- Latitude; abbr
- Back muscle, familiarly
- Opposite of long.
- Back muscle, briefly
- Long. counterpart
- Back muscle, at Planet Fitness
- Rowing muscle, for short
- Muscle worked by pull-ups, briefly
- WSJ competitor
- Paper that finally unionized its workers in 2019, for short
- Back muscle, in gym-speak
- 54°40', e.g.: Abbr.
- Barbell pullover muscle
- CrossFitter's back muscle
- Daily published by Russ Stanton: Abbr.
- GPS stat
- Midback muscle
- Subj. in the classics
- Trapezius neighbor
- Pull-down target
- Deadlift muscle, for short
- Pulldown muscle
- It's not long. for this world
- Rowing machine muscle
- Rowing muscle
- Short muscle?
- Atlas line: Abbr.
- Back muscle
- Column One newspaper, for short
- Bent-over row target
- A 90 Across, for short
- Iron-pumper's muscle
- Lifter's back muscle
- Long. partner
- Long. crosser
- Delt neighbor
- Global positioning fig.
- Long.'s complement
- Long.'s counterpart
- Long.'s opposite
- Classic lang.
- Muscle below a delt
- It decreases away from the poles: Abbr.
- Beneficiary of rowing, informally
- It never gets below 0°: Abbr.
- It's developed by pulling up, briefly
- One developed in a row, casually
- One end of it links with the humerus, for short
- Windows key neighbor
- Back muscle, in gym lingo
- Pull-up worker, informally
- 0 deg., at the equator
- Map abbr.
- It's about 40° in NYC
- Delt's neighbor
- Pull-down exercise target
- Back muscle, for short
- No. in a map's right margin
- Pumper's pride, perhaps
- At the equator, it's 0 deg.
- Chin-up muscle, briefly
- Muscle targeted in a chin-up, familiarly
- Back muscle, to weightlifters
- Showy bit of back brawn
- Chin-up target, for short
- It's worked by an oarer
- Trap neighbor
- Trop. of Cancer, for one
- Atlas abbr.
- Roman lang.
- E-W map line
- No. between 0 and 90
- Old lang.
- Workout target, for short
- Pull-up beneficiary, briefly
- Back muscle, familiarly (m)
- It's 0 at the equator: Abbr.
- Bodybuilder's target, briefly
- Pulldown beneficiary, for short
- GPS determination
- Map abbreviation
- Map coordinate: Abbr.
- No. that's zero at the equator
- Parallel meas.
- GPS finding
- Back muscle, informally
- Et alia lang.
- GPS datum
- Small muscle?
- GPS figure
- Source of many med. terms
- Zero deg. at the equator, say
- 90 deg. at the North Pole, e.g.
- Map line: Abbr.
- Hor. map line
- GPS fig.
- Long. opposite
- Back muscle, to a bodybuilder
- Gazetteer abbr.
- Pull-ups' target, for short
- Bodybuilder's back muscle
- You'd expect to see it before long.
- GPS number
- Negative pull-up beneficiary
- N or S position
- Pull-up muscle
- One working with chinning
- GPS display
- Longitude's counterpart: Abbr.
- GPS coordinate
- Brutus's lang.
- Muscle in the back, for short
- Trapezius neighbor, for short
- Angular distance from the equator: Abbr.
- It's measured in degs.
- Livy's lang.
- Midback muscle, for short
- Lang. of many mottoes
- A dead language: abbr.
- Buddhist column.
- Buddhist pillar.
- 20 cents in Riga.
- Coin of Latvia, about 20c.
- 19c in Latvia.
- Stone pillar.
- Coin of Latvia.
- Coin of Riga.
- Coin of a Baltic nation.
- Formerly worth about 20c in Latvia.
- Learned language: Abbr.
- Money in Riga.
- Parallel measure in degrees and minutes: Abbr.
- Roman tongue: Abbr.
- Scipio's language: Abbr.
- Distance from the equator: Abbr.
- Partner of long.
- Classical tongue: Abbr.
- A language: Abbr.
- Imaginary earthline: Abbr.
- Ancient language: Abbr.
- Old language: Abbr.
- Language: Abbr.
- Line of a map: Abbr.
- Abbreviation on a map.
- Long.'s partner.
