- UK lawmakers
- AWOL chases
- Ft. Dix cops
- AWOL chasers
- Reps in the House of Commons or House of Lords
- Base cops
- Base fuzz, for short
- House of Commons legislators: Abbr.
- Gitmo guards
- G.I. cops
- AWOL's chasers
- Ottawa pols
- AWOL's pursuers
- Can. legislators
- Ottawa VIPs
- Checkpoint personnel: abbr.
- AWOL pursuers
- British bigwigs, briefly
- Australian lawmakers, for short
- Checkpoint Charlie figures, for short
- Base crime investigators, briefly
- You don't want them to catch you off base, for short
- Friend or foe? folks, for short
- Some elected Canadians, for short
- Their boss is a provost marshal general: Abbr.
- They rein you in when you're off base, for short
- Grunt force, for short
- Ft. Benning watchdogs
- Rounders-up of AWOLs
- Soldier cops
- M*A*S*H cops
- Base enforcement gp.
- Army cops
- Brits in the House of Commons
- AWOL nabbers
- Crime-fighting GIs
- U.K. legislators
- Corps cops
- AWOL trackers
- Brig guards (abbr.)
- Mil. cops
- Military fuzz
- Base enforcers, for short
- Base force, briefly
- Army lawmen
- Iraq war personnel
- Mil. base enforcers
- AWOLs avoid them
- USMC enforcers
- AWOL enforcers
- AWOL hunters
- Base enforcers, briefly
- Cops on base
- U.S. Army cops
- AWOL seekers
- Speed meas.
- Base cops, briefly
- Can. elected officials
- House of Commons reps
- Westminster reps.
- Base cops, familiarly
- 57 Down catchers
- Army cops: Abbr.
- M*A*S*H extras
- USMC authorities
- Stockade watchers
- House of Commons makeup: Abbr.
- Some Lords
- Army cops, briefly
- Army cops, for short
- Court-martial security
- Base enforcers
- 47 NSW electees
- Certain army men: Abbr.
- Army enforcers
- Four PEI senators
- AWOL arresters
- British legislators, for short
- Cops on army bases: Abbr.
- Military police.
- Special policemen.
- Certain policemen.
- British legislators.
- Legislators.
- British legislatures.
- Law-enforcement G. I.'s.
- Legislators: Abbr.
- Policemen of a sort.
- Certain Army men.
- Certain statesmen.
- Legislators, for short.
- Certain legislators.
- Police groups.
- British lawmakers
- British V.I.P.'s
- Army people: Abbr.
- Banes of AWOL's
- Brit. legislators
- Br. lawmakers
- British lawmakers: Abbr.
- AWOL's bane
- Provost marshal's men: Abbr.
- Soldiers busy on Jan. 1
- Brit. V.I.P.'s
- Eng. lawmakers
- They arrest AWOL's
- AWOL's nemeses
- Law-and-order G.I.'s
- Some Brit. lords
- Lords et al., in Brit.
- Mil. lawman
- They dog AWOL's
- Hunters of AWOL's
- Ft. Bragg constabulary
- Pursuers of 33-Across
- G.I. constabulary
- House of Commons members: Abbr.
- Brit. lawmakers
- Mil. go-getters?
- M*A*S*H extras, for short
- M*A*S*H cops, for short
- AWOL catchers
- U.K. election winners
- British pols
- AWOL chasers ... or a hint to the answers to the six starred clues
- Ottawa electees, for short
- House of Commons figs.
- Participants in Britain's question time, briefly
- Politicians in the House of Commons: Abbr.
- Some U.K. Lords
- AWOL finders
- They might stand guard at courts-martial: abbr.
- U.K. solons
- Fort Benning constabulary
- Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, in 2020: Abbr.
- M*A*S*H extras, briefly
- They patrol the bases
- Law enforcers on base: Abbr.
- US Army guards
- AWOL apprehenders
- Military cops
- House of Commons politicos, for short
- Some Gitmo guards
- Pursuers of AWOLs
- Base heat, for short
- Some curfew enforcers: Abbr.
- They track down AWOL soldiers
- Cops who catch AWOLs
- They seek AWOL soldiers
- Base patrollers
- Ottawa electees: Abbr.
- Post patrollers, for short
- Pvt. investigators?
- Army base patrollers, for short
- Lawmakers in the U.K.