- Here in Paris
- Here, to Heloïse
- Here in Dijon
- Here, in Le Havre
- ___ en parle francais
- Pierre's here
- Here, at Notre Dame
- Vous êtes ___ (French map notation)
- Here, in Haiti
- Here, to Henri
- ___ et ailleurs (1976 Jean-Luc Goddard documentary)
- ___ on parle français
- Elève's roll call response
- Here in 15-Across
- Here in Burundi
- Here, in Hérault
- Par ___ (over here, en Français)
- Here, in Amiens
- Here, in Tours
- Here in Longueuil
- Here (French)
- Here, elsewhere?
- Here, in Marseilles
- Here, in France
- Nancy's here
- Rene's roll-call response
- Here, in Montreal
- Balzac's here
- In this plàce
- Response akin to "Présent"
- Word said while pointing to une carte, maybe
- D'_____ peu (in a moment, in French)
- Word said pointing to a Parisian map
- Je suis _____ (French greeting)
- _____-bas (on Earth, in French)
- Word on a French mall sign
- Par _____ (French "this way")
- Here, in Quebec
- Here, to Héloïse
- Here, in Haute-Loire
- Henri's here
- Here, on the Riviera
- Where "on parle français"
- Here, in Brest
- Here, in Versailles
- Here, at the Eiffel Tower
- Here, at the Louvre
- Palindromic adverb in 32-Down
- French "here"
- It's "here" in Le Havre
- Cannes "here"
- French-spoken "here"
- Here, in Cannes
- Vous êtes ___ (Parisian mall sign)
- Élève's roll call response
- Here, to Pierre
- Here, not here
- Here, in Béziers
- Here, if here is Paris
- Roll call reply in French class
- ___ on parle Francais
- Here, at Les Halles
- French adverb
- Here, in Lyon
- Jacques's "here"
- Here, on the Seine
- Here, on Metro maps
- Vous êtes __: Paris map words
- Fifi's here
- Here, in 24-Across
- In Paris, in Paris
- In this emplacement
- It's here in Paris
- Here, on Métro maps
- Vous êtes __: French map phrase
- Here, in Québec
- __ on parle francais
- Here: Fr.
- Where "on parle francais"
- Roll-call response, in Rouen
- Here, for Henri
- Here, to Ampère
- Arles adverb
- Here, in Martinique
- In this "ville"
- At this "situation"
- Present, north of New York
- __ on parle français
- French 101 word
- Cliquez __ (French web instruction)
- At this "localité"
- Here, in Armenti?res
- Pas __ (somewhere else)
- Dans cette localité
- Disneyland Paris map word
- Metro map adverb
- Cliquez __ ("l'Internet" instruction)
- Here, on the 3 Down
- Here, north of New York
- Here, in Les Halles
- Vous êtes ___ (map words in Marseilles)
- Aquí, across the Pyrenees
- Here, to Hugo
- ___ et là (here and there): Fr.
- Par ___ (this way): Fr.
- Here "on parle français."
- Here, in école.
- Here, over there.
- Here, in Havre
- Here, in Havro.
- Here, in Guadeloupe
- Reply to a French roll call
- ___ on parle . . .
- Present: Fr.
- Present, in Paris
- Here, in Herault
- Here, in Vichy
- Here, to Poirot
- Here, in Hyères
- Here, in Isère
- Now, in Nantes
- _____ on parle francais
- _____ on parle...
- Opposite of "là," in French
- At this point, in France
- French place
- Here, in Nice
- Where on parle français, perhaps
- Here, but not here
- French 55-Down
- Tocqueville's here
- French roll call response
- Clique ___ (French Web site instruction)
- In this localité
- Pierre's present?
- Here, to a 108-Across
- Here, abroad
- Parisian roll call response
- Where you are on a Métro map?
- With 13-Down, here and there, to Henri
- Vous êtes ___
- French "present"
- Here, in 1-Across
- Starting point on a French map
- Where you may be on a French map
- Aquí, across the Pyrénées
- Where you may be in France
- ___ c'est Paris (French soccer club slogan)
- Opposite of là
- Vous êtes ___ (label on a French map)
- Here, in Arles
- Here, on une carte
- Roll call response in une école
- Common French word that sounds like two letters of the alphabet
- It's here, on the Champs-Élysées
- French for "here"
- Nous sommes ___!
- Here, in Saint-Tropez
- Here, in the Metro
- Here, on the Metro
- Vous Êtes ___ (French map indication)
- Here, to Yvette
- Here, to Jean-Luc
- Here, to Fifi
- Here, to Luc
- Here, to Jules
- ___ et Ailleurs (Jean-Luc Godard film whose title translates to "Here and Elsewhere")
- Here, in French
- It's "here" in Arles
- 16-Across in Paris
- Here, to Henrietta
- ___ on parle francais ("French is spoken here")
- It's "here" in France
- Here in Hyeres
- Here in Chalabre
- Here to Ren
- Here, in Monaco
- It's here, at the Louvre
- It's here in Haiti
- Here in Hainaut
- In Québec, in Québec
- Hier, across the Rhine
- Chirac's here
- Roll call response in French class
- Hugo's here
- Voltaire's here
- Remy's roll call answer
- It's here for Henri
- Proust's here
- Here, in Montréal