- Be a loafer
- Dilly-dally
- Act the couch potato
- Loaf
- Act like a couch potato
- Idle
- Do a whole bunch of nothing
- Do little
- Chillax
- Enjoy a staycation
- Take it easy
- Be idle
- Do nothing
- Lounge around
- Goof off
- Pass the time idly
- While away the time
- Hang in the hammock
- Be indolent
- Use a hammock
- Lounge about
- Pass the time
- Dawdle in a hammock, maybe
- Waste time
- Enjoy a Saturday morning
- Indulge in idleness
- Loll about
- Pass time idly
- Lay about
- Indulge in indolence
- Relax
- Engage in idleness
- Veg out
- Chill out
- Lie about idly
- Chill
- Emulate a couch potato
- Moon around
- Loll
- Lounge
- Lie (around)
- Kick back, so to speak
- Be slothful
- Enjoy a chaise longue, say
- Lie around idly
- Stretch out in the recliner, say
- Kick back
- Hang (around) in a hammock, say
- Relax in a hammock
- Lie idly (around)
- Practice indolence
- Stretch out on a sofa
- Be inactive
- Loaf around
- Do nothing on a sofa
- Lounge in a hammock
- Stretch out idly
- Act like a slugabed
- Be a slug
- Waste in sloth.
- Lounge idly.
- Take one's ease.
- Take things easy.
- Wax slothful.
- Fritter away time
- Play the drone
- Take life easy
- Lollygag
- Have more than half a loaf?
- Play the lounge lizard
- Use the hammock
- Be languorous
- Be otiose
- Spend half the afternoon in a hammock, e.g.
- Be a couch potato
- Spend an afternoon in a hammock, e.g.
- What many do on a day off
- Lie in a hammock all afternoon, e.g.
- Not do one darn thing
- Not work at all
- Lie about
- Unwind
- Sprawl on the couch
- Lie around all day
- Take it very easy
- Be a good couch potato
- Act the sloth
- Loaf about
- Hammock it up
- Stay in your pajamas all day, say
- Relax in a recliner, perhaps
- Take it slow
- Hang around
- Really take it easy
- Sit around
- Spend time in a hammock, e.g.
- Act the loafer
- Hang in a hammock
- Lie in a hammock, e.g.
- Loll in a hammock
- Relax in the sack
- Relax and do nothing
- Veg
- Slack off
- Just do nothing