- Antisocial one
- Solitary one
- Hermit
- No socialite
- Not the gregarious type
- Nonconformist
- Recluse
- Asocial person
- Solitude seeker
- Solitary sort
- I'm a ___, Dottie. A rebel. (Classic line from "Pee-wee's Big Adventure")
- Friendless one
- No company man?
- Solitary type
- Antisocial sort
- Antisocial type
- Sort of a hermit
- Asocial sort
- Person who steers clear of others
- Unsociable type
- One with social anxiety, perhaps
- Definitely not a team player
- Nikola Tesla, socially speaking
- Table for one type
- Company avoider
- Individualist of sorts
- Eremite
- One who avoids company
- Not the glad-handing sort
- Company dodger
- Solitary man
- Ungregarious type
- Unsociable sort
- Company shunner
- Rogue elephant, for one
- Eschewer of company
- Solitary person
- Hardly a company man
- Introverted type
- Hardly a gregarious type
- Hardly the belle of the ball
- One who's no social butterfly
- Soloist?
- Private sort
- He's not a company man?
- Solitary soul
- Very private person
- Social misfit
- One lacking ties
- Aloof one
- Hardly an extrovert
- Not a company man?
- Maverick
- Hardly the gregarious type
- Mountain man, maybe
- One unlikely to collaborate
- Hardly a social butterfly
- Introvert
- One who eschews company
- Independent sort
- One removed from the company?
- Hardly a bon vivant
- Hardly a socialite
- One who shuns company
- Reclusive sort
- Norman Bates, thankfully
- One who prefers their own company
- Not exactly a company person
- Unsocial one
- Reclusive one
- Anchorite
- Single operator
- Individualist
- Isolato
- Hermit, for one
- Isolated one
- Shane, e.g.
- Not a team player
- Nonsocial type
- Asocial type
- No mixer
- One who doesn't mingle
- Misanthrope, often
- Unsociable one
- Nonsocial person
- Willy Wonka or Mad Max
- Unsociable person
- Unlikely host
- Unsocial person
- Solitary type of person
- Person who's solitary
- Solitary-type person
- Person who doesn't mingle
- Reclusive person
- Independent one: Slang.
- Solitary one: Slang.
- Asocialite?
- Separatist?
- Person who's likely to go solo
- Independent person: Slang.
- Very independent one: Slang.
- Person who keeps to himself.
- Very independent one.
- Misanthrope, modern style.
- Solitary individual: Slang.
- Independent one: Colloq.
- Independent one.
- Rod Serling's hero.
- TV role.
- A Garbo type.
- Nongregarious chap.
- Not a joiner.
- Rugged individualist.
- Bachelor, in a way.
- An isolate
- Howard Hughes, for instance
- He thinks two's a crowd
- Seclusive one
- Party who avoids parties
- Ascetic
- Rugged or dogged individualist
- Isolation is his delectation
- See 91 Across
- He stays apart from parties
- Howard Hughes became one
- Misanthrope, perhaps
- Nongregarious one
- Solitarian
- Standoffish one
- Solitary
- Anchorite, e.g.
- Wallflower, in a way
- Individualist of a sort
- Solo goer
- He doesn't like company
- See 37 Down
- Homebody, perhaps
- One, of a kind
- Not the social type
- Hardly a partygoer
- Unsocial sort
- Hardly a people person
- St. Anthony, notably
- Extrovert's opposite
- Homebody
- One keeping one's own company
- Society avoider
- Troglodyte
- One not mingling much
- One averse to mingling
- One not mixing well
- Typical Clint Eastwood role
- Company boycotter?
- Spaghetti western persona
- Unlikely partygoer
- Introverted sort
- Eremite, e.g.
- Not a company person?
- Thomas Pynchon, famously
- Introvert musician, perhaps
- Hermit musician
- Reclusive star, perhaps
- Solo artist, perhaps
- Iconoclast, often
- Many an introvert
- Many a Clint Eastwood character
- Socially distant type?
- Infrequent partygoer
- Garbo, by choice
- Nonconformist of sorts
- Not a party person
- Hardly a party person
- One who avoids others
- Antisocial person
- Leaver of the pack?
- No-show at a mixer
- Not the outgoing type
- One who prefers solitude
- Infrequent socializer
- Person who might enjoy solo gaming
- Person who prefers their own company
- One unlikely to go clubbing
- One for the road
- Introvert often
- Stay-at-home
- One who's not a company man?
- One unlikely to mingle
- One avoiding socials
- Person who avoids company
- Person who enjoys solitude
- Person who's no social butterfly
- Stay-at-home, maybe
- Unlikely extrovert
- One avoiding interaction
- Maverick type
- Stock western character who may ride off into the sunset by himself
- Hardly the gregarious sort
- Unlikely mixer attendee
- Common Eastwood role
- Seeker of solitude
- Social-distancing proponent
- One with a single purpose?