- Eased up
- Dropped off
- Dwindled
- Declined
- Wanned
- Didn't flow?
- Came back, as water
- Subsided
- Underwent recession
- Fell off
- Went out
- Receded
- Let up
- Opposite of "advanced"
- Became worse
- Revealed more rocks
- Backed away from the shore
- Dwindled away
- Diminished
- Gradually declined
- Went out, as the tide
- Died down
- Slipped away
- Receded, as the tide
- Waned
- Flowed back
- Petered out
- Drew away
- Lessened
- Pulled back
- Fell back
- Tapered off
- Fell away
- Drew away from shore
- Slacked off
- Faded away
- Receded, as a tide
- Lessened, as the tide
- Flagged
- Ran out.
- Abated.
- Slackened.
- Fell gradually.
- Refluxed
- Sank
- Went out with the waves
- Went to a lower level
- Flowed back, as the tide
- Flowed out, as the tide
- Went back, as a tide
- Drew back
- Lost intensity
- Drew back, as the tide
- Flowed away
- Abated, as a tide
- Drew back, as a tide
- Went out from the shore
- Gradually rolled back
- Eased off
- Declined, as a tide
- Gradually lessened
- Receded from shore
- Receded like the tide
- Flowed out like the tide
- Receded from the shore
- Flowed back out, like the tide
- Moved back, as the tide
- Grew weaker