick.
- Greece and Turkey have joined it.
- Hope of Europe.
- Important military alliance.
- It operates a defense college.
- Its HQ is in France.
- Its quota is 50 divisions by 1953.
- Lord Ismay is its Secretary-general.
- Western defense bloc.
- Where Gruenther works.
- Backlog of the free nations.
- Free world's defense.
- Gruenther's command.
- Its troops have been holding maneuvers in Europe.
- Subject of a 3-cent stamp.
- Ismay is its Secretary General.
- Its HQ is in Rocquencourt.
- Pact of April, 1949.
- The Far East may adopt a similar pact.
- Western political combine.
- Gruenther's bailiwick.
- Gruenther's post.
- One facet of the Geneva discussions.
- Pact of 1949.
- Defense group since 1949.
- Gen. Norstad's new post.
- It dates from July 21, 1949.
- Its HQ is at Rocquencourt.
- Adm. Wright's concern.
- Atlantic Pact.
- Defense combine.
- Defensive alliance since 1949.
- Important alliance.
- Modern entente.
- Alliance of democracies.
- Contemporary alliance.
- Group of 15 nations.
- Iceland, Portugal, Turkey, etc.
- North Atlantic group.
- Acronym in the headlines.
- Adm. Brown commands its Mediterranean fleets.
- Group of fifteen nations.
- Pact signed April 4, 1949.
- Current acronym.
- Front-page acronym.
- Initials on the international scene.
- 1949 alliance.
- CENTO relative.
- Defense group.
- Relative of SEATO.
- SHAPE organization.
- Atlantic alliance.
- Contemporary pact.
- From page acronym.
- Acronym in the news.
- Ike's post, 1950–52.
- Int. org.
- International group.
- Lemnitzer's command.
- SHAPE's relative.
- Headline acronym.
- Post-war defense group.
- See 36 Across.
- Headline initials.
- Initials from 1949.
- Initials in the news.
- International problem.
- Its HQ to be in Brussels.
- Brussels newcomer.
- Gen. Lemnitzer's command.
- Occidental alliance.
- SHAPE's org.
- 1949 pact.
- Alliance of states.
- 1949 treaty
- Alliance.
- International org.
- Western org.
- Allied org.
- Defense pact
- Pact name
- Postwar pact
- Treaty of 1949
- Alliance of 1949
- Military alliance
- Treaty alliance
- Alliance of West
- Pact group
- Org. set up in 1949
- SEATO cousin
- Org. for defense
- Org. of 15 nations
- Org. established in 1949
- Org. formed in 1949
- Assn. formed in 1949
- Pact since W.W. II
- W.W. II offshoot
- Acronym born 4/4/49
- Former Haig command
- Acronym for a defense group
- Acronym often in the news
- Def. alliance
- Treaty gp.
- Alliance: Abbr.
- W.W. II byproduct
- Western-alliance letters
- Alliance letters
- Euro-American defense gp.
- Acronym originating in 1949
- Intl. pact
- SHAPE is part of it
- Acronym for a treaty org.
- Defense-treaty gp.
- Treaty acronym
- Intl. group
- Collective-defense org.
- Post-W.W. II assn.
- European defense grp.
- Group with HQ in Brussels
- Partnership for Peace grp.
- Force in Bosnia
- Kind of forces
- Org. whose symbol is a four-pointed compass
- Eisenhower held a 1950 post in it
- Org. involved in Bosnia
- Org. with a secretary general
- Warsaw Pact counterforce
- Body that includes SHAPE
- Expanding grp.
- Like some forces in the Balkans
- Operation Allied Force grp.
- Org. formed to contain Communism
- Peacekeeping force in Bosnia
- Security grp.
- Cold war winner
- Expanding org.
- Like some peacekeepers
- 1999 air strike authorizer
- Britain's Lord Ismay was its first head
- Grp. with its HQ in Brussels
- Kind of commander
- Much of Eur. is in it
- Org. for Lord Robertson
- Org. with a compass star as its symbol
- Force in Eur.
