- Went fishing for slippery swimmers
- Fished with a pot
- Caught congers
- Caught with some pots
- Used a pot on the main
- Caught with a pot
- Fished like a pot user?
- Fished with pots
- Sought a moray on the sea
- Sought morays
- Sought congers
- Went sniggllng
- Slithered
- Trapped congers
- Went for congers
- Went sniggling
- Sniggled
- Went for lampreys
- Conquered congers
- Fished the Sargasso
- Did some sniggling
- Hunted morays
- Tried to catch morays
- Fished for morays
- Fished for congers
- Fished for long, sharp-toothed prey
- Fished, in a way
- Fished using pots, perhaps
- Fished with the National Anguilla Club
- Looked for lampreys
- Joined a conger line?
- Did some fishing
- Nabbed morays
- Went fishing, in a way
- Went for 15 Acrosses
- Hunted for morays
- Sought long fish
- Went for morays
- Moved sinuously
- Angled for certain fish.
- Fished.
- Angled for morays.
- Fished for wrigglers.
- Caught spitchcocks.
- Fished for elvers.
- Wriggled away.
- Angled for lampreys.
- Caught lampreys.
- Hunted congers
- Squirmed along
- Went after congers
- Went after morays
- Caught morays
- Trapped morays
- Fished for grown-up grigs
- Fished selectively
- Hunted lampreys
- Tried to catch a conger
- Sought lampreys
- Went congering
- Fished for lampreys
- Searched for morays
- Caught congers, e.g.
- Went after some shocking things?
- Helped supply a sushi restaurant, say
- Caught fish in a pot, say
- Moved about sinuously
- Tried to catch some fish
- Fished for congers, e.g.
- Set certain underwater traps
- Fished with traps, perhaps
- Caught some congers
- Caught elvers
- Ensnared elvers
- Fished for morays, e.g.
- Sought snigglers
- Fished for unagi
- Looked for congers