- Fraternity letters
- Greek vowels
- Letters from Greece
- JFK postings
- Pilots' announcements, familiarly
- Pilots' announcements, for short
- Sweater letters
- Greek letters
- LAX postings
- Greek letters that represent angles
- Touchdown figures, briefly
- Guesses from the cockpit
- Airline approximations, for short
- Texted guesses from the road
- Crete is spelled with two, in Greek
- Holiday travel details
- Flight data, briefly
- Connection data, for short
- Figs. that are adjusted mid-travel
- H lookalikes
- JFK guesses
- Landing figures
- Some speculations about Ronald Reagan
- Letters from Lesbians
- Info given with baggage claim carousel nos.
- They might affect 28-Down: Abbr.
- Arr. projections
- Sorority letters
- They may be affected by turbulence, breifly
- Scheduling nos.
- Cockpit predictions
- Guesstimates on some GPS apps: Abbr.
- Calculations in the Lyft app: Abbr.
- Guesses on some driving apps: Abbr.
- Stats during Uber drives
- Hellenic vowels
- Logan postings
- They look like aitches
- Hs in Athens
- Logan info
- Logan stats.
- Info from schedules
- Vancouver Airport listings (abbr.)
- Board postings at JFK
- Concerns of those who are picking up: Abbr.
- United expectations, briefly
- Schedule figs.
- Greek H's
- Hippocratic H's
- Some Rosetta Stone letters
- Itinerary data, for short
- Gate figures, for short
- Uber figures, briefly
- aa.com info
- People appreciate when they're pushed up, briefly
- Track projections, for short
- You might find them around carousels, for short
- Airport approximations, familiarly
- Pilots' approximations, briefly
- Hellenic H's
- They follow zetas
- They precede thetas
- HHH, to Greeks
- Homeric characters
- JFK predictions
- Long Es in Greek
- Schedule guesses, briefly
- LAX listings
- Airline predictions (abbr.)
- Airport guesses, briefly
- Letters that look like n's
- Pilots' guesstimates, for short
- Airport info
- HHH, to Homer
- Homeric H's
- JFK approximations
- Letters of Greeks
- Announcements at LAX
- JFK list
- LAX guesstimates
- Sched. approximations
- JFK announcements
- Postings at LGA
- H's to Hippocrates
- H-shaped letters
- JFK info
- LAX listings (abbr.)
- Aitches in Athens
- Cockpit predictions, briefly
- JFK forecasts
- LAX info
- LAX predictions
- Pilots' guesses, for short
- Travel approximations
- Attic characters
- IND board data
- Incoming-plane approximations (abbr.)
- Letters from Athens
- Airport guesses: abbr.
- Fill
- Nos. of a plane?
- Airline abbrs.
- Frat letters
- Letters from Crete
- Some Greek vowels
- LAX approximations
- Brief guesses?
- Letters after zetas
- SFO postings
- Touchdown data
- LAX list
- Letters from Thessaly
- Announcements from the cockpit, briefly
- HHH, in Athens
- Term. postings
- Touchdown data, briefly
- Flight deck forecasts, briefly
- Terminal info
- Headwinds may affect them, briefly
- Expected landing hrs.
- Followers of zetas
- Letters from Plato
- Predicted touchdowns, for short
- Guesstimates at Maryland's BWI
- H-like letters
- Itinerary nos.
- LAX incoming hrs.
- Letters from Hera
- JFK guesstimates
- SFO guesstimates
- They may change during flights: Abbr.
- Weather may delay them: Abbr.
- DFW postings
- Depot postings, briefly
- Expected landing times, briefly
- Updated midflight nos.
- Approx. landing hours
- Heathrow postings: Abbr.
- Predictions affected by storms, briefly
- Cockpit announcements, briefly
- Landing nos.
- Nos. that affect connecting flights
- Sched. postings
- Heavy traffic may affect them, briefly
- Lighting hrs.?
