- Scratches (out)
- Squeezes (out)
- ___ out (supplements)
- Gets with great effort
- Squeezes by (with "out")
- Stretches
- Makes last
- Stretches, barely
- With "out": makes do
- Prolongs, in old-fashioned usage
- ___ out (barely gets)
- Scrapes (out)
- Stretches (out)
- Supplements, with "out"
- Just gets by, with "out"
- Makes (out)
- Makes (out), but by just a smidge
- Scrapes together, with "out"
- Squeezes (by)
- Just makes (out)
- Barely squeezes (out)
- Gets with great effort, with "out"
- Squeaks (out)
- Barely makes (out)
- Just scrapes (by)
- Scrimps, with "by"
- Squeaks (by)
- Squeezes (with "out")
- __ out (just manages)
- Just scrapes
- Meagerly manages
- Manages, with "out"
- Lengthens, old-style
- Barely squeezes
- Barely scrapes
- __ out a living (gets by)
- Stretches the budget, with "out"
- ___ out a living (barely gets by)
- Just gets by
- Scrapes (by)
- ___ out a living (just gets by)
- Stretches a budget, with "out"
- Laboriously maintains, with "out"
- Barely achieves, with "out"
- Barely makes, with "out"
- Just beats, with "by"
- Opposite of "wastes", with "out"
- Beats by only a bit, with "by"
- Does just enough for, with "out"
- Barely manages, with "out"
- Stretches, as a budget
- ___ out (barely makes)
- ___ out (gets by)
- ___ out a living
- Barely earns, with "out"
- Just manages, with "out"
- ___ out a living (barely manages to survive)
- ___ out a living (barely scrapes by)
- Barely squeaks by, with "out"
- Gets with effort, with "out"
- Contrives to make (a living), with "out"
- Squeezes (out), as a living
- ___ out a living (gets by)
- Scrapes by, with "out"
- ___ out (barely manages)
- Supports laboriously, with "out"
- ___ by (just manages)
- Just makes, with "out"
- ___ by (barely manages)
- Makes do
- Stretches, with "out"
- Survives barely, with "out"
- ___ out: makes do
- Just about makes, with "out"
- Marginally makes, with "out"
- __ out: barely makes
- __ out a living: just gets by
- Gets by, with "out"
- Gets with difficulty, with "out"
- Barely scratches (out)
- With 23-Across, barely earns
- Barely gets by, with "out"
- Laboriously earns, with "out"
- __ out: barely gets
- Barely gets, with "out"
- Makes do, with "out"
- Manages somehow, with "out"
- Earns with difficulty, with "out"
- Endures hardship to make, with "out"
- __ out a living
- __ out a win
- Barely gets (by)
- Manages to attain, with "out"
- __ out a living: barely manages
- Manages to get, with "out"
- Increases: Scot.
- Strains to get
- __ out a living (makes do)
- Increases
- Barely beats, with "by"
- Just manages, with "by"
- __ out a living (just manages)
- __ out (barely manages)
- __ out a victory (barely wins)
- Wrings (out)
- __ by (barely manages)
- __ out a victory (wins barely)
- __ by (just manages)
- __ out a living (scrapes by)
- __ out a living (barely gets by)
- Hardly makes, with "out"
- Lengthens
- Barely sustains, with "out"
- Gets with great difficulty, with "out"
- Struggles to make, with "out"
- Gets by.
- Pieces out.
- Adds to, with "out."
- Barely makes a living (with "out").
- Contrives to make do.
- Adds something missing to (with "out").
- Makes a little go a long way.
- Scrapes through.
- Lengthens: Dial.
- Adds to: Dial.
- ___ out (makes additions to).
- ___ out.
- ___ out (adds something missing to).
- Makes ends meet (with "out").
- Achieves with effort.
- ___ out (stretches).
- Stretches one's wherewithal
- Supplements.
- Makes out barely
- Just manages
- ___ out (gets along)
- Augments
- Augments (with "out")
- Gets by, but barely
- Supplements with difficulty
- ___ out (just manages)
- Stretches the budget
- Anagram of seek
- Barely manages
- Gets by barely
- ___ out (gets by, barely)
- Squeezes out a living
- Anagram for seek
- ___ out (makes last)
- ___ out (manages)
- Scarcely makes do, with "out"
- Squeezed by
- Stretches to make last
- Monograms of a certain Duke
- _____ out (scrapes by)
- _____ out (supplements)
- Meagerly maintains, with "out"
- Barely produces, with "out"
- Gets by on, with "out"
- Grinds (out)
- Barely makes it, with "by"
- Squeezes
- Squeezes (by), as to the next round of a tournament
- -- out (barely manages)
- Pushes (out)
- -- out (scrapes together)
- -- out (just manages)
- -- out (barely earns)
- ___ out a victory
- ___ out (barely achieves, as a win)
- Makes a living laboriously (with "out")
- _____ out (manages, barely)
- _____ out a living
- Just makes do (with "out")
- _____ out (barely gets)
- _____ out (barely makes)
- Lives from hand-to-mouth (with "out")
- Meagerly manages (with "out")
- _____ out (barely gets by)
- _____ out (gets by)
- Acquires with effort
- Achieves with difficulty (With "out")
- Achieves with effort (with "out")
- Barely makes do ( with "out")
- Scratches by ( with "out")
- Exists on a small pittance (with "by")
- ____ out a living
- Just makes, as a living (with "out")
- ___ out (barely earns)
- ___ out a meager existence
- ___ out a meager living
- Barely makes it
- ___ out (scrapes by)
- ___ out a living (scrapes by)
- Squeaks by, with "out"
- ___ out a victory (barely wins)
- Just makes do
- ____ out
- ____ out: gets by
- Makes do barely
- ____ out: makes do
- Barely makes do
- Scrimps
- Supplements, the hard way
- ___ out a win (barely triumphs)
- Lengthens: arch.
- Uses frugally
- ___ out (barely copes)
- ___ out (barely gets by)
- Gets through great effort
- Somehow manages (with "out")
- Scratches (out), as a living
- ___ out a living (barely makes it)
- --- out (barely gets)
- Barely scrapes together, with "out"
- ___ out (barely achieves)
- Scratches
- Just makes, as a living
- ___ out (gets with difficulty)
- With 33-Down, barely gets