- Growing alliance
- Grp. that spans an ocean
- Grp. with a secretary general
- The U.S. is in it
- Grp. that outlasted the Warsaw Pact
- It began in H.S.T.'s administration
- One side in the cold war
- Grp. founded in Washington on 4/4/1949
- Iceland is part of it: Abbr.
- Like some troops
- ___ forces
- Grp. conducting Operation Deny Flight
- It has ports in Port.
- Org. with troops
- Group with a secy. gen.
- Org. with peace-keeping forces
- Spain joined it in 1982
- Defense grp. headquartered in Belgium
- Intl. group whose initials in English and French are reversed
- Intl. group with many generals
- Strike authorizer
- Grp. with an alphabet
- The U.K. is in it, but Ire. is not
- Grp. joined by Albania and Croatia in 2009
- Defender of the West
- Grp. whose initials in French are the reverse of its English initials
- Grp. whose members account for more than 50% of the world's defense spending
- Grp. with forces in Afghanistan
- Grp. with peacekeeping forces
- What 26 countries in Eur. belong to
- Its flag is dark blue, symbolizing an ocean
- Alliance that keeps a wary eye on Russia
- Brussels-based defense grp.
- Defense alliance since 1949, for short
- Grp. that has added 12 members since the end of the Cold War
- Kind of alphabet
- Transoceanic alliance since 1949
- Grp. founded by 12 countries
- Its alphabet goes from Alfa to Zulu
- Montenegro joined it in 2017
- ___ alphabet
- Grp. that Ronald Reagan once supported
- Grp. whose alphabet starts Alfa, Bravo, Charlie ...
- It. is in it
- With 115-Across, communication system that's a hint to the answer to each starred clue
- Alliance HQ'd in Brussels
- Alliance formed in April 1949
- Defense alliance since 1949
- Grp. founded to resist Communism
- Grp. with peacekeeping operations
- Grp. known as OTAN in France
- Its alphabet includes delta
- Peacekeeping grp. since 1949
- Finland joined it in 2023
- Group in which Iceland is the only member without an army
- North Macedonia joined it in 2020
- Alliance that Ukraine seeks to join, in brief
- International grp. with many European members
- The U.S. is its southernmost member
- Gp. battling Somali pirates
- Gp. currently headed by ex-Danish PM Anders Rasmussen
- W. alliance
- Mil. alliance with official languages of English and French
- West. alliance
- 19-nation gp.
- Big mil. alliance
- Gp. with 26 nations
- Large mil. alliance
- Bombers of Serbia: abbr.
- PfP proponents
- Pol., Hung., etc.
- Estonia's joining it
- Growing group
- It was founded Apr. 4, 1949
- Grp. that expanded in 1999
- Warsaw Pact adversary
- Allied grp.
- Alliance whose joint exercise resulted in tension between Greece and Turkey
- Its latest military exercises include Greeks and Turks
- Kostunica is demanding that it prevent incursions by Kosovo Albanians
- Russia is restoring its ties with this group
- They're setting up a neutral zone in Yugoslavia
- Forces sent to Bosnia
- See 9-Down
- Grp. whose alphabet goes from Alfa to Zulu
- Grp. whose namesake ocean is symbolized by the blue background of its flag
- International alliance headquartered in Brussels
- Intl. alliance established in 1949
- Post-Second World War alliance that includes the U.K. and the U.S.
- Grp. with a phonetic alphabet
- International defense org.
- Alliance with an alphabet, briefly
- Military alliance that Finland joined in 2023, for short
- Org. celebrating 50 years in 1999
- Postwar alliance
- 1949 peace org.
- Alliance founded in 1949
- Peace grp. since 1949
- Peace org.
- Alliance est. in 1949
- Int'l org. formed in 1949
- Western alliance formed in 1949
- Grp. headquartered in Brussels
- Int'l. peacekeeping group
- 1949 defense org.
- Group with hdqrs. in Belgium
- U.S. force in Europe
- Eur. protector
- Org. celebrating 56 years in 2005
- Western defense assn.
- November Alfa Tango Oscar
- 30-country military grp.
- 1949 alliance org.
- European defense assn.