- They get checked at airports, briefly
- Flight sked data
- Itinerary info
- Ones affected by bad weather, briefly
- Share-a-ride pickup hrs.
- Vowels after zetas
- Flight sked info
- Cockpit calculations, briefly
- Flight deck data, briefly
- ORD postings
- Share-a-ride updates, briefly
- GPS calculations
- JFK board data
- LAX landing hrs.
- Postings at ORD
- SEA postings
- 6-Down info
- Airport guesses, for short
- Amtrak sta. times
- Guesses from late guests, briefly
- In-flight figs.
- Rough landings?
- Schedule info
- Flight sked nos.
- GPS figures
- In-transit figs.
- Airport sked details
- Car service predictions, for short
- Flight nos.
- Rideshare updates, for short
- Zeta followers
- JFK listings
- Pilots' announcements: Abbr.
- Travel estimates: Abbr.
- Depot info
- LAX stats
- Depot stats.
- SFO guesses
- Sched. data
- Sched. stats
- Timetable stats.
- Train-sched. entries
- Airport-board displays: Abbr.
- Incoming-plane stats.
- Schedule stats.
- Airport-board listings: Abbr.
- Cockpit announcements: Abbr.
- Sked stats.
- Station info
- LAX figures
- Airline announcements: Abbr.
- Airport postings: Abbr.
- Info from airlines
- Theta preceders
- Conductors' concerns
- In-flight announcements
- Landing predictions
- Some flight data
- Touchdown predictions
- Dispatcher's concerns
- Sched. guesses
- Announcements from cockpits: Abbr.
- Cockpit announcements
- Timetable guesses: Abbr.
- When planes are expected: Abbr.
- Flight-board data: Abbr.
- Itinerary details
- Pilots' announcements
- SFO stats
- Sched. info
- Timetable data
- Timetable numbers: Abbr.
- When planes are due: Abbr.
- Captains' calculations
- Characters in Greek myths
- Navigational projections
- SFO info
- Schedule data, for short
- Touchdown stats
- Vowels on the Rosetta Stone
- Airport stats
- Depot data
- When planes are due in: Abbr.
- When trains are due: Abbr.
- Incoming flight data: Abbr.
- Incoming plane stats: Abbr.
- Post-takeoff announcements
- Rosetta Stone characters
- Congestion is likely to affect them
- Docking data
- Flight data
- Flight data: Abbr.
- Gate data
- Incoming-flight stats: Abbr.
- Pilot's approximations: Abbr.
- Vital info for connections
- What jams may affect
- Data for SAS passengers
- Flight board figs.
- Pilot projections
- What fog can push back
- Approx. landing times
- Depot postings: Abbr.
- Flight board stats: Abbr.
- Train schedule data: Abbr.
- Airport landing predictions: Abbr.
- Dock data
- Postings at LAX
- When trains are due in: Abbr.
- Berth announcements
- LAX board data
- UPS app data
- When flights are due in: Abbr.
- When trains are expected: Abbr.
- Posted airline info
- What heavy traffic delays
- Flight board nos.
- Harbormaster data
- RR schedule stats
- When planes are due to land: Abbr.
- Airport guesstimates: Abbr.
- Characters in the Iliad
- Overseas vowels
- Itinerary guesstimates, briefly
- Flight deck calculations
- Lesbians often write these
- Characters in "The Odyssey"
- Cockpit guesses
- Pilots' announcements, briefly
- Jap outcasts.
- H's.
- Miss Gabor and others.
- Greek letter.
- Airplane arrival times: Abbr.
- Greek E's.
- Greek 8's.
- Arrival times, in airline parlance.
- Zetas' followers
- Japanese outcasts
- Honshu pariahs
- Timetable abbrs.
- Airport arr. estimates
- Kin of epsilons
- Letters for Plato
- Outcasts in Osaka
- Outcast class in Japan
- Airport abbrs.
