- Chang's twin
- Mary Jackson, for one: Abbr.
- Chang's other half
- Part of ESL
- Siamese twins Chang and __
- Chang's Siamese twin
- H.S. class
- High school subj.
- One of the Bunkers
- A Siamese twin
- Chang's brother
- H.S. subject
- Humanities subj.
- Lang. represented by the Union Jack
- Maj. that both of this puzzle's authors have college degs. in
- Liberal arts major I barely got my B.A. in
- Where Richard III was recently found in a parking lot: Abbr.
- Many an MIT grad: Abbr.
- Guyana's nat. language
- Official lang. of Canada (except in Quebec)
- Famous twin
- Bath site (abbr.)
- Nat. where the first successful blood transfusion was performed
- What I got my B.A. in
- Third-most spoken lang. in the world
- Maj. that involves loads of writing
- Report card subj.
- Liberal arts subj.
- World Cup squad whose fans chant "It's coming home": Abbr.
- Lit crit maj.
- Neighbor of Scot.
- School subj.
- Our lang.
- Part of the UK
- Lit. course
- Chang's closest kin
- H.S. course
- One of Canada's official languages (abbr.)
- Brit's home
- Official lang. of Jamaica
- Type of lit.
- Pt. of ESL
- Official lang. of Gibraltar
- Humanities dept.
- One with an eponymous channel: Abbr.
- There are a lot of irregular verbs in it: Abbr.
- Nat. whose soccer fans taunt Germany with the song "Two World Wars and One World Cup"
- A nation of shopkeepers, per "The Wealth of Nations": Abbr.
- Only northern-hemisphere nat. to win the Rugby World Cup
- It has official status in 32 U.S. states
- Royal Albert Hall setting: Abbr.
- Its cuisine originated eel pies: Abbr.
- Part of sport's E.P.L.: Abbr.
- He was attached to his brother
- MIT grad, often
- Chang's bosom buddy?
- Coll. course
- H.S. requirement
- He and his brother were inseparable
- Siamese twin Bunker
- U.K. member
- John Major's lang.
- Lang. of Zimbabwe and Zambia
- Liverpool loc.
- Siamese twin name
- U.K. country
- London's land (abbr.)
- Shakespeare's lang.
- QE II destination
- Part of E.E. (abbr.)
- An official lang. of Hong Kong
- Half of a famous pair
- U.S. adversary in 1812
- London's loc.
- Lang. you're reading now
- U.K. part (abbr.)
- An official lang. of Tonga
- It's south of Scot.
- It may be taught as a second lang.
- Jessica lang.?
- What this is in: Abbr.
- 41 Across grad.
- Sch. subj.
- Part of U.K.
- Part of the Brit. isles
- Half of famous pair
- Part of Great Brit.
- Siamese twin
- High sch. course
- North Sea country: Abbr.
- UK part
- Comp. course
- Subj. including grammar
- US language
- Part of OED: Abbr.
- Official lang. of Fiji
- One of the Bunker twins
- Course listing abbr.
- Part of ESL: Abbr.
- College dept.
- Subj. that involves reading novels
- Coll. major
- Derby's home: Abbr.
- Queen Anne's War participant: Abbr.
- Twin name
- Where Dover is: Abbr.
- Class with vocab. lists
- Official lang. of Malawi
- Writer's coll. major, often
- Stonehenge loc.
- Twin who adopted the surname Bunker
- Lang. of Jamaica
- An official lang. of Kenya
- One of RSA's 11 official languages
- Tower of London loc.
- An official lang. of Malta
- Australia's lang.
- Second lang., for some
- Course with vocab.
- ESL part: Abbr.
- Subj. with writing exercises
- Bath's land: Abbr.
- 50-Across' subj., perhaps
- University dept.
- London lang.
- Required H.S. class
- U.K. language
- Hong Kong lang.
- Lang. of Belize
- Official language of Belize: Abbr.
- The "E" in ESL: Abbr.
- Lang. of Ghana
- Pt. of OED
- 2023 World Cup finalists, briefly
- Lang. of Canada
- Chang's closest relative
- St. George is its patron
- __ Lit.
