- Fuck up
- Bobble the ball
- Go wrong
- Mess up
- Miscalculate
- Muff it
- Slip up
- Be human
- Be off the mark
- Be sadly mistaken
- Blow it
- Do the wrong thing
- Drop a popup
- Go astray
- Goof
- Make a blooper
- Make a mistake
- Misjudge
- Misspeak
- Stumble
- Boot one
- Commit a blooper
- Commit a faux pas
- Drop the ball
- Flub
- Goof up
- Make a foozle
- Mistake
- Be off-base
- Forget to set the timer when baking cookies, say
- Status before statehood: Abbr.
- Make a boner
- Misfire
- Say something cringeworthy
- Screw up
- Stray
- Forget to hit "send," say
- Make a boo-boo
- Make the wrong call
- Screw things up
- Be mistaken
- Mess up someone's name, say
- Send an email to the person who you were talking about in the email, say
- Act the bing bong
- Accidentally enter the answer to this clue as "air," say
- Err by putting a crossword answer in the clue, say
- Hit the nail on the thumb
- Slip a cog
- Blow outs?
- Get it wrong
- Be off
- Cause an unearned run
- Eff up
- Enter the wrong answer in a crossword, say
- Flub it
- Flub up
- Flub up big time
- Fluff
- Foozle
- Homophone of 60-Down
- Make a goof
- Make mistakes
- Muff
- Screw the pooch, for short
- Slip
- Trespass
- Use the salad fork while eating one's entrée, say
- Go off
- Go bad
- Make a major blunder
- Foul up
- Pull a boner
- Lapse
- Do things the wrong way
- Put one's foot in it
- Mishandle
- Act proverbially human
- Miss the mark
- Be imperfect
- Goof at Fenway
- Blunder
- Show you're human
- Bobble
- How to be human
- Boot one at Fenway
- Say it ain't so?
- Make a slip
- Write "Dr. Pepper" instead of "Dr Pepper", e.g.
- Make a blunder
- ...for madness would not ___: "Hamlet"
- Do wrong
- Guess wrong
- Stray from the straight and narrow
- Do something wrong
- Make a bad call
- Make a misjudgment
- Make false assumptions
- Betray fallibility
- ___ on the side of caution
- Make a wrong move
- Drop a fly, e.g.
- Give "Johannesburg" as the capital of South Africa, e.g.
- Prompt a correction
- Say "You look HUGE in that dress!", e.g.
- Say that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were used as granaries, e.g. (I know this joke won't be relevant for too long, but whatever)
- Shout your old flame's name in the throes of passion, e.g.
- Use the indicative mood when the subjunctive mood is needed, e.g.
- Be in the wrong
- Double-dribble, say
- Throw wide, say
- Allow one to advance when one shouldn't
- Don't call a spade a spade, say?
- Drop the pop, e.g.
- Earn a red mark, say
- Say "for all intensive purposes", e.g.
- Earn a spot on the blooper reel, say
- Have to fix something, say
- Require another take, e.g.
- Say "'Irregardless' is not a word", e.g.
- Bring about a correction
- Prompt correction
- Earn 98 instead of 100, say
- Let a fly fall
- Mess up on the fly?
- Ruin a perfect game, in a way
- Throw past first, e.g.
- Warrant an apology, maybe
- You can't do it if you want 100
- Blow things
- Get docked points, say
- Go on a Zoom call with no pants on, e.g.
- Have a boner, say
- Botch the job
- Misreckon
- Go off course
- Drop an easy one
- Bobble the bunt
- Fall
- Prove to be human?
- Be inaccurate
- Behave badly
- Boot one, in baseball
- Make a goof, not a go of
- Misnumber a clue, maybe
- Suffer a "brain cramp"
- Make a misstep
- Miss a fly, say
- Bark up the wrong tree
- Be 1-Across
- Bungle up
- Fumble the ball
- Need correction
- Show fallibility
- Go awry
- Slip or trip
- Trip or slip
- Bobble the ball, e.g.
- Reckon wrongly
- Exhibit poor judgment, perhaps
- Louse up
- Be on the side of caution?
- Behave humanly?
- Bobble a ball, e.g.
- Make a mess of things
- Transgress
- Write down the wrong answer
- Boot the baseball
- Make a faux pas
- Prove fallible
- To ___ is human ...
