- Specialized hospital area
- Hosp. area
- RN's posting
- Observation area: Abbr.
- Where PPE might be worn
- Place to recover, briefly
- Post-op stop
- Hosp. drama setting
- Hosp. location
- Stop after the ER, perhaps
- Critical hosp. setting
- Hosp. area with lots of monitoring
- Hosp. area with ventilators
- Acute treatment wing: Abbr.
- Scrubs setting
- Recovery zone, briefly
- Post-op place
- RN station
- E.R. venue
- ER setting
- Endotracheal tube locale: Abbr.
- Hosp. room with cardiac monitors
- Post-E.R. spot
- RN's room
- Room with mechanical ventilators: Abbr.
- Spot with a Swan-Ganz monitor: Abbr.
- Hospital ward, for short
- Mechanical ventilation rm.
- Room full of drips?: Abbr.
- IV room
- Site for an IV
- Post-op spot
- Post-OR area
- Post-op rm.
- Hosp. ward
- Hosp. section
- Oxygen-tent area, briefly
- Medevac destination, maybe
- Oxygen tent setting: Abbr.
- Post-op stop: Abbr.
- Space that often requires ventilation, for short
- Where to go after a peekaboo injury, in a joke
- Hospital section for the seriously ill
- Hospital area, for short
- Post-OR place
- RN's assignment
- Where an RN works
- Destination from the ER
- Destination from the ER, perhaps
- IV-covered venue
- Possible destination from the ER
- Where some RNs work
- Frequent next stop from the ER
- Post-ER place
- Where a post-ER patient might be
- Post-OR destination
- Destination after the ER, perhaps
- Post-OR location
- Post-op locale
- IV-filled area
- One destination from the ER
- Post-OR destination, perhaps
- Post-op area
- R.N. work area
- Where to find a lot of drips, briefly
- Post-OR stop
- Hosp. ward for those in critical condition
- Post-ER destination
- Set of recovery rooms, for short
- Destination after the ER
- Post-ER stop
- Room with IV-covered walls
- Stop post-op
- Closely monitored hosp. area
- Hosp. area for acute conditions
- Room where much of the "Breaking Bad" episode "I See You" takes place (sound it out...)
- Part of a hospital that sounds like a sentence
- Hospital pt. that sounds like a sentence
- Hospital sect.
- Post-op recovery site, perhaps
- IV site
- Post-op recovery site, at times
- It may be pediatric: Abbr.
- Post-ER area
- Post-op section
- Critical hosp. area
- Hosp. drama locale, usually
- Place for drips, briefly
- Post-op setting
- Site for serious treatment, briefly
- Post-op recovery area
- Post-surg. area
- Area for critical patients, briefly
- RN workplace
- Hosp. area for critical cases
- Hosp. area with few visitors
- Hosp. crisis area
- RN's workplace
- Hosp. recovery area
- Hospital dept.
- Post-ER facility
- Workplace of some RNs
- Hosp. locale
- St. Elsewhere area
- Post-ER site
- Hospital area: Abbr.
- RN assignment
- Slangy letters of identification
- Room with monitors
- Dept. whose history goes back to Nightingale
- 11 Down's assignment
- Area with multiple monitors
- ER set
- Grey's Anatomy locale
- Dept. inspired by Nightingale's service
- Medical show set
- Closely monitored hosp. ward
- Hosp. unit
- Med. center area
- Place with closely monitored monitors
- Where an RN may work
- Closely monitored room
- Dept. with a history going back to Nightingale
- Place with many IVs
- Place for some serious hookups: Abbr.
- Workplace for an RN
- Code blue location, for short
- Hospital area with many IVs
- Critical ward in a hosp.
- Workplace with many drips, briefly
- Hosp. hot spot
- Post-surgery stop, briefly
- Not if ___ first?
- Emer. locale
- Hospital inits.
- Post-op destination
- Med. center ward
- Post-op stop, maybe: Abbr.
- Hosp. area for emergency cases
- Oxygen site: Abbr.
- Neediest cases site?: Abbr.
- Place for some tents: Abbr.
- Incubator spot: Abbr.
- Post-E.R. destination, maybe
- Place for a monitor: Abbr.
- Place for preemies, in brief
- Site of some serious hookups: Abbr.
- Place for post-op patients, for short
- Post-O.R. stop, perhaps
- Place for an R.N.
- Place for 42-Across
- Post-op location
- Post-op spot, for short
- R.N.'s locale
- People in this are watched closely: Abbr.
- Post-O.R. post
- Preemie setting: Abbr.
- R.N.'s station
- Site of an oxygen tent, in brief
- Carefully monitored area, for short
- Set of hospital rms.
- Defib setting
- Critical hosp. department
- Oxygen tent locale, briefly
- Place for a monitor, for short
- Post-O.R. stop, maybe
- Site of many IVs
- Critical area, for short
- Frequent setting on "Chicago Med"
- Location for round-the-clock monitoring, in brief
- Post-O.R. destination, often
- Where cc's are seen
- Place with a lot of monitors, for short
- Post-E.R. locale
- Post-O.R. site
- Post-surgery place
- Where to find some very sick individuals, for short
- High-stress hosp. area
- Part of a hosp. with oxygen tents
- Post-operation site, for short
- Place for R.N.s
- Critical hosp. ward
- Critical hosp. wing
- R.N.'s place
- Hospital dept. for the neediest cases
- Place for an oxygen tent, for short
- Place that may have lots of monitors, for short
- Place with drips, for short
- Where R.N.s are always needed
- Where R.N.s treat critical patients
- IV site, for short
- Post-O.R. locale
- Critical hospital dept.
- R.N.'s assignment, maybe
- Post-O.R. spot
- Hospital div.
- Hosp. part
- ER neighbor
- Hosp. area with IVs
- The surgeons just saw you in the OR, and now ___! Ha ha ha. Just some post-op nurse humor there. Seriously though, welcome to the ___
- What'd the pirate say to his plank-walking victim? ___! Ha, just some nurse humor. Seriously though welcome to the ___
- Code blue locale
- Intubation location, briefly
- Intubation spot, briefly
- Specialized hosp. area
- Frequent "Chicago Med" setting, briefly
- Postoperative recovery site: Abbr.
- Hospital ward
- RN's workplace, sometimes
- Grey's Anatomy setting, briefly
- Critical hosp. locale
- R.N.'s work area
- Restricted hosp. area
- Hosp. area with many monitors
- Post-op stop, maybe
- Hospital area full of IV tubes
- Post-op stop, perhaps
- Hosp. ward that sounds like a sentence
- Spot for some MDs
- Follows the OR
- ER section
- Hospital section: abbr.
- Post-op room
- Where RNs work
- Post-op stop, sometimes
- Hospital area, briefly
- Post-op locale, often
- Post-op stop, for short
- Hosp. dept.
- Recovery site, for short
- Room with defibrillators, briefly
- MD's and RN's station
- Closely monitored ward: Abbr.
- Where some MDs work
- IV-covered room?
- Hosp. wing
- Dept. for some nurses
- Oxygen tent site, in brief
- Hosp. ward with ventilators
- Site of some hookups: Abbr.
- Destination after the ER and OR
- Hosp. area that's closely monitored
- Post-op spot in a hosp.
- Where RNs use IVs
- Workplace for some R.N.s