- Centers
- Centers of focus
- Places
- Centers of activity
- Graphing centers
- Points, formally
- Points
- Central points
- Fixed points
- Points of geometry
- Sets of points
- Mathematical sets of points
- Particular places
- Sites
- Places, to Pliny
- Places, in math
- Focal points
- Centers of power
- Set of points
- Geometric sets
- Positions
- Points of activity
- Circles, e.g., mathematically speaking
- Nerve centers
- Sets satisfying geometric criteria
- Important scenes
- Central spots
- Some geometric sets
- Exact places
- Paths of points
- Mathematical sets
- Sets of points, in geometry
- Venues
- Sets of points, in math
- Activity centers
- Headquarters
- Hubs
- Point sets, in math
- Points in math class
- Focuses of activity
- Math points
- Spots
- Graph points
- Sets of graph points
- Mathematical points
- Set of points, in math
- Mathematical point-sets
- Scenes of action
- Settings
- Mathematical curves.
- Points, in mathematics.
- Places: Latin.
- Genius ___ (guardian angel of a place).
- Places: Lat.
- Geometric paths.
- Geometric points.
- Places, in law.
- Lex ___ (law of the place)
- Points; places
- Areas
- Certain mathematical planes
- Places, to attorneys
- Genes' positions
- Points on a math test?
- Math sets
- Collections of points in math
- Many curves, in math
- Sets in geometry
- Sets of points, mathematically
- Centers of attention
- Particular points
- Important positions
- Sets of plotted points
- Sets of points on graphs
- Hubs of activity
- Plot points?
- Sets of mathematical points
- ___ classici (oft-cited passages)
- Centers of great activity
- Gene positions
- Scenes of activity
- Focuses of power, e.g.
- Point systems, in math
- Coil anagram
- Situations
- Power centers
- Particular positions