- School subject: Abbr.
- School course: Abbr.
- Geographer's abbreviation.
- Atlas abbreviation.
- Classical language: Abbr.
- Riga coin
- Old Baltic coin
- Caesar's language: Abbr.
- Old coin of Riga
- Relative of long.
- School study: Abbr.
- Geographical abbr.
- Long. companion
- Column in a Buddhist building
- Former Riga coin
- Kind of sch.
- Ancestor of Ital.
- Breadth, for short
- Cicero's lang.
- Counterpart of long.
- Mother of Fr., Sp., etc.
- Nero's lang.
- Caesar's lang.
- Calpurnia's lang.
- Rom. tongue
- Seminary subj.
- Classical lang.
- Cato's lang.
- H.S. subject
- It's 34°, for L.A.
- Mariner's abbr.
- Cato's tongue: Abbr.
- Opp. of long.
- Long. sidekick
- Kin of long.
- This crosses long.
- Companion of long.
- Long.'s companion
- Certain degrees: Abbr.
- Classicist's subs.
- Not long.
- World atlas abbr.
- 50 degrees, say: Abbr.
- Ancient lang.
- It's 0 deg. at the equator
- It's perpendicular to long.
- Cartographic fig.
- It's measured in degrees: Abbr.
- Global positioning datum: Abbr.
- High school subj.
- Global positioning meas.
- Bodybuilder's target
- Map figure: Abbr.
- Muscle worked in rowing exercises, for short
- Pull-up muscle, for short
- What doesn't go a long. way?
- Certain parallel: Abbr.
- Like 2-Down: Abbr.
- 50 degs., maybe
- Midback muscle, briefly
- Muscle strengthened by a pulldown exercise, in brief
- Part of a G.P.S. reading: Abbr.
- Partner of long. in a G.P.S. location
- Atlas fig.
- Muscle strengthened in rowing, in brief
- No. on a map
- Back muscle, in brief
- Muscle used in pull-ups, briefly
- Rowing machine target, for short
- A GPS coordinate: Abbr.
- Many legal terms are in it: Abbr.
- One of a pair of map coordinates: Abbr.
- West Coast news inits.
- E.-W. line
- Exempli gratia, e.g.: Abbr.
- Major California paper, for short
- Muscle strengthened in rowing, briefly
- Big California paper, for short
- Alaska has the highest one in the U.S.: Abbr.
- Line on a map: Abbr.
- Muscle worked by a kettlebell swing, informally
- It's not long.
- Muscle worked by a pull-down machine, for short
- Opp. of longitude
- Nero's language: Abbr.
- Longitude's opp.
- Ovid's lang.
- Brutus' lang.
- Pull-up muscle, briefly
- Back muscle, to a trainer
- Gym target on back day, briefly
- California newspaper, for short
- A Billy Blanks' target
- Back muscle, to Billy Blanks
- Back muscle, to gym regulars
- Short back muscle
- Long.'s crosser on 32-Down
- Bodybuilder's focus, sometimes
- Global positioning datum, briefly
- Pull-down exercise target, briefly
- Long. crossing
- Back muscle, casually
- Back muscle, in the gym
- Flat back muscle, briefly
- Long.'s partner, on a GPS
- Long.'s counterpart on a GPS
- Pull-down muscle, for short
- Naut. measure
- Globe line, briefly
- Torso muscle, at the gym
- Bodybuilder's concern, among others
- Bit of your back, briefly
- Upper back muscle, for short
- Longitude crosser (Abbr.)
- Long. intersector, on a GPS
- Long. crosser, on a map
- Muscle near a 38-Down
- Long. intersector
- Counterpart of longitude (Abbr.)
- Muscle worked in a pulldown, for short
- Muscle worked on back day
- Seal row muscle, for short
- Pec neighbor
- Fig. between 0 and 90
- ___ tower (workout apparatus)
- Bodybuilding target
- Not long., for this world?
- Globe line: Abbr.
- Bat-making tool
- What a pulldown targets
- Muscle targeted by pulldowns
- Muscle strengthened by pulldowns
- Target of chin-ups
- Broad back muscle, for short
- Either of a pair of muscles overlapped by the traps
- It's below a trap
- Muscle targeted on a rowing machine
- Muscle used for rowing