- Poker player's lament
- Poker player's declaration
- Poker pullout words
- Card-table comment
- Resigned poker-table words
- You can take it
- Poker comment
- Poker concession
- Words of resignation at the poker table
- No more for me, at the poker table
- Too rich for my blood
- What a poker player says while mucking
- Words from one who won't call
- Words from a hold 'em holdout
- This hand's over for me
- Poker player's "Too rich for my blood"
- Music to a bluffer's ears
- Bluffed-out words, perhaps
- Poker declaration
- You win this hand
- Poker player's concession, and what 18-, 20-, 37-, 56-, and 59-Across might say?
- Poker quitter's comment
- Casino exit line
- Can't win this hand
- Quitting phrase in poker
- Count me out, in a cardroom
- Poker player's comment
- Too rich for me
- Poker player's "Uncle"
- Poker resignation
- Response to a lousy deal
- Uncle, in poker
- Remark from one who's obviously not going to call
- Words spoken after a big raise?
- That's it for me
- This poker hand's no good!
- Declaration by one who's done playing
- Take the pot
- Phrase said while tossing a pair of cards
- Despairing poker declaration
- Response to an unexpected call?
- This just isn't my hand
- Statement at the poker table
- This hand is too terrible to play
- That bet is too high for me to call
- Words from one with a weak hand
- Words while dropping one's hand
- Follower of "This isn't a hand, it's a foot!"
- Words when looking at a bad hand