- Book before Ex.
- Col.'s boss
- First Bible bk.
- OT kickoff
- It follows Brig.
- X or Z preceder
- David Petraeus, e.g.: Abbr.
- Man o' war?: Abbr.
- One with four stars: Abbr.
- Pershing, e.g.: Abbr.
- Petraeus's rank: Abbr.
- Petraeus, e.g.: Abbr.
- Star man?: Abbr.
- With 47-Across, one who grew up alongside hip hop culture
- Jim Mattis's rank: Abbr.
- Mil. title
- Beginning bk.
- __ X'er
- Army rank (abbr.)
- 88 Across's rank (abbr.)
- Exod. preceder
- O.T. opener
- Cornwallis's rank, for short
- Mil. rank
- O.T. book
- One with an all-star band?: Abbr.
- You can tell one by their stars: Abbr.
- Informal demographic grouping term
- Grant's mil. rank
- U. S. Grant's rank
- U. S. Grant, for one
- Grant or Lee (abbr.)
- Schwarzkopf's rank, once (abbr.)
- ___ Xer (person born after 1965)
- ___ Xers (those born after 1965)
- Mil. bigwig
- J.E.B. Stuart, for one
- U.S. Grant or R.E. Lee
- Brass biggie (abbr.)
- DDE's title, once
- Eisenhower's rank (abbr.)
- ___-X
- ___-Xers (boomers' kids)
- Washington, for one (abbr.)
- Mil. leader
- Xer beginning
- D.D.E.'s WWII rank
- ___-Xer
- ___ X (cohort after the Baby Boomers)
- R.E. Lee's rank
- Old Testament bk.
- Sec. of State Powell, e.g.
- ___ Xers
- Highest rank in the USMC
- Pentagon VIP
- Ulysses S. Grant or Robert E. Lee (abbr.)
- Word before X, Y, or Con
- 5-star title
- Colin Powell, e.g.
- Col.'s superior
- Ike was one
- Ike's title, once
- 12-Down's rank
- Tommy Franks's rank: Abbr.
- First bk.
- Mil. boss
- __-X
- Grant, e.g.: Abbr.
- D. Petraeus's title
- With 36-Across, many a thirtysomething, briefly
- DDE, in WWII
- DDE, e.g.
- Base VIP
- High-ranking off.
- X or Y preceder
- Bk. with the ark story
- Lead-in to X, Y or Z
- Military VIP
- Mil. head honcho
- Title for DDE
- __-Z: Millennials' followers
- Title for Lee or Grant :Abbr.
- With 41-Down, boomer's kid
- __-Z
- Lead-in to Z or Alpha
- Lead-in to X, Y, and Z
- Lead-in to Xer, Yer, and Zer
- X, Y, or Z intro
- __ Z: Zoomers
- Atty. __
- Promoted col.
- USAF bigwig
- Highest USMC rank
- Military leader: Abbr.
- USMC's highest rank
- Robert E. Lee, e.g.
- USAF brass
- Army officer: Abbr.
- __-Xers (boomers' kids)
- Brigade ldr.
- Adm.'s associate
- Adm.'s counterpart
- Brigade cmdr.
- __-Xers
- Age, informally
- Cohort, for short
- USMC bigwig
- VIP doing four-star reviews?
- Demographer's cohort, for short
- __-Xer (boomer's kid)
- Demographic cohort, for short
- Alphabet-enders preceder
- __-Xers (baby boomers' kids)
- Ambrose Burnside, for one: Abbr.
- Cmdr. in the army
- One who wears four stars: Abbr.
- Lee, e.g.: Abbr.
- 17-gun salute recipient: Abbr.
- Commanding officer: abbr.
- Hypothetical particle.
- Kind: comb. form
- Military officer: abbr.
- Military rank: Abbr.
- Handy's rank: Abbr.
- Lawton Collins' rank: Abbr.
- The Col.'s superior.
- Title of 56 Across.
