- Library ID
- Dust jacket ID
- Literary figures?: Abbr.
- 13-digit identifier
- 978-0439023528, for "The Hunger Games"
- Library cataloging datum, briefly
- Novel fig.
- Novel numbers
- Numbers on the books?
- Number on the books?: Abbr.
- ID with a UPC-like code
- Book ID
- Bookstore ID
- Library catalog ID
- Book publishing fig.
- One criterion to search books on Amazon: Abbr.
- Library-book ID
- Hardcover identifier: Abbr.
- ID that changed from 10 digits to 13 in 2007
- Abbr. in Wikipedia novel articles
- A "0" at its beginning means that its work was written in an English-speaking country: Abbr.
- 0-812-54809-4, for one
- Barnes&Noble ID
- 0-679-42917-4, e.g.
- 10-digit ID at Amazon.com
- Barnes and Noble ID
- Novel ID
- 1-402-72-4101, e.g.
- Barnes & Noble no.
- 978-1-4027-6507-0, e.g.
- Dust jacket no.
- Copyright page abbr.
- Publishing ID often found above a UPC
- Lookup # at Barnes & Noble
- Novel digits
- 978-1-4549-0059-7, e.g.
- ID on some jackets
- Code on the inside of a book cover, for short
- Copyright pg. item
- Borders order ID
- Literary ID
- Amazon.com ID
- Jacket label letters
- Publisher's ID
- Library catalog no.
- 10- or 13-digit ID
- Card catalog ID
- Copyright pg. ID
- Library vol. ID
- 13-digit ID since 2007
- Copyright page ID
- ID on a Barnes & Noble buy
- Book-jacket code: Abbr.
- Book's ID
- Copyright-page letters
- Publishing abbr.
- Volume's ID
- Mystery identifier
- Novel's ID
- Amazon datum
- Novel identifier
- Paperback ID
- Biography ID
- Penguin designation
- ID on a dust jacket
- Novel designation
- Book-publishing ID
- ID found in many Amazon.com URLs
- Abbr. on the back of a title page
- Copyright page info: Abbr.
- ID in a library
- Bibliophile's citation, for short
- Card catalog abbr.
- 0-198-61186-2, e.g.
- Novel figure: Abbr.
- 978-0060935443, for Roget's Thesaurus
- Publisher's 13-digit ID
- ID in a library vol.
- 13-digit library info
- Info on the reverse of a title page: Abbr.
- Amazon fig.
- Abbr. in a library catalog
- Fig. for a librarian
- Jacket letters
- Some library catalog info, for short
- 10-digit book ID
- No. on a dust jacket
- Library abbr.
- Publishing ID
- Library of Congress ID
- 13-digit publishing ID
- 13-digit ID in publishing
- Letters in a library
- Library I.D. that resembles a U.P.C.
- Search parameter on Goodreads
- Jacket detail, for short
- Code on a dust jacket: Abbr.
- Book identification no.
- Letters on the back of a book
- Book ID code number
- Amazon.com fig.
- Amazon.com no.
- Barnes & Noble fig.
- Cover letters?
- Book jacket info: Abbr.
- Textbook ID
- Digits on jackets: Abbr.
- 13-digit identifier at Barnes & Noble: Abbr.