- Divisions politique
- States, to the French
- Divisions politiques
- Les ___-Unis
- Les __-Unis
- EU membres
- La Virginie and La Californie
- Political units, in Quebec
- Salle des ___ (Louvre's "Mona Lisa" room)
- Virginie et Californie
- ___-Unis
- Géorgie et Virginie
- French states
- __ Unis
- Political units, in Paris
- Les ___-Unis (The United States, in Quebec)
- States, in Quebec
- Les ___ Unis (The United States, in Québec)
- Dakota du Sud et d'autres
- _____-Uniens (Américain)
- 31 au Mexique
- _____-unien (certain demonym, in French)
- Les ___-Unis (the United States, in France)
- The Dakotas, to Pierre
- Sedan states
- States, in Sedan
- Californie and Nouveau-Mexique, e.g.
- States, to Céline
- States, to Sartre
- States, in France
- French political divisions
- Nice states?
- Les--Unis
- CA and VA, to Alain
- Part of USA, in France
- Sorbonne states
- Floride and Virginie
- Texas and Tennessee, in Toulouse
- Virginie et Floride
- La Virginie et la Caroline du Sud
- Virginie-Occidentale et al.
- Dakota du Sud and Floride, e.g.
- La Floride et La Virginie
- States overseas
- States, abroad
- __ de service (service record: Fr.)
- Virginia and Georgia, in Vichy
- Géorgie et al.
- Part of EU
- Parts of "Méxique"
- Australie divisions
- States, in Montreal
- French plural that's its singular English meaning spelled backwards
- Québec's southern neighbors
- States, to Hollande
- Les __-Unis d'Amérique
- Hambourg and "Bavière"
- Word related to itself spelled backwards
- Les __-Unis d'Amerique
- Californie et Pennsylvanie, e.g.
- Divisions of Mexique
- Gouverneurs govern them
- Sénateurs represent them
- Nations Unies members
- States: Fr.
- Les ___ Unis d'Amerique.
- States: French.
- Part of E.U.A.
- French political units
- Word on a French map
- Before Unis
- Part of 54 Across
- Les ___-Unis (U.S.A.)
- States, in Savoie
- States, to Stéphanie
- States of France
- States, to Mitterrand
- Gallic states
- Our 50, to Francois
- States, in St. Lo
- Chirac's states
- _____ Unis (United States, to Pierre)
- The "E" in E.-U.
- The Dakotas, to de Gaulle
- Organisation des ___ Américains
- Italie et Allemagne
- Dakota du Nord et du Sud, par exemple
- The Carolinas, e.g., to the French
- The Louvre's Salles des ___
- Members of les Nations Unies
- Ones united in France?
- ___ d'âme (moods: Fr.)
- Plural French word that spells its singular English form in reverse
- Solide and liquide
- Any of les Nations Unies
- Californie and others
- Amérique
- Les -- -Unis (America, in Amiens)
- States, in Soissons
- Les -- -Unis (America, in Paris)
- The Dakotas, e.g., in Dijon
- The Carolinas, e.g., in Caen
- Maine and Montana, in France
- Maryland and Montana, in France
- Les ____ Unis
- They have capitales
- Les _____ -Unis
- ___ Genereaux (France's pre-Revolution legislature)
- Targets of coups
- Conseil des ___ (Swiss legislative house)
- Divisions d'une nation
- Place des ___-Unis (Paris square)
- Salle des ___ (Louvre section including the Mona Lisa)
- Domains of gouverneurs
- Québec shares borders with quatre of them
- Californie et Caroline du Nord, par exemple
- They're represented by sénateurs