- No ifs, ands, or buts!
- No, really, let me
- Put your wallet away!
- No, really, my treat
- Oh, but you must!
- You can't refuse!
- No, really, this one's on me
- Put that away
- You can't dissuade me!
- No point arguing with me ...
- Adamant words
- Uncompromising words
- Treater's adamant words
- Words that can be generous yet uncompromising
- You must let me
- Demanding phrase
- Don't argue!
- Adamant demand
- Treater's phrase
- Really! It's MY treat!
- It's MY treat!
- No use arguing with me
- Follow-up to 8-Down, often
- Response to a polite refusal / (next line) It's spelled out in a Tammy Wynette hit
- No, you really must!
- No, no, it's my treat!
- No, no, really ...
- No, really
- Words of resolution
- Really, you must