- Display fallibility
- Misplay
- Take a wrong turn
- Bobble a fly, say
- Miss a beat, perhaps
- Missay, say
- Misspeak or misspell
- Be wrong
- Make a flub
- Miss one
- Be human, so they say
- Botch one
- Mix things up
- Slip, say
- Trip up
- Botch
- Commit a gaffe
- Fumble or stumble
- Bobble a baseball
- Give a wrong answer
- Stumble or fumble
- Be a bungler
- Guess incorrectly
- Make the blooper reel
- Need an eraser, say
- Play the wrong golf ball, say
- Shank the ball, e.g.
- Zig instead of zag?
- Botch it
- Bollix things up
- Really @#$% things up
- @#$% up
- Do the not-right thing
- Good
- Break the law
- Drop a pass, e.g.
- Say "true" for "false"
- Sin
- Bloop
- It's human to do it
- Misstep
- Show one's humanity?
- Fumble
- Trip
- To __ is human...
- Misspeak, say
- Muff, e.g.
- Be human, in a way
- Bungle
- Drop a pop
- Mistype, say
- Offend
- To do it is human
- Act inappropriately
- Be incorrect
- Flub a catch
- Lose money on "Jeopardy!," e.g.
- Lose points on an exam, say
- Make a wrong choice
- Misspell a word, e.g.
- Muff a fly, e.g.
- Not get the picture?
- Boot a grounder
- Make a typo, say
- Miss, say
- Muff one
- Overthrow first, say
- Drop the ball, say
- Get eliminated from a bee, say
- Throw wildly, e.g.
- Wander
- Drop the ball, e.g.
- Go down the wrong path
- Miscalculate, say
- Throw too high, e.g.
- Throw wide of the mark, say
- Botch something up
- Commit catcher's interference, e.g.
- Drop a brick, so to speak
- Get knocked out of the spelling bee
- Lose money on "Jeopardy!"
- Muff a grounder
- Bungle the job
- Commit 18-Down
- Flub the shot, say
- Push the wrong button, e.g.
- Transpose digits, say
- Miss a fly
- Overcharge, say
- Thing to do on the cautious side?
- Make a typo
- Throw wildly, say
- Demonstrate one's humanity
- Go amiss
- Make a left instead of a right, say
- Misspell or misspeak
- Take a wrong turn, say
- Fumble, say
- Throw too low, say
- Miss
- Flub a line, say
- Fumble, e.g.
- Get someone's name wrong, e.g.
- Make a wrong turn, say
- Throw the ball away, say
- Throw wide of the cutoff man, say
- Zig when you should have zagged, say
- Boot the ball
- Miss an easy spare, say
- Muck it up
- __ on the side of caution
- Burn the toast, say
- Get one's signals crossed, say
- Miss on "Jeopardy!," e.g.
- Call someone by the wrong name, e.g.
- Choose answer (a) instead of (b), say
- Do something human?
- Forget a date, e.g.
- Say "Oopsie," say
- To say they __ I dare not be so bold: Shakespeare
- Get an "Oh no" from Alex Trebek, say
- Give the wrong change, say
- Write "mispell," say
- Zig when one should have zagged, say
- Act like a human?
- Botch the job, say
- Get lost, say
- Make a typo ... or miss one
- Misspell a word, say
- Write "ere" for this answer, say
- Boot a grounder, say
- Go left instead of right, say
- Make an oopsie
- Mistakenly hit reply all, e.g.
- Play a proper noun in Scrabble, say
- Pour hamster food into the dog's bowl, say
- Text an embarrassing screenshot to the wrong person, say
- Unintentionally reply all, say
- Write "mispell," e.g.
- Make the team's blooper reel, perhaps
- Mix up "their" and "there," e.g.
- Add salt instead of sugar, say
- Microwave aluminum foil, say
- Botch up
- Commit a blunder
- Drop the baseball
- Act human
- Answer incorrectly
- Create a snafu
- Type a typo, perhaps
- Make a 30 Down
- Make a misplay
- Make boo-boos
- Prove one's humanity?
