- __ up (nervous)
- ____ up (excited)
- Scratched the surface of?
- Damaged on purpose, as a car door
- Atwitter, with "up"
- With a certain pitch
- Vandalized a car, perhaps
- Vandalized a VW
- Het (up)
- Punched (in)
- Entered, with "in"
- Excited, with "up"
- ___ up (tense)
- On edge, with "up"
- Tense, with "up"
- Nervous, with "up"
- Cross-indexed
- Attuned (to)
- Jacked (up)
- All _ up: tense
- Entered
- Worked (up)
- Focused (on)
- ___ up (excited)
- Typed (in)
- Entered, as on a computer
- Attuned
- Harmonized.
- Fitted the last stone in an arch.
- In right pitch.
- Regulated the tone of.
- In harmony.
- Regulated the pitch of.
- Regulated the tone
- Brought into harmony
- ___ up (agog)
- Like a piano
- ___ up (all agog)
- Pitched, in music
- Tensed, with "up"
- Fired (up)
- Aware, with "in"
- Like computer data, with "in"
- Scratched, as the paint on a car
- -- up (excited)
- Tapped (in)
- All _____ up (excited)
- Coordinated, as with a color
- Color coordinated
- Entered data into a computer
- Vandalized a car, in a way
- Vandalized, as a car
- ____ in (entered, as data)
- Vandalized an auto, in a way
- Deliberately scratched, as a car
- ____ up: on edge
- Coordinated
- ___ up
- Marred a car, in a way
- All ___ up (nervously excited)
- ___ up (excited or nervous)
- Vandalized, in a way
- Entered, as data
- Defaced, as a car's finish
- Jazzed (up)