- Icky stuff
- Foul fare
- Sludgy stuff
- High school cafeteria spoonful
- Haute cuisine it's not
- Food eaten with a spoon
- Unappealing lunch counter serving
- Unappealing serving
- Unattractive food
- Hard-to-identify food
- Unappetizing chow
- Tasteless semiliquid
- Fare that may be foul
- Unappealing food
- Goo
- Gooey mass
- Baby food, more or less
- Slimy scoopful
- Ladled-out stuff
- Stereotypical prison serving
- Serving that's not big on presentation
- Unappetizing food
- Unappetizing fare
- Hardly four-star fare
- Puddinglike serving
- Food that's far from fine
- Sentimentality
- Hardly five-star fare
- Messy substance
- Gunk
- Gooey gruel
- Messy mixture
- Mushy food
- Unappetizing bowlful
- Unappetizing ladleful
- Bad food
- Failed recipe, perhaps
- Messy stuff
- Gooey substance
- Yucky stuff
- Gooey gunk
- Unsavory serving
- Gooey stuff
- Yucky guck
- Hardly haute cuisine
- Zero-star fare
- Unsavory stuff
- Unappetizing stuff
- Mushy bowlful
- Unappealing plateful
- Unappealing stuff
- Melted ice cream, e.g.
- Gooey mess
- Unappealing fare
- Mystery meal
- Far-from-gourmet fare
- Look wildly: Dial.
- Gooey, sticky stuff.
- Messy food: Slang
- Icky food
- Icky eats
- Gluey stuff
- Food served with a ladle
- Mush
- Unappetizing cafeteria serving
- Mushy, gooey food
- Far from haute cuisine
- Ladleful of unappetizing food
- Unappealing bowlful
- Unappetizing food that might be served with a ladle
- Mushy mass
- Hardly Michelin-star fare
- Unlikely serving at a Michelin-starred restaurant
- What school lunch is often depicted as in cartoons
- Amorphous food
- Unappetizingly pureed food
- Mysterious cafeteria offering
- Unidentifiable cafeteria food, say
- Mawkishness
- Soggy, unappetizing food
- Gooey food
- No-star fare
- Any thick, soupy liquid
- Yucky food
- Cafeteria ladleful, maybe
- Gluey substance
- Gooey stuff: sl.
- Soft, soggy mixture
- Icky cafeteria mixture
- Haute cuisine it is not
- Stuff served with a ladle
- Icky fare
- Hash house plateful
- Plateful in a 51-Down
- Unappetizing mush
- Some cafeteria food
- Definitely not haute cuisine
- Unappealing ladleful
- Unappetizing cafeteria fare