- Online seller
- Zappos, e.g.
- Amazon, e.g.
- Company that clients click with?
- Company that takes PayPal, probably
- Hardware store?
- Brick-and-mortar store rival
- One bringing in net income
- One may often cater to people in their underwear
- Online merchant
- Online entrepreneur
- Merchant who clicks with his customers
- Internet entrepreneur
- Always-open merchant
- Store with a one-line address
- 24/7 business
- Net income earner?
- Web merchant
- Noncash business
- Amazon, notably
- Entity with net income?
- Amazon, for instance
- Marginal figure in social media
- Shop-at-home advocate
- Target, since 2000
- Clicks-dependent business
- Merchant needing hardware
- Any online merchant
- Amazon.com, e.g.
- Merchant whose customers click
- Site-specific merchant?
- Merchandiser that's never closed
- Merchant with tiny shopping carts
- Amazon, for one
- Virtual vender
- Online marketer
- Virtual merchant
- Virtual marketer
- Online store
- Amazon is one
- Amazon is a massive one
- Cyber Monday beneficiary
- Amazon.com, for one
- PayPal taker, often