- Jazzman's job
- Show at a bar, say
- Songkick listing
- One might be booked through an agent
- Band booking
- Jazz job
- Musician's job
- Play time?
- Stop on a tour
- Tour stop
- Tour date
- Band's engagement
- Show biz assignment
- Entertainer's job
- Club job
- Performer's booking
- Band's booking
- Occasion to toot your own horn?
- Set of numbers?
- Club stint
- Job for a rock band
- Jazzy job
- Play date
- Job at the piano bar
- Musician's booking
- Jazz combo's date
- Job for the Blues Brothers
- Musical engagement
- Small carriage
- Band date
- Musician's engagement
- Date on a musician's calendar
- Show
- Entertainer's engagement
- Band's job
- Rocker's job
- Jazz combo's assignment
- Booking
- Job in a club
- Club date
- Engagement
- Job for Men at Work
- Job for the group
- Musician's date
- Club appearance
- Date for a jazz cat
- Short job
- Band performance
- Band tour booking
- Band's stint
- Booking on a band's tour
- Part of a band tour
- Job on a band's tour
- Jazz band's job
- Music job
- Band work
- Work for a combo
- Musician's work
- Band's date
- Date for a group
- Work for a band
- Jazz musician's job
- Light carriage.
- Carriage.
- Ship's boat.
- Fish spear.
- One-horse shay.
- Boat reserved for ship's captain.
- Two-wheeled one-horse carriage.
- Light ship's boat.
- Two-wheeled carriage.
- The captain's boat.
- Light boat.
- Relative of a sulky.
- Racing boat.
- Relative of a buggy.
- A memorable Young
- Combo date
- One-horse carriage
- One-night stand
- Young
- Actor Young
- Mr. Young
- Jam session
- Fisherman's spear with barbed prongs
- Light, open carriage
- Jazz session
- Comedian's date
- Jazz date
- Date for Dizzy
- Joint job
- Musician-for-hire's desire
- Singer's job
- Group date?
- Enough to hold a lotta iPod tunes
- Player's job
- Concert engagement
- Massive memory unit, informally
- Group engagement
- Two or three sets, say
- Part of a tour
- Band engagement
- Tour division
- Short-term job
- ___ economy
- It's a job
- Moneymaking venture
- Short-term employment
- Driving for Uber, e.g.
- Concert
- Tour unit
- Hey, dude, I'm playing a ___ tonight, you should totally come
- Rock band's stint
- Booking for a rock band
- Jazz band's engagement
- Jazzman's work
- Job
- Something booked by a band
- Working musician's goal
- Booking for a magician
- Booking for an 11-Down team
- Booking for musicians
- Ivory-tickler's stint
- Light, one-horse carriage
- Musician's datebook entry
- Job for a musician
- Comic's booking
- Band job
- Performer's tour unit
- Comedian's booking
- Goal for a stand-up comedian
- Party, e.g., for a DJ
- Eagles' booking
- Tour booking
- Speaker's engagement
- Band's show
- Job for a band
- Open carriage
- Speedy rowboat
- Work in a band
- Acting Young
- Brubeck booking
- Jai Uttal concert
- Booking for a comedian
- Magician's booking
- Where a musician earns his money
- Ivory-tickler's appointment
- Combo job
- Employment opportunity, to a musician
- Job in a 1-Down, perhaps
- Job, palindromically
- Jazz band's booking
- Short-term job for a musician
- Cat's date
- Musician's play date
- Paying engagement
- Combo's engagement
- Short-term work
- Comic booking