- Overthrow first base
- Misplay the ball
- Bobble something
- Get something wrong
- Need a redo
- Drop a stitch
- The wisest of the wise may __: Aeschylus
- Have a lapse
- Make a miscue
- Hit a sour note
- Make a gaffe
- The cautious seldom __: Confucius
- Miss by a mile
- Muck up
- End up short, say
- Wander off logically
- Lose one's way
- Miscalculate or misspeak
- Botch something
- Lose points, perhaps
- Verb with preposition and noun homophones
- I prefer to __ with Plato . . . than to be right: Cicero
- End up off
- Hit a sour note, say
- Misdirect oneself
- Wander logically
- Flub something
- Lay an egg
- Make a miscalculation
- Overshoot, say
- Be all wet
- Bungle something
- Have it wrong
- Drop a liner
- Choose badly
- Show one's fallibility
- Leave the straight and narrow
- Be human, according to a saying
- Commit a solecism
- Zig instead of zag, say
- Art may ___, but nature cannot miss.—Dryden.
- Do they not ___ that devise evil?—Proverbs.
- Deviate.
- Misdo.
- My jealous aim might ___—Shakespeare.
- Guess wrongly.
- To ___ is human—Pope.
- Alexander Pope's axiomatic slip.
- Be of wrong judgment.
- Drop a pop fly.
- Judge wrongly.
- Fall from grace.
- Make a fluff.
- Throw wild.
- Accept a fallacy.
- Misstate.
- One way to be human.
- Miss the target.
- Play bad ball.
- See 42 Down.
- Backslide.
- Make a 39 Down.
- Miscount.
- Be at fault.
- Get the wrong answer.
- Get the wrong number.
- Misfigure.
- Misinterpret.
- Miscue.
- Nod.
- Missay.
- Violate a standard
- Fail
- Make a bevue
- Work incorrectly
- Miscompute
- Use poor judgment
- Cause a snafu
- Make a bobble
- Be amiss
- Make a boot
- Make a slip-up
- It's human to do this
- Miss the pop-up
- Mismanage
- Pull the wrong switch
- Emulate Lot's wife
- Boot a ground ball
- Commit a boo-boo
- Get on the wrong track
- The cautious seldom ___: Confucius
- Bumble
- Commit a peccadillo
- Exhibit humanity
- Pick an also-ran
- Reveal one's humanity
- Drop a fly
- Postulate a flat world
- To do this is human
- Fail, humanly
- Throw wildly
- Act the human
- The cautious seldom ___': Confucius nyt 1989 ERR Be human nyt 1989 ERR Be human nyt 1989 ERR Behave humanly nyt 1989 ERR Blunder nyt 1989 ERR Bobble nyt 1989 ERR Bobble the baseball nyt 1989 ERR Drop a pop-up nyt 1989 ERR Foul up nyt 1989 ERR Goof nyt 1989 ERR Miscue nyt 1989 ERR Sin nyt 1989 ERR Slip nyt 1989 ERR Slip nyt 1989 ERR Slip nyt 1989 ERR Slip up nyt 1989 ERRAND Mission nyt 1989 ERRAND Purposeful trip nyt 1989 ERRANDS Chores for Junior nyt 1989 ERRANDS Missions nyt 1989 ERRANT Straying nyt 1989 ERRANT Straying nyt 1989 ERRATA Lists of mistakes nyt 1989 ERRATA Printers' mistakes nyt 1989 ERRATA Printers' mistakes nyt 1989 ERRATA Typos nyt 1989 ERRED Bungled nyt 1989 ERRED Goofed nyt 1989 ERRED Miscalculated nyt 1989 ERRED Miscalculated nyt 1989 ERRED Mistook nyt 1989 ERRED Nodded nyt 1989 ERRED Slipped up nyt 1989 ERRED Strayed nyt 1989 ERRED Was human nyt 1989 ERRING In the wrong nyt 1989 ERROLS Fauntleroy and Flynn nyt 1989 ERROR Bull nyt 1989 ERROR Diamond flaw nyt 1989 ERROR Gaffe nyt 1989 ERROR Miscue nyt 1989 ERROR Overthrowing first, e.g. nyt 1989 ERROR Trial's partner nyt 1989 ERRORI Mistakes, at 12 Down nyt 1989 ERRORSOF Surveyors' ___ closure nyt 1989 ERRS Goofs nyt 1989 ERRS Goofs nyt 1989 ERRS Goofs nyt 1989 ERRS Goofs nyt 1989 ERRS Is mistaken nyt 1989 ERRS Makes mistakes nyt 1989 ERRS Misses the mark nyt 1989 ERRS Slips nyt 1989 ERRS Slips up nyt 1989 ERRS Strays nyt 1989 ERS Ending for 76 nyt 1989 ERS Forage plant nyt 1989 ERS Kersenneh nyt 1989 ERS Sounds of hesitance