- Western postwar alliance
- Brussels-based defense organization
- Defense grp. that includes the U.S.
- Kosovo War force
- U.S./European force
- '49 alliance
- 1949 milit. alliance
- Peace gp. since 1949
- Multi-nation defense gp.
- Peacekeeping force
- Cold War-era alliance
- Gp. with a Brussels HQ
- International defense grp.
- Warsaw Pact counterpart, once
- Cold war alliance
- Defense pact since 1949
- Military alliance gp. since 1949
- Defense org. in Brussels
- International 30-Across
- Multi-country defense group
- Multi-national defense org.
- Grp. aligned in 1949
- International alliance
- Alliance that France rejoined in '09
- Alliance based in Brussels: Abbr.
- Alliance that includes the U.S. and U.K.
- Grp. whose alphabet ends with "Zulu"
- November Alpha Tango Oscar
- Org. with a phonetic alphabet
- Grp. spelled using its own alphabet at the starts of 19-, 29-, 43- and 50-Across
- Transoceanic alliance, briefly
- ___ alphabet (alfa, bravo, etc.)
- Alliance with its own alphabet
- Grp. whose alphabet includes Romeo and Juliett
- Intl. alliance with many European members
- *D.C. MLB player
- Alliance whose HQ is in Brussels
- World org.
- HST's pact
- Western acronym
- Eur. defense acronym
- European org.
- Org. founded in Brussels 1948
- International federation: acron.
- Warsaw Pact opp.
- Alliance formed in 1949: acron.
- Defense organization: acron.
- European safety coalition: acron.
- Peacekeeping letters
- US and Canada are members of it
- Grp. that includes the U.S.
- Intl. defense org.
- Warsaw Pact's Cold War opponent
- Grp. including Luxembourg, Turkey and Italy
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer's org.
- Kosovo peacekeeping group
- Its members include Canada and Luxembourg
- Defense org. established in 1949
- Org. formed on April 4, 1949
- Collective defense group
- 28-nation defense grp.
- Alliance born in the Cold War era
- International peacekeeping grp.
- It's HQ'd in Brussels
- Turkey is a part of it
- Org. celebrating 65 years in 2014
- '49 defense alliance
- Defense alliance formed in 1949
- Multi-nation defense grp.
- Alliance recently joined by Montenegro
- Alliance with its HQ in Brussels
- Grp. joined by Montenegro in 2017
- Alliance joined by Montenegro in 2017
- Brussels-based mil. alliance
- Montenegro's grp. since 2017
- Brussels-based mil. alliance since 1949
- Defense grp. that's an anagram of 40-Across
- International military grp.
- Alphabet system in which "D" is 3-Down
- International grp. with a phonetic alphabet
- Peacekeeping grp. with an alphabet
- Thirty-country defense grp.
- ___ phonetic alphabet
- A is for Alfa org.
- 1949 agcy.
- Gp. created in 1949
- Long___lived mil. alliance
- Gen. Clark's former org.
- Its flag has a four-pointed star
- Gp. associated with the international radio alphabet
- Mil. alliance that uses a phonetic alphabet
- Grp. that Finland joined in 2023
- Post-WWII formation
- 50-yr.-old alliance
- Bulg. and Lith. joined it in 2004
- No-fly zone org.
- Its alphabet expands 10 answers (the letters spell a relevant phrase)
- Alb. joined it in 2009
- Mil. alliance based in Brussels
- Org. whose French acronym is the reverse of the English
- The U.K. is in it
- Alphabet providing the "ingredients" of this puzzle's soup
- Jens Stoltenberg is its secy. general
- Grp. with 12 founding members
- Intl. military alliance
- Alliance with hdqrs. in Brussels
- Grp. that added North Macedonia in 2020
- Grp. with peacekeeping troops
- Group backing Ukraine in 2022
- Org. that Finland and Sweden petitioned to join in 2022
- Defense grp. in 2022 news
- Fin. joined it in 2023
- Alliance with 32 members
- Grp. whose phonetic alphabet 26-Across comes from
- Its founding members included the U.K. and Can.
- Ukr. applied to join it in 2022