- Material sold in bolts
- Some bolts
- Textile
- Bolts in a shop, often
- Felt, say
- It's bought in bolts
- Seamstress's purchase
- It's sold in yards
- Moleskin or taffeta
- Silk or satin
- Cloth
- Cotton or rayon
- Tailor's material
- Drapery, essentially
- Tailor's purchase
- Item hidden in 20-, 32-, 41-, and 55-Across
- Framework
- Terry, e.g.
- Jersey, for example.
- Serge, for one.
- Structure.
- Texture.
- Serge or buckram
- Underlying structure
- It's sold by the yard
- Draper's supply
- Chintz, e.g.
- Society's being, in metaphor
- Material at a yard sale?
- Taffeta or chiffon
- Silk chiffon, for example
- Material
- Couturier's supply