- Goes on strike, in a way
- Periods of self-denial
- Protestors' deprivations
- Observances on Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av
- Goes on a hunger strike
- Prepares for a blood test, likely
- Prepares for surgery, likely
- Prepares for some blood work, maybe
- Doesn't take anything in
- Observes Ramadan
- Extreme diets
- Observes Ramadan, in a way
- Eschews edibles
- Abstains from eating
- Prepares for surgery, possibly
- Goes on a strike of a sort
- Periods without 39 Down
- Forgoes food
- Crash diets
- Conducts a hunger strike
- Ramadans
- Avoids food
- Does without, in a way
- More than diets
- Doesn't have a thing
- Observes Ramadan, e.g.
- Eschews food
- Some protests
- Some religious observances
- Protests by not eating
- Diets drastically
- Eats nothing
- Abstains from food
- Doesn't eat
- Doesn't eat for a while
- Skips feeding
- Ramadan rituals
- Takes in nothing
- Takes no courses
- When courses aren't taken
- They're broken on Eid ul-Fitr
- Observes Yom Kippur
- Goes without nourishment
- Numerous periods in Gandhi's life.
- Gandhi's political protests.
- Gandhi's protests.
- Observes Ember days.
- Religious observances.
- Lenten disciplines.
- Abstinences.
- Eats very little.
- Goes hungry.
- Dieter's concern.
- Eats sparingly.
- Abstains.
- Observes church disciplines.
- Goes without food
- Does penance
- Eats little
- Observes a religious day
- Observes Lent
- Pre-Easter customs
- Ultimate diets
- Refrains from eating
- Prison protests
- Admits nothing?
- Doesn't just diet
- Takes nothing in
- Observes a religious holiday, in a way
- Goes on a hunger strike, say
- Observes the Muslim day of Ashura
- Observes one of the Five Pillars of Islam
- Stays hungry
- Consumes less, in a way
- Does a Ramadan observance
- Doesn't have anything
- Obeys Yom Kippur requirements
- Religious observances, at times
- Doesn't eat, for instance
- Purposely eschews meals
- Willingly avoids meals
- Avoids eating
- Practices sawm during Ramadan
- Refuses to put away any dishes?
- Diets strenuously
- Observes a religious holiday
- Lenten observances
- Observes Sawm
- Certain periods of self-denial
- Goes without fare
- Observes Paryushana
- Puts nothing away
- Doesn't take sides ... or anything else?
- [clued elsewhere]
- Drastic diets
- Eschews chow