nyt 1989 ERS Vetch nyt 1989 ERS Vocalized pauses nyt 1989 ERSE Celtic language nyt 1989 ERSE Celtic tongue nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Irish Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSE Irregularly notched nyt 1989 ERSE Language for 8 Down nyt 1989 ERSE Manx tongue nyt 1989 ERSE Old tongue nyt 1989 ERSE Scottish Gaelic nyt 1989 ERSIN Abrading action nyt 1989 ERSKINE Hurler in Brooklyn: 1948-57 nyt 1989 ERST At first, at first nyt 1989 ERST First, in Frankfurt nyt 1989 ERST Formerly, formerly nyt 1989 ERST Formerly, formerly nyt 1989 ERST Formerly, formerly nyt 1989 ERST Formerly, formerly nyt 1989 ERST Once, once nyt 1989 ERST While preceder nyt 1989 ERST Whilom nyt 1989 ERST Whilom nyt 1989 ERST Whilom nyt 1989 ERST Whilom nyt 1989 ERST Whilom nyt 1989 ERT Urge on, in Ayr nyt 1989 ERTE Famed artist-designer nyt 1989 ERUDITE Learned nyt 1989 ERUPT Break forth nyt 1989 ERUPT Burst forth, as a volcano nyt 1989 ERUPT What Mauna Loa can do nyt 1989 ERUPTED What Vesuvius did in the 1960's nyt 1989 ERUPTS Vents nyt 1989 ERY Crock or trick ending nyt 1989 ERY Witch chaser nyt 1989 ESA Conductor ___-Pekka Salonen nyt 1989 ESAU A son of Isaac nyt 1989 ESAU A son of Isaac nyt 1989 ESAU Birthright loser nyt 1989 ESAU Birthright seller nyt 1989 ESAU Early porridge fancier nyt 1989 ESAU He sold his birthright nyt 1989 ESAU Jacob's twin nyt 1989 ESAU Jacob's twin nyt 1989 ESAU Jacob's twin nyt 1989 ESAU Jacob's twin nyt 1989 ESAU Uncle of Joseph nyt 1989 ESAUS Pottage receiver's namesakes nyt 1989 ESCALATION Rapid rise in prices or wages nyt 1989 ESCALATOR Kind of clause nyt 1989 ESCALLOPED Having wavy lines, as 17 Across nyt 1989 ESCAPE Getaway nyt 1989 ESCAPED Foiled the posse nyt 1989 ESCAPEE He went over the wall nyt 1989 ESCAPES Breaks out nyt 1989 ESCAPETOTHESUN Harvey-Ireland film: 1972 nyt 1989 ESCARGOTS Cooked snails nyt 1989 ESCARP Steep slope nyt 1989 ESCARPS Steep slopes nyt 1989 ESCE Ending for an inchoative verb nyt 1989 ESCHEW Shun nyt 1989 ESCORT Rare sight at a singles bar nyt 1989 ESCORTED Played the gigolo nyt 1989 ESCS Money in Lisboa: Abbr. nyt 1989 ESCUDOS Portuguese money nyt 1989 ESE Dir. nyt 1989 ESE Dir. or suffix nyt 1989 ESE Ending for Taiwan or Annam nyt 1989 ESE Milan ending nyt 1989 ESE Suffix akin to ites nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with 76 Across nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with Annam nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with Siam nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with Siam nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with Siam nyt 1989 ESE Suffix with journal nyt 1989 ESE Vane reading nyt 1989 ESE Vane reading nyt 1989 ESEL Donkey, in Dortmund nyt 1989 ESEL Donkey, in Düsseldorf nyt 1989 ESER Danish weights nyt 1989 ESER Danish weights nyt 1989 ESER Danish weights nyt 1989 ESES Readings on compasses nyt 1989 ESGARDNER The Onion Row" author?
- Need an eraser
- Bollix
- Misdirect
- Confuse wasabi with guacamole, say
- Elicit an "Oops!," maybe
- Misidentify something, e.g.
- Show one's humanity, perhaps
- Necessitate an "Oops!"
- Solecize
- Lapse, perhaps
- Mismatch, e.g.
- Stub one's toe
- Not be perfect
- Make muffs
- Underestimate, e.g.
- Are all wet
- Be faulty?
- Drop one, say
- Fall into evil ways
- Misquote, say
- Get wrong
- Elicit a 26-Down
- Miss a cue, say
- Need correcting
- Experience a brain cramp
- Go off track
- Need to be set straight
- Drop a brick
- Not set things right
- Say 2 + 2 = 5, say
- Do something boneheaded
- Misplay, e.g.