- London's locale: Abbr.
- Setting for PD James whodunits
- Bath setting: Abbr.
- Romney's major at BYU
- Country in the UK
- London's country: Abbr.
- Mitt Romney's BA major
- What MIT hasn't a major in
- Scorsese major at NYU
- An EU language
- He had a very close relative
- One of the official languages of the U.N.
- Original Siamese twin
- QM2 destination
- Where the Aire flows: Abbr.
- He outlived his twin brother by a few hours
- Name of a famous well-connected man
- EU language
- He was always very close to his brother
- He and his brother were very close
- Official language of Calif.
- One of the Bunker brothers (who were famous for their closeness)
- Part of OED
- One of the Siamese twins.
- Chang's twin (1811–74).
- Chang's brother: Siamese twins.
- Chang and ___.
- Wood of an East Indian tree.
- Part of G. B.
- Part of the U. K.: Abbr.
- Festival land: Abbr.
- Joyce Cary's land: Abbr.
- A country or a language: Abbr.
- From the Cheviot Hills to Lands End: Abbr.
- Where Derby is: Abbr.
- Albion: Abbr.
- Man from M.I.T.: Abbr.
- A language: Abbr.
- European country: Abbr.
- Historic Siamese twin.
- Where Maidstone is: Abbr.
- Part of Gr. Brit.
- School subject: Abbr.
- John Bull's land: Abbr.
- Language: Abbr.
- New ___.
- Part of Gt. Brit.
- Where Lond. is.
- Where the Tyne flows: Abbr.
- College course: Abbr.
- Country: Abbr.
- Where the Wharfe flows: Abbr.
- Bridge builder: Abbr.
- Mother tongue: Abbr.
- School course: Abbr.
- Mechanical man: Abbr.
- Where Lincolnshire is: Abbr.
- Etcher: Abbr.
- Important study: Abbr.
- MIT graduate: Abbr.
- Type of artist: Abbr.
- Profession: Abbr.
- Motor: Abbr.
- Narrow: Ger.
- Instruction: Abbr.
- A lang.
- Chang's companion
- M.I.T. grad
- Heath's country: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Fr.
- Eur. country
- School study: Abbr.
- Part of Britain: Abbr.
- The king's lang.
- Chang's partner
- Character in Wallace's "The Two"
- Scot. neighbor
- Brit.
- Eur. land
- Neighbor of Ire.
- College subj.
- M.I.T. graduate
- U.K. division
- C.E., E.E. or M.E.
- Chang and ___ (Siamese twins)
- ___ Lit. (H.S. subject)
- Sch. subject
- Where to have a merrie hol.
- B.C.E., for example
- U.S.A. language
- RR V.I.P.
- RR man
- H.S. subj.
- Part of Gr. Br.
- Chang's close twin
- Chang's counterpart
- Chang's sidekick
- Sch. course
- 3-Down lang.
- S.A.T. subj.
- Ally of the U.S.
- Half a celebrated set
- Noted twin
- Henry Hudson explored for it: Abbr.
- Like Bacon and Lamb: Abbr.
- Like Bacon or Lamb: Abbr.
- International lang.
- Official lang. of Malta
- Basic school subj.
- Essay writer's class: Abbr.
- Side in the War of 1812: Abbr.
- With 8-Down, course that includes Shak.
- It's east of the Isle of Man: Abbr.
- Chang's conjoined twin
- Liberal arts major: Abbr.
- Univ. dept.
- Our language: Abbr.
- Where London is: Abbr.
- Arts and Sciences major: Abbr.
- Host and winner of the 1966 World Cup: Abbr.
- Official lang. of Mauritius
- 2012 Olympics host: Abbr.
- Official lang. of Barbados
- Official lang. of Guyana
- Reading locale: Abbr.
- Sandwich site: Abbr.
- Grade school subj.
- Language of Kenya: Abbr.
- Official lang. of Ghana and Grenada
- Like Elvis Costello, but not Elvis Presley: Abbr.
- Grade sch. class
- London is its cap.
