- Baghdad's country
- Kuwait neighbor
- Country in the news
- Jordan adjoiner
- Mesopotamia, nowadays
- Nation bordering Iran
- Basra's nation
- Land of conflict
- Basra's land
- Country with "Allahu Akbar" written on its flag
- Jarhead setting
- Its motto is "Allahu Akbar"
- See 57-Across
- Kismet country
- Republic with a Constitution
- Home of the Kirkuk oil field
- Kismet locale, today
- Three Kings setting
- Mesopotamia, now
- Fertile Crescent land
- Kirkuk's place
- Saddam's land
- Syria neighbor
- Cobra II topic
- 2007 Asian Cup champion
- Talabani's land
- Modern Babylonia
- Country whose flag bears Kufic script
- See 25 Down
- 2000s campaign site
- Jordan's neighbor
- Turkey neighbor
- 1980s war participant
- Basra's country
- Nineveh's locale, nowadays
- Part of Mesopotamia, today
- Where Nineveh is
- Where to find the ruins of Babylon
- Gulf War loser
- Mesopotamia's now part of it
- Domain of Hussein
- Hussein's home
- Kirkuk's country
- Neighbor of Saudi Arabia
- Desert Storm site
- Gulf War country
- Basra's location
- Country at war in 2003
- One of Turkey's neighbors
- Uum Qasr's place
- Ambassador Negroponte's assignment
- Invaded nation of 2003
- It's south of Turkey
- Jordan neighbor
- Nation suspected of having weapons of mass destruction
- Saudi Arabia neighbor
- Tikrit's land
- Where Baghdad is the capital
- Its flag says "God is great" in Arabic
- Middle Eastern nation
- Mosul's country
- Persian Gulf War loser
- 2008 campaign issue
- Modern site of ancient Nineveh
- Neighbor of Jordan
- 1990 Kuwait invader
- Country in March 2003 headlines
- Persian Gulf adjoiner
- Baghdad's land
- Where the Tigris and Euphrates meet
- Mideast hot spot
- Nation suspected of harboring weapons of mass destruction
- Neighbor of Syria
- Green Zone setting
- Desert Storm target
- Fallujah's land
- Nation where the Tigris and Euphrates meet
- The New Way Forward country
- Country with the ruins of ancient Nineveh
- Persian Gulf country
- The Hurt Locker setting
- Fertile Crescent country
- Modern country within the "Cradle of Civilization"
- Setting for "American Sniper"
- Octomom's dad's home country
- Babylonia today
- Turkey's neighbor
- Persian Gulf land
- Modern site of Mesopotamia
- It became independent in 1932
- Mesopotamia's locale, today
- Najaf's home
- Turkey toucher
- Where the Tigris flows
- Asian country slightly larger than California
- Mosul's land
- Big oil exporter
- Green Zone site
- Where Al Sharqiya is broadcast
- OPEC founding member
- Major oil exporter
- Where the Tigris meets the Euphrates
- Modern-day Mesopotamia
- Mosul's home
- War-torn land
- Green Zone country
- Zagros Mountains country
- Baghdad is its capital
- Modern location of Nineveh
- Hussein's haven
- Neighbor of 5 Down
- Republic since 1958
- OPEC member
- Asian land
- Arab League nation
- Mesopotamia, today
- Sunni Triangle locale
- Mesopotamian land
- Basra locale
- Asian republic
- Land on the Persian Gulf
- Syrian Desert sharer
- Baghdad's nation
- The Cradle of Civilization
- Land with a bit of the Fertile Crescent
- Arab League member
- Nation in METO.
- Member of Bush's "axis of evil"
- Middle East hot spot
- 2004 presidential debate topic
- Where the Shatt-al-Arab flows
- Where the Tigris and the Euphrates flow
- Place to spend dinars
- Babylon's site, today
- Member of OPEC
- Its flag has Arabic script on it
- Arab kingdom.
- Great oil-producing country.
- Where Bagdad is.
- Its capital is Bagdad.
- Where Basra is.
- Bagdad is its capital.
- Country of SW Asia.
- Kingdom of Asia.
- Baghdad Pact country.
- U. A. R. member.
- Arab land.
- Asian country.
- Country rich in oil.
- Neighbor of Kuwait.
- Moslem land.
- Mesopotamia.
- Part of the Middle East.
- Where Arif rules.
- Where Baghdad is.
