- Get a move on
- Step on it
- Get the lead out
- Hasten
- Hurry
- Hurry, old style
- Not dawdle
- Shakespeare's "Move it!"
- Go quickly
- Go rapidly
- Make haste
- Make tracks
- Run off rapidly
- Rush
- Scram!, once
- Floor it
- Floor it, archaically
- Rush, rush
- Shake a leg
- Waste no time
- Begone!
- Get out of here, poetically
- Take off in a flash
- Use speed
- Waste not a moment
- Speed
- Make great haste
- Go like the wind
- Put on some speed
- Hotfoot it
- Hustle
- Belt along
- Hurry up!
- Go in haste
- Move hastily
- Stop dawdling, quaintly
- Move along
- Get along
- Go, go, go
- _____ thee from this slaughter-house ("Richard III")
- Get thy bottom in gear
- Make quick time
- Get going fast
- Hightail it
- Go with great haste
- Put the pedal to the metal
- Scamper and scurry
- Move it
- Skedaddle
- Get going
- Take off
- Get moving
- Race
- Get cracking, quaintly
- Move fast
- Pick up the pace
- Pick up the pace, once
- Don't dawdle
- Pick up the pace, old-style
- Move quickly, quaintly
- Hurry up, poetically
- Move quickly
- Scoot
- Go hastily
- Step on it, old-style
- Hotfoot it, old-style
- Really move
- Zip
- Bolt, back in the day
- Move it, old-style
- Shake a leg, quaintly
- Make tracks, old-style
- Move it, quaintly
- Step on it, quaintly
- Go quickly, quaintly
- Quaint "Shake a leg"
- ... __ you home to dinner: Shak.
- Hurry, to Shakespeare
- Hightail it, old-style
- Hustle, quaintly
- Rush, old-style
- Shakespearean "Shake a leg!"
- Dash, quaintly
- Scurry
- Hurry along
- Zip along
- Rush off
- Speed along
- Lose no time
- Really move it
- Hop to it
- Rush, quaintly
- What "thee" often follows in Shakespeare
- How Juliet said "speed"
- Macbeth's "hurry"
- Scurry, old-style
- Apt rhyme for "fly"
- How Juliet said "Step on it"
- Shakespeare's "shake a leg"
- Go with dispatch.
- Go speedily.
- Be in a hurry.
- Go fast.
- Proceed apace.
- Betake (oneself) quickly.
- Make tracks, in a way.
- Betake (oneself).
- Speed (oneself).
- Go.
- Run
- Move briskly
- Try to get to the church on time
- Dash off
- Festinate
- Tear
- Skeddaddle
- Get cracking
- Go swiftly
- Gallop
- Make tracks, quaintly
- Go quickly, old-style
- Get a move on, quaintly
- Take off in a hurry
- Get shaking
- Bolt
- Not dally
- Tear, quaintly
- Show celerity
- ___ thee to hell for shame: "Richard III"
- Hurry, quaintly
- Run, old-style
- Fly
- Move in a hurry, quaintly
- Move hurriedly
- Shake a leg, in Shakespeare
- Zip, old-style
- Speed it up
- Hurry, to the Bard
- ___ to your chamber. I'll find Romeo / To comfort you: Shakespeare
- Move hastily, to Shakespeare
- Giddyup!
- Posthaste
- Leave quickly
- Hasten away
- Wagon train cry
- Depart in haste
- Move apace
- Go in a hurry
- Quicken the pace
- Get one's rear in gear
- Run like heck
- Move along quickly
- Get a move on and how
- Get going, old-style
- Get along quickly
- Get going quickly
- Quickly get moving
- Move it along
- Rush along
- Move it along quickly
- Move out
- Pelt along
- ___ you to horse: Macbeth
- Go with haste
- Go apace
- Go quickly, to Shakespeare
- Go like all get-out
- Go quickly, in Shakespeare
- Away, then, my dearest, O! ___ thee away: Poe