- Helen of Troy's mother
- Mother of Helen of Troy
- Queen of Sparta
- Spartan queen
- Mother of Castor and Pollux
- Castor's mother
- Mother of Helen
- Helen's mother, in myth
- There has never yet been a man in our history who ___ life of ease whose name is worth remembering: Teddy Roosevelt
- Helen of Troy's mom
- Princess who shtupped a swan, in mythology
- Moon of Jupiter
- Satellite of Jupiter
- She was seduced by a swan (spoiler alert: it was Zeus)
- __ and the Swan
- Swan-wooed woman
- Helen of Troy's mum
- Queen loved by a swan
- Helen's mother
- Jovian satellite
- Zeus-wooed queen
- Lady wooed by a swan
- Mythical mother of Helen
- ___ and the Swan (Yeats poem)
- Mother of Castor
- Mother of Pollux
- Clytemnestra's mother
- Mythical queen of Sparta
- Mother of Castor, Pollux, and Helen of Troy
- Swan lady
- Moon of Jupiter discovered in 1974
- Helen of Troy hatched from one of her eggs
- She was wooed by a swan
- Swan's mate, in mythology
- Swan's mate of myth
- Woman wooed by a swan
- Yeats's "___ and the Swan"
- Woman who was seduced by a swan
- ___ and the Swan (Yeats)
- One of Jupiter's moons
- Helen's mother, in Greek myth
- Zeus seduced her as a swan
- Castor and Pollux's mother
- Clytemnestra's mom
- Mother of mythical twins
- Swan's mate, in myth
- One of Jupiter's moon
- Swan lover of myth
- Mythical Spartan queen
- Yeats's "__ and the Swan"
- Woman seduced by Zeus
- Pollux parent
- Woman seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan
- __ and the Swan: Rubens painting
- Spartan queen of Greek myth
- Mother of Clytemnestra
- Swan girl
- Yeats' "__ and the Swan"
- Swan constellation
- Spartan queen of myth
- The Gemini's mother
- __ charmed life (was very fortunate)
- Mother of the Gemini
- Wife of Tyndareus
- Correggio painted her.
- Mother of two eggs.
- Mother of fair Helen.
- Swan-wooed maid.
- Mother of Pollux and Helen.
- Aldous Huxley book, 1920.
- Michelangelo painted her.
- Mythical mother of two pairs of twins.
- Spartan queen in Greek myth.
- Mythical mother of two eggs.
- A queen of Sparta.
- Mythical queen
- One of Hera's rivals.
- One of Zeus' conquests.
- Queen in Greek myth.
- Swan's maiden.
- ___ and the Swan
- Mate for a swan
- Swan's girl friend
- Swan woman
- Mythical figure
- Book by Aldous Huxley
- Heroine of Zona Gale's "Faint Perfume"
- Swan's mythical mate
- Yeats subject
- Daughter of Clytemnestra
- Huxley book
- A. Huxley work
- Michelangelo subject
- Aldous Huxley work
- Woman in a Yeats poem
- Mother of Pollux and Castor
- Mother of 48 Down
- One of Jupiter's satellites
- Pollux's mother
- A swan was her swain
- A satellite of Jupiter
- Girl attacked by a "swan"
- Swan's victim
- A rival of Hera
- Yeats's swan lady
- Swan's partner, in myth
- Whom Zeus visited as a swan
- Mother of 41-Across
- Mother of twins, in myth
- Zeus visited her as a swan
- Leonardo da Vinci's "___ and the Swan"
- Mother of Helen, in myth
- 13th moon of Jupiter
- Mother of Helen and Pollux
- Title partner of "the Swan" in a Yeats poem
- Mythological subject of a Michelangelo painting
- Queen who fell for Zeus' swan song?
- Mythological subject for Leonardo, Correggio and Rubens
- Princess seduced by Zeus
- ___ and the Swan (lost Michelangelo painting)
- ___ charmed life
- -- dog's life (labored)
- -- double life (had two different personas)
- -- dog's life (toiled away)
- Correggio's "___ and the Swan"
- Mythical mother of Castor and Pollux
- H.D. work that begins, "Where the slow river / meets the tide, / a red swan lifts red wings"
- Woman usually painted with a swan
- Da Vinci's "___ and the Swan"
- _____ and the Swan (da Vinci)
- _____ and the Swan (Yeats)
- She was seduced by a swan
- Jupiter's satellite
- Yeats title character
- Mother of Troy's Helen
- ____ and the Swan : Yeats
- Apollo's mother
- Lady with a swan
- Mythical queen associated with a swan
- Woman with a swan
- Castor's mom
- Helen of Troy's mythic mother
- Classic portrait subject usually seen with a bird
- She was seduced by Zeus
- Mythical mother of twins
- Electra's grandmother