- Made haste
- Went quickly
- Rushed, quaintly
- Hustled
- Hurried, old-style
- Sped off
- Flew like the wind
- Got out of here but quick
- Rushed along
- Tore
- Dashed away
- Got moving
- Went like mad
- Made tracks
- Hastened
- Didn't dilly-dally
- Wasted no time
- Hurried
- Made good time
- Took off fast
- Went in haste
- Dashed off
- Dashed
- Moved quickly
- Sped
- Hotfooted it
- Hurried up
- Made waste, by the transitive property
- Flew
- Zipped
- Zipped along
- Went hastily
- Ran, old-style
- Moved quickly, old-style
- Hurried, quaintly
- Made haste, quaintly
- Made haste, old-style
- Left in a hurry
- Hurried off
- Scurried
- Went fast
- Stepped on it
- Got a move on
- Took off
- Ran.
- Sped to.
- Went hotfoot.
- Went hurry-scurry.
- Went in a hurry.
- Betook oneself speedily.
- Skedaddled
- Got going
- Made time
- Betook oneself apace
- Darted
- Wasted no ttime
- Whipped along
- Rushed
- Hopped to it
- Rushed, old-style
- Went very fast
- Hightailed it
- Double-timed
- Got a move on, old-style
- Raced
- Scurried off
- Stepped on it, à la Shakespeare
- Hurried away
- Beat it!
- Took off quickly
- Hurried and how
- Hustled, quaintly
- Balled the jack
- Went quickly, in olden days