- Siddhartha author
- Siddhartha writer
- Steppenwolf author
- German novelist
- {/Siddhartha/} author Hermann
- Hermann who wrote "The Glass Bead Game"
- See 80-Down
- Nobel Prize in Literature recipient, 1946
- Steppenwolf author Hermann
- Demian author
- Three Tales from the Life of Knulp novelist
- Demian author Hermann
- The Glass Bead Game author
- Frankfurt's state
- German state
- Nobel novelist Hermann
- Wiesbaden's state
- Author of "Siddhartha"
- Demian writer
- Journey to the East author, 1932
- Author whose work inspired the name of the "Born to be Wild" band
- Steppenwolf novelist
- 1946 Literature Nobelist Hermann
- Steppenwolf author Herman
- Narcissus and Goldmund author Hermann
- German writer Hermann ___
- Steppenwolf writer
- Novelist Hermann
- German novelist Hermann
- German poet/novelist Hermann
- Hermann who wrote "Siddhartha"
- The Glass Bead Game author Hermann
- German Hermann
- Nobelist author of "Siddhartha"
- 1946 Nobelist Hermann
- Nobelist Hermann, author of "Siddhartha"
- Steppenwolf writer Hermann
- Wiesbaden locale
- Steppenwolf novelist Hermann
- Hermann who wrote "Steppenwolf"
- Siddhartha Nobelist
- 1946 Literature Nobelist
- 1946 Literature Nobelist Hermann ___
- Siddhartha author Hermann ___
- 1946 Nobel author
- Weisbaden's state
- State bordering Bavaria
- State bordering Thuringia
- Sculptor Eva who pioneered postminimalism in the 1960s
- German author Hermann
- Author of "Steppenwolf"
- Where Wiesbaden is
- Where Frankfurt is
- What element 108 was named for
- Literature Nobelist two years before Eliot
- Where Wiesbaden is capital
- German-born Literature Nobelist
- German Literature Nobelist
- Literature Nobelist of 1946
- Wiesbaden is its capital
- Literature Nobelist between Mistral and Gide
- Narcissus and Goldmund author
- Peter Camenzind novelist
- Author of "The Journey to the East"
- Literature Nobelist Hermann
- Frequently bombed German State.
- German province in American zone.
- Swiss novelist, 1946 Nobel Prize in literature.
- German state, Darmstadt its capital.
- German state in American occupation zone.
- Darmstadt is its capital.
- State in Adenauer's realm.
- West German state.
- Part of Germany.
- Source of British man power, 1776.
- State in western Germany.
- German poet and novelist.
- Region in W. Germany.
- Where Darmstadt is.
- Nobel prize novelist.
- Old German duchy.
- Region of Germany.
- German Nobelist in literature.
- Nobel prize writer.
- Where Kassel is.
- Nobelist poet.
- Nobel prize author.
- Region in Germany.
- German province.
- German writer.
- German region.
- Prussian family.
- Poet Hermann
- Writer Hermann
- Hermann ___, German poet-novelist
- Nobelist for literature: 1946
- Nobelist in 1946
- Nobelist in Literature: 1946
- Hermann ___, German novelist
- Novelist-poet Hermann
- Historic German duchy
- Author of "Knulp": 1915
- Magister Ludi author
- He wrote "Steppenwolf"
- State in W. Germany
- W. German state
- Nobel novelist: 1946
- Rosshalde author
- Magister Ludi novelist
- Steppenwolf's creator
- Siddhartha novelist
- The Glass Bead Game novelist
- Central German state
- Demian novelist
- The Glass Bead Game author, 1943
- Author influenced by 48-Across
- Hermann who won a Nobel for Literature
- Where the Fulda flows
- State bordering Lower Saxony
- Das Glasperlenspiel novelist
- State below Lower Saxony
- Its capital is Wiesbaden
- Magister Ludi writer
- Literature Nobelist before Gide
- 1946 Goethe Prize winner
- Author who shares his name with a German state
- German state or novelist
- German state with Wiesbaden
- German-Swiss author who won the 1946 Nobel in Literature
- Narcissus and Goldmund novelist
- Brecht contemporary in German literature
- German state that includes Frankfurt
- Locale of Wiesbaden, Germany
- Hermann who wrote philosophical fiction
- German writer Hermann
- 'Siddhartha' novelist Hermann
- Germany's Hermann
- German-born writer Hermann
- Author Hermann
- '46 Nobelist Hermann
- Weisbaden, Germany is its capital
- Wiesbaden, Germany is its capital
- Nobel laureate Hermann
- Steppenwolf penner
- German poet
- Der Steppenwolf author
- Siddhartha writer Hermann
- State whose largest city is Frankfurt