- Book of the Bible: Abbr.
- J. Lawton Collins' rank: Abbr.
- Thimayya's title: Abbr.
- Twining's title: Abbr.
- Collins' rank: Abbr.
- Marshall's title: Abbr.
- Military title: Abbr.
- Twining is one: Abbr.
- Army man: Abbr.
- Twining, for one: Abbr.
- Clay, for instance: Abbr.
- Dahlquist's rank: Abbr.
- Lauris Norstad's title: Abbr.
- Officer: Abbr.
- Book of the Torah: Abbr.
- Brig. ___.
- Lyman Lemnitzer is one: Abbr.
- Military man: Abbr.
- O.T. book: Abbr.
- Relative of 63 Across.
- Washington in 1775: Abbr.
- Army V.I.P.
- Army off.
- Mil. man
- Brig. or Lt.
- Star wearer: Abbr.
- Bk. of the Bible
- D.D.E. was one
- Four-star off.
- Mil. officer
- Brig. or Lt. follower
- E.T.O. leader
- Brig. or Maj. follower
- Five-star off.
- G.W. in '76
- Source of the above quot.
- A superior of 59-Down
- R. E. Lee, e.g.
- Next-___ technology
- Preceder of X, Y or Z
- D.D.E.'s rank
- Ike, e.g.: Abbr.
- Joint Chiefs member: Abbr.
- Powell or Westmoreland, e.g.: Abbr.
- Not spec.
- Washington, e.g.: Abbr.
- Battle star: Abbr.
- Tommy Franks, for one: Abbr.
- Four-star officer: Abbr.
- Campaign mgr.?
- Start of the Bible: Abbr.
- Atty. ___
- Mil. commander
- ___-Y (modern youth)
- Pentagon fig.
- With 8-Down, one who grew up on MTV, maybe
- With 69-Down, V.I.P. in the 30-Down
- 41-Down was named after one: Abbr.
- Campaign manager: Abbr.
- Patton or Petraeus: Abbr.
- See 51-Down: Abbr.
- First of 66 books: Abbr.
- X or Y lead-in
- 45-Down, for one: Abbr.
- Geo. Washington, in the Revolutionary War
- Title for Powell or Petraeus: Abbr.
- Next ___ (emerging group of young leaders, informally)
- Lead-in to X or Y
- ___ chem (101-level course, familiarly)
- What comes before X, Y and Z
- X, Y or Z
- -- -X
- -- Xer
- Shortened word before X, Y or Z
- X or Z, for short
- ___ Z
- ___ Zers
- Mil. top dog
- Col. superior
- Lead-in to X or Z
- Next-___ (advanced, as tech)
- ___ Alpha (cohort that's younger than Zoomers)
- ___ Y (millennials, for short)
- Part of GE
- Robt. E. Lee, for example
- Robt. E. Lee, for one
- ___ X'er (Baby Boomer's child, perhaps)
- ___ Xers (baby boomers' kids)
- Abbreviation for Grant
- Next-___ (cutting-edge)
- ___ Z ('90s-'00s cohort)
- ___ Z (millennials' successors)
- Mil. rank above colonel
- ___ Alpha (kids born from 2010-'25)
- ___ Y (millennials)
- R.E. Lee title
- Bible bk.
- DDE for one
- Lee or Grant for short
- Milit. rank
- Title for Bradley: abbr.
- Word before X, Y or Z
- ___ Z (demo after millennials)
- X or Y: abbr.
- Brig. follower
- Mil. VIP
- Follower of "next" and preceder of "X"
- ___ Z (Zoomers)
- Word before "Z" or "Alpha"
- OT start
- Clark's mil. rank
- With 34-Across, Y2K 30-year-old, e.g.
- Rank for 66-Across: Abbr.
- Corps VIP
- Base boss: Abbr.
- Maj.'s boss
- High-ranking U.S. Army officer
- Start for X, Y, Z or Alpha
- X, Y or Z, for example