% replaces any number of letters (la% - lake, lamp)_ replaces one letter (ca_ - car, cat)

Other crossword clues for answer "EKES"

Scratches (out)
Squeezes (out)
___ out (supplements)
Gets with great effort
Squeezes by (with "out")
Makes last
Stretches, barely
With "out": makes do
Prolongs, in old-fashioned usage
___ out (barely gets)
Scrapes (out)
Stretches (out)
Supplements, with "out"
Just gets by, with "out"
Makes (out)
Makes (out), but by just a smidge
Scrapes together, with "out"
Squeezes (by)
Just makes (out)
Barely squeezes (out)
Gets with great effort, with "out"
Squeaks (out)
Barely makes (out)
Just scrapes (by)
Scrimps, with "by"
Squeaks (by)
Squeezes (with "out")
__ out (just manages)
Just scrapes
Meagerly manages
Manages, with "out"
Lengthens, old-style
Barely squeezes
Barely scrapes
__ out a living (gets by)
Stretches the budget, with "out"
___ out a living (barely gets by)
Just gets by
Scrapes (by)
___ out a living (just gets by)
Stretches a budget, with "out"
Laboriously maintains, with "out"
Barely achieves, with "out"
Barely makes, with "out"
Just beats, with "by"
Opposite of "wastes", with "out"
Beats by only a bit, with "by"
Does just enough for, with "out"
Barely manages, with "out"
Stretches, as a budget
___ out (barely makes)
___ out (gets by)
___ out a living
Barely earns, with "out"
Just manages, with "out"
___ out a living (barely manages to survive)
___ out a living (barely scrapes by)
Barely squeaks by, with "out"
Gets with effort, with "out"
Contrives to make (a living), with "out"
Squeezes (out), as a living
___ out a living (gets by)
Scrapes by, with "out"
___ out (barely manages)
Supports laboriously, with "out"
___ by (just manages)
Just makes, with "out"
___ by (barely manages)
Makes do
Stretches, with "out"
Survives barely, with "out"
___ out: makes do
Just about makes, with "out"
Marginally makes, with "out"
__ out: barely makes
__ out a living: just gets by
Gets by, with "out"
Gets with difficulty, with "out"
Barely scratches (out)
With 23-Across, barely earns
Barely gets by, with "out"
Laboriously earns, with "out"
__ out: barely gets
Barely gets, with "out"
Makes do, with "out"
Manages somehow, with "out"
Earns with difficulty, with "out"
Endures hardship to make, with "out"
__ out a living
__ out a win
Barely gets (by)
Manages to attain, with "out"
__ out a living: barely manages
Manages to get, with "out"
Increases: Scot.
Strains to get
__ out a living (makes do)
Barely beats, with "by"
Just manages, with "by"
__ out a living (just manages)
__ out (barely manages)
__ out a victory (barely wins)
Wrings (out)
__ by (barely manages)
__ out a victory (wins barely)
__ by (just manages)
__ out a living (scrapes by)
__ out a living (barely gets by)
Hardly makes, with "out"
Barely sustains, with "out"
Gets with great difficulty, with "out"
Struggles to make, with "out"
Gets by.
Pieces out.
Adds to, with "out."
Barely makes a living (with "out").
Contrives to make do.
Adds something missing to (with "out").
Makes a little go a long way.
Scrapes through.
Lengthens: Dial.
Adds to: Dial.
___ out (makes additions to).
___ out.
___ out (adds something missing to).
Makes ends meet (with "out").
Achieves with effort.
___ out (stretches).
Stretches one's wherewithal
Makes out barely
Just manages
___ out (gets along)
Augments (with "out")
Gets by, but barely
Supplements with difficulty
___ out (just manages)
Stretches the budget
Anagram of seek
Barely manages
Gets by barely
___ out (gets by, barely)
Squeezes out a living
Anagram for seek
___ out (makes last)
___ out (manages)
Scarcely makes do, with "out"
Squeezed by
Stretches to make last
Monograms of a certain Duke
_____ out (scrapes by)
_____ out (supplements)
Meagerly maintains, with "out"
Barely produces, with "out"
Gets by on, with "out"
Grinds (out)
Barely makes it, with "by"
Squeezes (by), as to the next round of a tournament
-- out (barely manages)
Pushes (out)
-- out (scrapes together)
-- out (just manages)
-- out (barely earns)
___ out a victory
___ out (barely achieves, as a win)
Makes a living laboriously (with "out")
_____ out (manages, barely)
_____ out a living
Just makes do (with "out")
_____ out (barely gets)
_____ out (barely makes)
Lives from hand-to-mouth (with "out")
Meagerly manages (with "out")
_____ out (barely gets by)
_____ out (gets by)
Acquires with effort
Achieves with difficulty (With "out")
Achieves with effort (with "out")
Barely makes do ( with "out")
Scratches by ( with "out")
Exists on a small pittance (with "by")
____ out a living
Just makes, as a living (with "out")
___ out (barely earns)
___ out a meager existence
___ out a meager living
Barely makes it
___ out (scrapes by)
___ out a living (scrapes by)
Squeaks by, with "out"
___ out a victory (barely wins)
Just makes do
____ out
____ out: gets by
Makes do barely
____ out: makes do
Barely makes do
Supplements, the hard way
___ out a win (barely triumphs)
Lengthens: arch.
Uses frugally
___ out (barely copes)
___ out (barely gets by)
Gets through great effort
Somehow manages (with "out")
Scratches (out), as a living
___ out a living (barely makes it)
--- out (barely gets)
Barely scrapes together, with "out"
___ out (barely achieves)
Just makes, as a living
___ out (gets with difficulty)
With 33-Down, barely gets