Other crossword clues for answer "MOPE"
- Have the blues
- Dawdle dejectedly
- Imitate a teen
- Get down and stay down
- Feel sorry for oneself
- Move around under a cloud
- Put on a long face
- Wear a long face
- Be gloomy
- Wear a sulky face
- Act dejected
- Be a downer
- Be glum
- Sulk
- Act depressed
- Be sulky
- Sulk inconsolably
- Take bad news badly
- Wallow in dejection
- Wallow in sadness
- Wallow in despair
- Be in a pet
- Look out of it
- Engage in self-pity
- Pout about
- Sing the blues
- Pout
- Have the blahs
- Brood
- Gloomy Gus
- Be down in the dumps
- Behave like Gloomy Gus
- Brooding type
- Be a Gloomy Gus
- Look down
- Have a case of the blahs
- Languish dejectedly
- Display dejection
- Exhibit self-pity
- Sad sack it up
- Pull a moue
- Brood about
- Act sulkily
- Pouter
- Act listlessly
- Be depressed
- Long-faced one
- Turn blue?
- Be in a funk
- Have a long face
- Act moody
- Be downcast
- Wear a long puss
- Be a drag
- Wear a frown
- Act gloomy
- Straight details
- Act down
- Act downcast
- Act sulky
- Go blue
- Pouty person
- Be dull.
- Be spiritless.
- Be apathetic.
- Be in the doldrums.
- Be sunk in apathy.
- Apathetic one.
- Be listless.
- Brood over a grievance.
- Be dispirited.
- Show no spirit.
- Be in the dumps.
- Become listless.
- Dejected one.
- Act droopy
- Dawdle
- Display apathy
- Sit about and brood
- Brood or dawdle
- Behave dejectedly
- Dawdle; brood
- Repine
- Be despondent
- Act listless
- Look dejected
- Be down
- Put on an unhappy face
- Act the gloomy Gus
- Be blue
- Betray dejection
- Emulate Eeyore
- Something one might do after an embarrassing loss
- Look glum
- Wallow
- Sulk aimlessly
- Act sad
- Act like Eeyore
- Sulk sadly
- Show gloominess
- Wear a hangdog expression
- Act gloomily
- Have a long lip
- Fret
- Suffer from self-pity
- Be visibly dispirited
- Act crestfallen
- Wear a puss
- Be a sad sack
- Sullen sort
- Moon around
- Sulky sort
- Act sullen
- Be self-pitying
- Demonstrate dejection
- Imitate Eeyore