- Command on the Iditarod
- Why do toadstools grow so close together? Because there isn't _____ 12-across
- Breakfast at the Alaska Hilton?
- Command to sled dogs
- Breakfast at the Anchorage Sheraton?
- Iditarod directive
- Certain natural hallucinogen
- Chilly dog order?
- Syrupy schmaltz
- Go, team, go! shout?
- Word to spur a team on
- Word to urge the team on
- Soft mass
- Go, to the dogs
- On, you huskies!
- Command used in the Iditarod
- Iditarod imperative
- Shout heard at the Iditarod
- Scrapple, e.g.
- Head out, huskies!
- Command heard in the Iditarod
- Iditarod command
- Husky driver?
- Klondike command
- Iditarod cry
- Sled dog command
- Cloying sentimentality
- Faster, huskies!
- Soft stuff
- Call to the sled dogs
- Soft food
- Go faster, huskies!
- Command to a dog team
- Cornmeal product
- Sentimentality
- Word to a dog team
- Go, huskies!
- Schmaltz
- Sled-dog race command
- Go by dogsled
- Porridge.
- Travel on foot over snow.
- Cornmeal dish
- Unappetizing fare
- Shout to a chilly dog
- Cry to urge dog teams on.
- Cry to the huskies.
- Command to a sled dog.
- Order to sled dogs.
- Shout to sled dogs.
- Call to a sled dog.
- Shout to a sled dog.
- Breakfast food.
- Hasty pudding.
- Mawkishness.
- Arctic command
- Dog-team order
- Silly talk
- Command to a husky
- Mawkish sentimentality
- Order to a dog team
- Eskimo's "giddyap!"
- Command to a Yukon dog
- Command at the Iditarod
- Travel by sled
- Go, team!
- Shout to the team
- Word to a team
- Shout to a team, maybe
- Cry to a leading team?
- Cry to a husky
- Let's go! to sled dogs
- Cry to a sled dog
- Drivel
- Order to go
- Thick porridge
- Iditarod Trail command
- Iditarod shout
- It might be served for breakfast at the Iditarod?
- Dog-team command
- Word some dogs understand
- Excessive sentimentality
- Semisolid substance
- Travel by dogsled
- Word to rouse the team
- Baby food texture