- Like a malfunctioning faucet
- Not seaworthy, in a way
- Full of holes
- Needing sealant
- Opposite of tight
- In need of caulk
- Dripping
- Allowing an escape, in a way
- Allowing escape, in a way
- Like a boat in big trouble
- Like a bad roof
- Like a trireme in trouble
- Letting on water
- Bad adjective for a boat
- Prone to dripping
- Like some old boats
- Not watertight
- In need of caulking, as a boat
- In need of fixing, roofwise
- Dripping, maybe
- Like a faulty pipe
- Hardly seaworthy
- Hardly watertight
- Needing caulking
- Like a defective roof
- Porous, perhaps
- Faulty, as a faucet
- Unable to hold water
- Like a boat with holes
- Needing a plumber
- Less than seaworthy
- Not seaworthy
- Needing plugging
- Drippy, as a faucet
- Needing a plumber to seal up
- Dripping when off, as a faucet
- Exuding water.
- Apt to disclose secrets: Colloq.
- Like old scows.
- Needing patches or shingles.
- Not able to keep a secret: Colloq.
- Porous.
- Defective.
- Dangerous afloat.
- Like a sieve.
- Like some boats.
- Unseaworthy
- Like some faucets
- Needing a caulking
- Not waterproof
- Pervious
- Like old tubs
- Sievelike
- In need of a washer, perhaps
- Unsafe, as a boat
- Like rusty pipes, perhaps
- In need of patching, say
- Losing water by the minute
- Like some old roofs
- Like a bad faucet
- Like a broken faucet, maybe
- Unable to keep a secret?
- Like a boat with holes in it
- Like a dripping faucet
- In need of sealing
- In need of bailing, perhaps