- Letters from Piraeus
- An anagram for sate
- An anagram for seat
- Educated guesses at LAX or ORD
- Certain Greek vowels
- LAX expectations
- Efficiency symbols, in physics
- LAX data
- Olympic marks
- Pilots' "due points": Abbr.
- J.F.K. monitor info
- Data for airport limo drivers, for short
- Greek letters that rhyme with three other letters
- Headwinds can push them back, in brief
- Some rideshare info
- Hellenic letters
- Flight board data, briefly
- Fraternity row characters
- Hellenic characters
- J.F.K. times
- Some guesses
- Airport info, for short
- Cockpit guesses, for short
- In-flight details, for short
- Letters of Zeno
- Viscosity symbols
- Guesstimates at J.F.K.
- In-flight info, in brief
- Passengers' concerns, briefly
- Pilot announcements, for short
- Pilots' info
- Itinerary data: Abbr.
- Some fraternity men
- Station info, briefly
- Airport monitor info, for short
- Weather may affect them: Abbr.
- When planes are due, for short
- ORD or LAX figs.
- Some guesses, for short
- Some honor society letters
- 45-Across info
- Info from some captains
- Itinerary data, briefly
- Plane figures?
- Terminal approximations: Abbr.
- They may be announced en route: Abbr.
- Airport data
- Airport postings, for short
- Flight board postings, for short
- Info about touchdowns
- -
- Control tower info
- H H H H
- Important info for people with connections
- Info for airport greeters
- Pilots' announcements, in brief
- Some airport announcements, for short
- Terminal projections, briefly
- Touchdown data, for short
- Postings at LAX and ORD
- Some P.A. announcements
- Terminal announcements, for short
- They may be delayed by weather, for short
- When flights are due in, for short
- Calculations made while high, for short?
- Data for airport chauffeurs, for short
- Flight figures, for short
- Headwinds often push them back, briefly
- O'Hare info, for short
- When planes are due in, for short
- Certain airline alerts, for short
- Connection concerns, for short
- Info for some limo drivers
- Landing approximations, for short
- HH
- Some airport figures, for short
- Connection concerns, in brief
- Constantly updating GPS figs.
- H's, in fraternity names
- Some fraternity members
- Station predictions, for short
- Airport postings, in brief
- Brief announcements from pilots?
- Column on a flight board, for short
- Things in airport windows, for short
- Flight board listings, for short
- GPS's guesses
- Guesses by GPSes
- Info on a flight tracker app
- Requests made to latecomers, in brief
- Scheduling guesses that might be updated in midair, for short
- Best guesses as to "when," in brief
- GPS calculations, in brief
- Gate postings, briefly
- Landing info, in brief
- Touchdown figs.
- Column on an airport flight board, informally
- Features of many "On my way" texts
- GPS figs.
- GPS guesses
- Midflight stats
- H's on some college houses
- List on display at the airport
- Guesses at JFK
- Guesses at LAX
- Postings at LAX or JFK
- JFK stats
- LAX guesses
- Hesiod's H's
- Socratic vowels
- Airport stats: Abbr.
- LAX monitor data
- JFK data
- LGA guesses
- Athenian H's
- Some Greek letters
- They get texted to airport rides, briefly
- Waze calculations, briefly
- Waze guestimates, for short
- Hey besties, drop your ___ in the chat so we can coordinate airport rides
- Openings for Herod and Helios
- They get texted to airport rides: Abbr.
- Train-station stats
- Requests from waiters?
- Updates on some J.F.K. screens
- Flight-board listings, briefly
- In-flight approximations, briefly
- Scheduling guesses at SFO or LAX
- Jet streams may factor into calculating them: Abbr.
- Some LAX guesses
- HHHH, to Greeks
- Letters at the agora
- Airport screen stats
- Athens' aitches
- Vowels in Athens
- O'Hare postings
- Touchdown guesses
- Some guesses, briefly
- Airport data, for short
- Guesstimates from the cockpit
- H and H, to Greeks
- Airline schedule guesses, briefly
- Announcements to train riders (Abbr.)
