- Correct
- Edit
- Fix
- Fix the copy
- Improve, in a way
- Adjust
- Correct, as crossword clues [sorry, Brendan --ed.]
- Tweak
- Change one's story?
- Correct, as text
- Change somewhat
- Alter
- Make some corrections to
- Rework text
- Correct or improve
- Revise
- Revise editorially
- Tweak a manuscript
- Make changes in
- Improve, in writing
- Make corrections
- Fix, as copy
- Revise text
- Improve text
- Touch up, as text
- Make corrections to
- Red-pencil
- Free from errors, as text
- Correct misspellings, e.g.
- Fix, as text
- Edit, as text
- Correct writing
- Ameliorate
- Make changes to
- Improve, as text
- Change, as a manuscript
- Redact
- Correct copy
- Correct text
- Free from faults
- Make a correction to
- Touch up
- Alter, as text
- Improve
- Correct, as a manuscript
- Correct, as copy
- Change an "a" to an "e," say
- Blue-pencil
- Correct a text
- Edit text
- Change, as text
- Make better
- Correct, as a text
- Make corrections to, as text
- Better
- Make changes to, as copy
- Revise, as text
- Polish, as text
- Fix text
- Tinker with text
- Polish, in a way
- Rework, as text
- Correct spelling, say
- Change
- Change text
- Do editing
- Edit a text
- Make textual changes
- Fix, as a manuscript
- Improve by editing
- Make fixes to
- Correct errata
- Upgrade, as text
- Change for the better
- Change a text
- Cut and paste
- Edit, as an article
- Make revisions to
- Word from the Latin for "without fault"
- Rectify
- Do text correction on
- Edit in or out
- Tweak, as text
- Make right
- Rectify, as a report
- Free from errors
- Make corrections in.
- Remove errors.
- Editors do it.
- Make editorial corrections.
- Improve upon.
- Alter a text.
- Correct mss.
- Correct written work.
- Correct, as manuscript.
- Revise a text.
- Add to and correct.
- Improve textually.
- Put right
- Correct, in a way
- Set to rights
- Do editorial work
- Improve a text
- Alter; correct
- Free from defects
- Castigate texts
- Fix copy
- Do some editing
- Improve the text
- Correct texts
- Edit; correct
- Improve a book
- Textually alter
- Tinker with the text
- Fiddle with
- Free of errors
- Polish
- Make a correction
- Make improvements to
- Alter, as a manuscript
- Change in writing
- Make edits to
- Correct, as writing
- Adjust, as text
- Polish prose
- Touch up the text
- Make scholarly corrections to
- Revise, as a manuscript
- Make corrections to, as a manuscript
- Improve copy quality
- Correct the spelling, e.g.
- Make scholarly revisions
- Improve, as a text
- Make changes
- Free of mistakes
- Better text
- Make scholarly revisions, e.g.
- Improve a thesis' quality, e.g.
- Update manuscripts
- Make corrections (var.)
- Correct a manuscript
- Make corrections to written work
- Make improvements or corrections to
- Add riders
- Alter, as writing
- Cut and paste text
- Remove errors from text
- Seek to improve
- Correct the spelling
- Edit critically
- Edit e.g.
- Proofread
- Give a do-over
- Heavily edit
- Fix up
- Get the kinks out
- Improve, perhaps
- Improve, as writing
- Make revisions
- Add a rider
- Make textual improvements
- Fiddle with, as a term paper
- See 70-Across
- Do a rewrite on, perhaps
- Make refinements to
- De-fault?
- Fix a manuscript
- Tinker with, as text
- Polish, as prose
- Copy-edit