- Coll. major of many writers
- Lang. class
- Like Spender and Spenser: Abbr.
- The "E" of E.S.L.: Abbr.
- An official U.N. language: Abbr.
- Class with a Classics unit: Abbr.
- Like the 13 Colonies: Abbr.
- Like the Pilgrims: Abbr.
- A.C.T. subj.
- E.S.L. component: Abbr.
- An official language of Canada: Abbr.
- Lang. course
- Main lang. of the Commonwealth countries
- Where soccer was invented: Abbr.
- Famous conjoined twin
- Lang. of 16-Across
- Host of the first World Table Tennis Championships: Abbr.
- Subtitles option: Abbr.
- Winner of the 1966 World Cup: Abbr.
- K-12 subj.
- Liberal arts sch. major
- O.E.D. part: Abbr.
- The "E" of E.S.L., for short
- The Three Lions, on World Cup scoreboards
- Official language of Ghana and Botswana: Abbr.
- Subj. taught by Fulbright scholars
- ESL part
- A U.S. lang.
- Maj. with a "Great Books" class, perhaps
- Chang's sib
- Suffolk loc.
- Lang. of London
- Essex loc.
- Bristol loc.
- Its cap. is London
- Sussex loc.
- Norfolk loc.
- He was attached to Chang
- Sheffield loc.
- Common B.A. major
- Language of N. Amer.
- Surrey loc.
- U.S. lang.
- Part of Gr. Britain
- Linguistic relative of Swed.
- The world lang.
- Part of ELA: Abbr.
- World's third most common native lang.
- Official lang. of the Republic of Kiribati
- Popular B.A. major
- Esther who directed Hollywood's first Cantonese-language films
- The "E" in STEM, for short
- Celebrated twin
- A famous twin
- Compulsory HS subject
- Chang's constant companion
- Famous Siamese twin
- One of a famous set of twins
- He was quite attached to his brother
- One of a very close pair of brothers
- Conjoined twin name
- Chang's connected twin
- Chang's famous twin
- One Siamese twin
- Twin with a connection
- A famous conjoined twin
- A connected twin
- Twin connected to Chang
- Twin with a heart for his brother?
- One of a pair of famous twins
- Chang's closest connection?
- Lang. subj.
- 19-Across' country: Abbr.
- Derby's country: Abbr.
- Jamaica's official lang.
- Subj. with vocab
- This language, for short
- U.K. component
- AP Lit. or Lang. subject
- Subj. with sentence diagrams
- London's land, for short
- BBC's country
- Subj. featuring poetry
- Sentence structure's school subj.
- HS class with essay assignments
- Nigeria's official lang.
- Chang and ____
- BFA course
- Memorable twin
- Part of 22 Down
- Half of a celebrated set of twins
- Twin who was quite attached to his brother
- He and Chang were inseparable
- Certain twin's name
- Official language of Barbados (Abbr.)
- Official language of Guyana (Abbr.)
- Official language of Ghana (Abbr.)
- Language spoken in Guyana (Abbr.)
- One of Alaska's 21 official languages (Abbr.)
- One of South Dakota's official languages (Abbr.)
- One of Kenya's official languages (Abbr.)
- Bunker twin
- A Bunker
- Civ. or mech., perhaps
- Storied twin
- Closely linked Bunker
- Bunker brother
- Lang. of Liberia
- 93 Across part: abbr.
- Twin of note
- Official lang. of Zambia and Zimbabwe
- One of the U.N.'s official languages
- It's overheard in the U.K.
- Many an MIT grad
- Where GMT is based
- Home of Queen Eliz.
- Guernsey tongue: Abbr.
- Official lang. of Namibia
- Alternative to Russ. or Fr.
- An official U.N. lang.
- Official lang. of Belize
- Official lang. of Liberia
- Lang. of Bermuda and the Bahamas
- Major lang.
- Shakespeare wrote in it: Abbr.
- Lancashire lang.
- Official lang. of Zambia
- Lang. of Liverpool
- Reading lang.
- U.K. lang.
- Lang. you understand
- This clue's lang.
- Official lang. of Botswana