- Where Mosul is.
- Syria's neighbor.
- Where Erbil is.
- Asiatic country.
- Arabia's neighbor.
- Kabob country.
- Baghdad's republic.
- Mideast land.
- Modern Mesopotamia.
- Country in Asia
- Where Tigris meets Euphrates
- Land of caliphs
- Mideast nation
- Mideast state
- Oil country
- Mesopotamia's land
- World's sixth largest oil producer
- Oil-rich land
- Where the Euphrates meets the Tigris
- Where the Euphrates flows
- Homeland of the thief of Baghdad
- A neighbor of Jordan
- Middle East land
- Basra's locale
- Foe of Iran
- Mesopotamian nation
- Middle East republic
- A 1991 war zone
- Modern site of ancient Kish
- Ur locale
- Gulf war foe
- Foe of 31-Across
- Invader of 1990
- Where dinars buy dinner
- Babylon's land
- Amara's nation
- Faisal I's land
- Land of the Tigris and Euphrates
- Subject of U.N. sanctions
- Sumer, nowadays
- Country under longtime U.N. sanctions
- Operation Desert Storm target
- Home of some Kurds
- 2003 war zone
- Former Baathist state
- Country whose flag says "God is great"
- It includes Mesopotamia
- Script meaning "God is great" appears on its flag
- Baath party place
- Modern home of ancient Ur
- Modern home of the ancient Akkadian empire
- With 33-Down, topic in the 2008 presidential campaign
- Baghdad's home
- Modern locale of ancient Ur
- Where many a veteran has served
- The Hurt Locker locale
- 2000s service site
- Operation Desert Storm setting
- What some veterans recall
- Axis of evil member
- One side in a 1980s war
- Saddam Hussein's land
- Early 2000s war zone
- Modern-day locale of ancient Nineveh
- Neighbor of 10-Down
- Setting for "Three Kings," 1999
- Where the Noah's Ark story is thought to have occurred, today
- Country created by the Treaty of Sèvres, 1920
- Former Baath Party stronghold
- One of the I's of ISIS
- Country invaded in 2003
- Where dinars buy dinners
- Modern home of the ancient king Gilgamesh
- Modern locale of ancient Sumer
- Modern-day home of where the biblical Abraham was born
- Where the Tigris and Euphrates flow
- Setting for Operation Red Dawn
- Second-greatest oil producer in OPEC
- Home to the Great Ziggurat of Ur
- Where dinars are spent
- Gulf country
- Neighbor of 124 Across
- Tigris-Euphrates land
- Baghdad site
- Mesopotamia, currently
- '80s fighter of 40-across
- The British invaded it during World War I
- Imminent target
- It may be attacked soon
- Aggressor of Aug. 2, 1990
- It roughly coextends with Mesopotamia
- WTC suspect
- Word in recent headlines
- It has begun challenging no-fly zones with domestic flights
- Modern-day country that occupies much of the land of ancient Mesopotamia
- Saddam's country
- Today's Mesopotamia
- Kirkuk's locale
- Neighbor of Iran
- Mideast country
- Former no-fly zone
- A land of the Tigris and Euphrates
- Former site of no-fly zones
- 1991 war zone
- Where dinners cost dinars
- Saddam used to rule it
- Iran's enemy, once
- Kuwait's northern neighbor
- Home to Baghdad
- Country whose official languages are Arabic and Kurdish
- Syria's neighbor to the east
- Basra's milieu
- Desert Storm combatant
- Where to spend 18 Across
- Neighbor of 46 Across
- Nation subject to a UN embargo
- Desert Storm foe
- Country in the Fertile Crescent
- Independent country as of 1932
- Ruins of Babylon locale
- Where dinner costs dinars
- Desert Storm country
- Mesopotamia's place
- American Sniper setting
- Country that used to have 27-Down
- One "I" of ISIS
- American Sniper locale
- Sunni Triangle land
- Syrian Desert nation
- Desert Storm land
- Home country of Alia Muhammad Baker, the Librarian of Basra
- Basra's place
- Gulf War belligerant
- Najaf locale
- Mosul locale
- Operation Iron Hammer locale
- Kirkuk's land
- Sunni Triangle setting
- Country home to the Ziggurat of Ur
- It doesn't bare its arms
- Kuwait invader of 1990
- Basra is there
- Its national anthem is "Mawtini"