- Add instead of subtract, e.g.
- Do they not ___ that devise evil?: Proverbs 14:22
- Cause an interception, e.g.
- Drop a pop-up, say
- Give all for one or one for all, e.g.?
- Kind of ant
- Make a clanger
- Not be on target
- Use the answer to any of this puzzle's starred clues in ordinary conversation?
- Misspeak, e.g.
- Try to fit a square peg in a round hole, e.g.
- Act humanly
- Miswrite, say
- Drop a fly ball, e.g.
- Get tripped up
- Goof or go off
- Mishandle something, say
- Say 1 + 1 = 3, say
- Divide by zero in a computer program, maybe
- Misidentify, e.g.
- Count six E's in this puzzle clue, for example
- Get things wrong
- Go too far, e.g.
- Misdo something
- Forget to carry the one, e.g.
- Say irregardless?
- Show imperfection
- Veer off course
- Affirm one's humanity?
- Exemplify humanity, say
- Jump the gun, e.g.
- Miss, for instance
- Lay an egg, say
- Overthrow, e.g.
- Muff something
- Prove one's humanity, in a way
- Zig when one should zag, say
- ___ on the side of
- Display one's humanity, in a way
- Go the wrong way
- Say "Whomever did this …," say
- Mis-enter a passcode, say
- Speak too soon, say
- Spell "mispell," e.g.
- The cautious seldom ___ (quote attributed to Confucius)
- Make a big splash in diving, say
- What you might do on the side of caution
- Miss something
- Do it wrong
- Muff up
- Be fallible
- Misadd, e.g.
- Botch it up
- Not be correct
- Exhibit fallibility
- Guess wrong, say
- Be off target
- Jam goof-up
- Play a wrong note
- Be off-key
- Call my gf Jessie "Jessica," e.g.
- Elicit a "Not far-off" from the NYT crossword app, say
- Screw the pooch
- Choose wrong
- Betray humanity?
- Choose poorly
- Bet on the wrong horse
- Choose the wrong path
- Walk in a run
- Succumb to the throwing yips, say
- Fail to answer in the form of a question on "Jeopardy!," say
- Put the wrong answer in a crossword puzzle, e.g.
- To ___ is human; to forgive, divine
- Misdial or miscount, say
- Send a screenshot of your D.M.s with your crush _to_ your crush, e.g.
- Admittedly I ___ by undertaking / This in its present form (opening of "The Changing Light at Sandover")
- Put lace in the dryer, perhaps
- Beach a boat, e.g.
- Claim 2 + 2 = 5
- Misquote
- Drop a pass
- If you're human, you'll do it
- Do this to prove you're human
- Fail to be perfect
- Overthrow a base
- Be dead wrong
- Blow one's lines, e.g.
- Imperfect verb?
- Muff an easy one
- Delude oneself
- Get one's wires crossed
- It may be done on the side of caution
- Behave humanly, in a saying
- Leave the straight and narrow, perhaps
- Misquote, e.g.
- Slip or trip, e.g.
- Commit a faux pas, e.g.
- Commit a faux pas, perhaps
- Make a wrong choice, e.g.
- Need to be corrected
- Trip or slip, e.g.
- Act human, according to a proverb
- Boot a batted ball
- Pull the wrong switch, e.g.
- Sail off-course, e.g.
- What humans do
- Write down the wrong answer, e.g.
- Answer incorrectly, e.g.
- Demonstrate humanity?
- Humans do it
- Misfield a ground ball, say
- Transpose digits, e.g.
- Drop the ball, literally or figuratively
- Miss an easy fly
- Boot one on the field, it's human
- Commit a mistake
- Flub a catch, e.g.
- Miss the turnoff, e.g.
- Drop a routine fly ball
- Make a 63-Across
- Require an erasure
- Human thing to do
- Make a wrong decision
- Make a wrong guess, e.g.
- Miscalculate, e.g.
- Not be right
- 34-Down cut
- Be at 56-Across
- Be goof-y?
- Do wrong things?
- Drop the ball, really
- Just be wrong
- Make flubs
- Make gaffes
- Miss an easy one
- Misspeak or misdo, e.g.
- Call Richard "Robert," say
- Head south to visit the North Pole, e.g.