- H H H, somewhere
- In-flight estimates, for short
- Announcements to passengers
- Certain Greek letters
- Some fraternity letters
- Airline approximations
- IAD postings
- They are posted in airports
- Airport board postings
- Airport guesses
- Airport guesstimates
- Airport postings
- BWI info
- DFW listings
- Fraternity letters or cockpit guesses
- Pilot's guesses
- Plane-landing guesses
- Useful bits of airport info
- When planes are expected to land, informally
- BWI postings
- Bits of cockpit info
- Bus schedule data
- Commercial pilots' info
- Info for passengers
- Landing estimates
- Pilot announcements, briefly
- H's, on frat row
- Landing approximations, briefly
- Pilots' figs.
- Postings at JFK
- Rain can delay them, briefly
- Airport estimates, briefly
- H and H, Greek-style
- H's, in sorority names
- H's, to Hera
- Midflight guesses, for short
- Touchdown approximations?: Abbr.
- Half a board at ORD
- Letters before thetas
- Wheels down guesses: Abbr.
- H-shaped Greek letters
- In-flight guesses: Abbr.
- When buses are due in: Abbr.
- GPS predictions
- Incoming flight stats
- Landing guesses at SFO
- Lyft guesses: Abbr.
- ATL predictions
- H's, in Greek
- JFK figures: Abbr.
- Letters from Milos
- Letters from Patras
- TWA estimates
- Letters from Patrai
- Landing times: abbr.
- Dulles stats
- Heraclitus's H's
- Letters from Thessaloniki
- Some sorority letters
- BWI guesstimates
- Platonic H's
- Airport tower data
- Pilot predictions (Abbr.)
- Touchdowns, briefly
- Announcements to train riders, briefly
- Expected touchdown hrs.
- Guesses on a sked
- In-flight announcements, for short
- JFK and ORD guesstimates
- Some JFK guesses
- Some LAX listings
- When flights are due (Abbr.)
- Incoming flight figs.
- Figs. on airport boards
- H's on frat sweaters
- H's on fraternity houses
- LAX and ORD guesstimates
- We'll be landing shortly stats
- Figs. for incoming flights
- Flight figs.
- GPS guesses, for short
- Guesses from GPSes
- Rideshare stats
- Here's when you can pick me up stats (Abbr.)
- Airport estimates, for short
- Airport landing stats
- Driving app calculations
- GPS approximations
- Getting-there figs.
- LAX landing predictions
- Some listings at BWI
- Stats pushed back by delays
- Transit stats
- Wheels down approximations
- Delivery estimates
- JFK landing predictions
- Projections in rideshare apps
- Travel stats
- Airport pickup stats
- Guesses for travelers, for short
- Helpful stats to share with hosts
- Some IAD data
- DCA figs.
- Laconian letters
- Forecasts from high in the sky
- Letters from the Corinthians?
- Some sorority vowels
- Hrs. listed on flight trackers
- ORD approximations
- Greek letters that become other Greek letters by adding B or Z or TH at the start
- They look like H's
- HHH, e.g.
- Brief in-flight announcements
- Attic vowels
- Rosetta Stone vowels
- Terminal conjectures, for short
- Attic letters
- Gate data, briefly
- Frat vowels
- Some JFK guesstimates
- They resemble aitches
- Aviation approximations, for short
- Guesses for airport pickups
- Letters that look like H's
- ORD estimates
- Pilots' guesstimates
- Vowels that look like H's
- Vowels that look like consonants
- Board info at JFK
- Concerns for those catching connections, for short
- Pilot's guesses, briefly
- Letters in some frat names
- O'Hare guesses
- Some itinerary details, for short
- Travel guesses, for short
- Vowels in frat names
- ATL postings
- Pilot predictions, for short
- Travel guesses, briefly
- Guesses about getting there, briefly
- Info in pilots' broadcasts, often
- Airline guesses, briefly
- Flight guesses, briefly