- Not fem.
- Opp. of fem.
- Rel. to a gender
- Fem. counterpart
- Fem.'s opposite
- Not fem. or neut.
- Opposite of fem.
- Fem. opposite
- Like "Herr" and "Hund," in Ger.
- Trans-___ (category for people assigned female birth sex who do not identify as female)
- ___-presenting (like some non-binary people)
- Not neut. (abbr.)
- Pron. designation
- Far from fem.
- Pron. category
- Male: abbr.
- Like many Fr. nouns
- Designation in many bilingual dictionaries: Abbr.
- Counterpart to "femme" on some LGBT dating sites
- Like some nouns, but no verbs: Abbr.
- Neither fem. nor neut.
- Like bucks, boars, and bulls (abbr.)
- Like some Fr. nouns
- Like some foreign nouns (abbr.)
- A gender (abbr.)
- Gender abbr.
- Manly abbr.
- Like "niño," e.g.: Abbr.
- Andro-: Abbr.
- Like most Sp. nouns that end in "o"
- Unlike an heiress: Abbr.
- Like yang: Abbr.
- Like "padre," e.g.: Abbr.
- Like "le" in Fr.
- Like the days of the week, in Span.
- Gram. gender
- Like "le" in Fr. or "el" in Sp.
- Like Span. o-ending nouns
- Counterpart of fem., in grammar
- Certain gender presentation, for short
- Fem.'s opp.
- Like M. but not Mme.
- Pert. to yang
- Noun gender: Abbr.
- Grammatical abbr.
- Like some Ger. nouns
- Not feminine: Abbr.
- Gender indicator: Abbr.
- Like peacocks: Abbr.
- Like some It. nouns
- Neither neut. nor fem.
- Like some Sp. nouns
- Counterpart of fem.
- Adj. for "bueno" and "bandeau"
- Form for some Fr. nouns
- Pronoun designation: Abbr.
- Grammatical gender in German: Abbr.
- Abréviation du dictionnaire
- Foreign n. designation
- Like "der" in Ger.
- Grammarian's abbreviation.
- Kind of pronoun: Abbr.
- Abbreviation in grammar.
- Grammar abbreviation.
- Tom, for example: Abbr.
- Type of noun: Abbr.
- One of the genders: Abbr.
- Word form: Abbr.
- Grammatical abbreviation.
- Type of pronoun: Abbr.
- Virile: Abbr.
- ___, fem. or neut.
- Opp. of feminine
- One of the gens.
- Abbr. in grammar
- Like the yang: Abbr.
- Like some pronouns: Abbr.
- Like some nouns: Abbr.
- Foreign noun designation: Abbr.
- Like some names: Abbr.
- Like "Spanish" in Spanish: Abbr.
- Like Spanish "eyes," e.g.: Abbr.
- Like El Niño: Abbr.
- Like il but not elle: Abbr.
- Like "el" or "le": Abbr.
- Like 60-Down: Abbr.
- Like bueno but not buena: Abbr.
- More yang than yin: Abbr.
- Like Italian "bread," e.g.: Abbr.
- Like the Fr. "le," but not "la"
- Like the Spanish nouns "gato" (cat) and "perro" (dog): Abbr.
- Foreign language dictionary abbr.
- Like the German article "der": Abbr.
- Like most Italian nouns ending in -o: Abbr.
- Like the Sp. "el"
- Like "der" words: abbr.
- Not neut.
- Type on Grindr, maybe
- Word after trans or before presenting
- Coördinate term of "femme"
- Gender-identity shorthand
- Like most Spanish nouns that end in - _o_ : Abbr.
- Like some nonbinary people's gender presentation, briefly
- ___-presenting (certain gender expression)
- Gender abbreviation
- Neither feminine nor neut.
- Macho (Abbr.)
- Like 28-Down: Abbr.
- Gender expression label
- Fem. s counterpart
- Manly abbreviation
- Like "el," in Sp.
- Like the Spanish "el" (Abbr.)
- Like "el," in Spanish (Abbr.)
- Shortened suffix for "trans"
- Trans___
- Like the Mexican peso?: Abbr.
- Gender identity shortening
- Like the Ger. "der"
- Like the Fr. "le" or Ger. "der"
- Like the Ger. "der" and the Fr. "le"
- Like the Fr. "fromage"
- Like "le monde"
- Like the Span. "el," Fr. "le" and Ger. "der"