- Make a wrong turn
- Mess something up
- Miscount, maybe
- Misspell somthing, say
- Spell this answer A-I-R, e.g.
- Umm ...
- Be human, in a proverb
- Leave the oven on, e.g.
- Slip on your own banana in Mario Kart, say
- Add wrong, perhaps
- Click the wrong button, e.g.
- Miss your exit, perhaps
- Turn left instead of right, perhaps
- Act human, they say
- Enter the wrong password, e.g.
- Make a wrong turn, maybe
- Misspeak, for example
- Misspell something, e.g.
- Play an F instead of an F#, say
- Say Seattle is the capital of Washington, say
- Write "definately," say
- Write the wrong date, e.g.
- Write "missteak," say
- Pour water on a grease fire, e.g.
- Take a wrong turn, maybe
- Go a bit off
- Spill ink e.g.
- Drop the ball at Shea
- Drop the relay
- Misdeal
- Bollix up
- Get lost
- Misread lines
- Say the wrong thing
- Take the wrong exit
- Misadd
- Balk while relieving
- Miss one's exit, perhaps
- Goof it up
- Bobble a grounder, say
- Miss the routine grounder
- Choose badly, e.g.
- Drop an easy one, e.g.
- Transgress, e.g.
- Bark up the wrong tree, e.g.
- Botch things
- Fluff a line
- Make a wrong turn, e.g.
- Miss a turnoff, e.g.
- Earn the right to say "My mistake"
- Miss your exit, e.g.
- Thing to do on the side of caution
- Wander off course, e.g.
- Be completely wrong
- Behave like a human?
- Fumble the ball, e.g.
- Hit the nail on the thumb, e.g.
- Botch a catch
- Boot a baseball
- Make a baseball blooper reel
- Misplay a grounder
- Misspell, e.g.
- Be stupid, but not on purpose
- Boot one on the field, say
- Commit a goof
- Do something the wrong way
- Bobble, drop or bungle
- Make a wild throw, say
- Be featured on a bloopers segment, maybe
- Boot an easy one
- Fumble or foozle
- Hit a sour note, e.g.
- Make 1-Down
- Miss one's exit, say
- Show poor judgment
- Cause an unearned run, perhaps
- Flub an easy one
- Fluff one's lines, say
- Hit "Reply All" instead of "Reply," say
- Hit a wrong key, say
- Make a bonehead move
- Make a bonehead play
- Miss a stage cue, say
- Play the wrong ball, say
- Require an eraser, perhaps
- Shank a tee shot, say
- Spell "spell" "spel," say
- Boot a grounder, e.g.
- Hit "send" prematurely, say
- Lower one's fielding average
- Make incorrect decisions
- Miss an exit, say
- Prove one's fallibility
- Write "a lot" as "alot," say
- We live in time; we ___, sometimes seriously (Judith Butler)
- Accidentally hit "Reply All," say
- Forget an appointment, e.g.
- Foul things up
- Get the time wrong, say
- Goof up pretty good
- Make the wrong choice
- Mkae smoe tpyos, sya
- To do this is human, it's said
- Type "teh," e.g.
- Forget to wear sunscreen, for example
- Hit the wrong button, say
- Make a 41-Down
- Play a wrong note, say
- Press "Reply All" instead of "Reply," for example
- Put dish soap in the dishwasher, say
- Send a text to the wrong person, say
- Sing the wrong lyric, e.g.
- Take a bite of decorative fruit, e.g.
- Text the wrong person, say
- Run a wallet through the washing machine, say
- Step on your pet's perfect little foot, say
- Accidentally send a NSFW message to your boss, say
- Make a Freudian slip, say
- Make a fumble
- Throw trash in the recycling bin, say
- Miss a grounder
- Boot a ball
- Get bollixed up
- Overcharge, e.g.
- Be human, so to speak
- Require a correction
- Submit a wrong answer, say
- Commit an infraction
- Forget one's lines, e.g.
- Be human, perhaps
- Cross all the i's and dot all the t's, say
- Play it poorly
- Prove oneself fallible
- Screw it up
- Be human, supposedly
- Flub the relay, say
- Throw into the dugout, say
- Zig when you should zag
- Go off on the wrong path
- Overthrow, say
- Enter "SIN" as this clue's answer, for example
- Make an oversight
- Make blunders
- Spell misspell mispell, say
- Take the wrong approach
- Make a tpyo, say
- Miss a fly, maybe
- Type a typo, say